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Conducted on
Full Name of Quality Officer
Consumer Dignity and Choice
I have received orientation and training relative to consumer dignity and choice
I know what to do if a consumer’s dignity is not being upheld
I can describe in my everyday practice how I recognise, promote and value differences in identity as well as respect and promote cultural awareness
I understand the rights of consumers and have the skills to support consumers to exercise choice
I know how to adapt care and services to ensure cultural safety
I can describe how I use problem-solving solutions to minimise risk and tailor solutions to help the consumer live the life they choose
I can provide examples of different ways information is communicated to make sure it’s easy to understand and accessible to diverse consumers
I understand the rights of consumers regarding privacy, confidentiality and use of personal information
Ongoing Assessment and Planning with Customers
I have received orientation and training relative to assessment and planning with customers
I can describe the assessment and care planning processes and how they inform how care and services are delivered
I can provide examples of inclusive care planning which is tailored to meet the cultural preferences of consumers from diverse backgrounds
I can describe the ways in which I work with consumers, other organisations and health professionals to deliver a tailored care and services plan and monitor and review the plan as needed.
I know how to access a care and services plan, how they are updated and how changes are communicated to consumers
I can provide examples of how care and service reviews capture all aspects of a consumer’s health and wellbeing.
Personal and Clinical Care
I have received orientation and training relative to personal and clinical care
I can describe how I deliver safe, effective, best-practice care in line with relevant policies and tailored to meet the needs, goals and preferences of the consumer
I understand effective management of high-prevalence risks and where to find information regarding best-practice personal or clinical care
I can describe how the needs, goals and preferences of consumers nearing end of life are recognised, their comfort maximised, and dignity preserved
I can recognise a change or deterioration in a consumer’s health and understand to procedure to respond accordingly
I can describe the procedure for documenting and communicating consumer information within the organisation and outside the organisation if appropriate
I understand referral procedures and criteria including the role and involvement of consumers in this process
I have been advised of the benefits of benefits or receiving an influenza vaccination and have been offered an opportunity to receive this
I can describe my organisation’s infection prevention and control program and understand my responsibility relative to this program
Services and Supports for Daily Living
I have received training and orientation relative to services and supports for daily living
I can describe the process to determine what a consumer can do for themselves and what they want to do in order to maintain their independence and quality of life
I can demonstrate how I adapt to assist consumers to participate in their community, have social and personal relationships and do things that interest them
I receive updated information about consumer condition relative to their needs or goals which that may impact upon my role, duties or responsibilities
I understand the referral process and can describe the ways in which consumers are actively involved in decisions regarding referrals
I can create an engaging mealtime experience with food that is varied and of appropriate quality and quantity
I understand consumers’ nutrition and hydration needs including special dietary needs and the procedure to report changes
I know how to safely use the equipment we provide to consumers and the procedure to report any potential risk for safe use
I can describe the maintenance and cleaning routines for the equipment we provide to consumer
Organisation’s Service Environment
I have received orientation and training relevant to the organisation’s service environment
I can describe the ways in which the organisation removes barriers that might exclude some consumers
I can describe the ways in which the service environment supports consumer dignity, ability and independence to ensure that the environment is welcoming to all consumers
I understand my responsibility relative to policy and procedures to protect consumers from avoidable harm
I can describe how to report a safety hazard, incident or emergency
I can describe procedures for cleaning and maintenance of furniture, fittings and/or equipment and understand the process for adaptations to meet consumer need
Feedback and complaints
I have received orientation and training relative to feedback and complaints
I can describe the organisation’s complaints and feedback procedure and can provide examples of ways in which consumers are encouraged to provide feedback
I can identify if a consumer requires advocacy services and know how to support consumers through the process including locating interpreter services
I can describe examples of complaint resolution including how I communicate with consumers regarding the outcome
I understand how the organisation documents and analyses feedback and can describe how this is used to improve the quality of care and services
Human resources
I understand how the rostering system works and have confidence that the right number of staff and mix of skills is provided to deliver quality services
I can describe how I interact with consumers in a way that is kind, caring and respectful of each consumer’s identity, culture and diversity within my day-to-day practice
I possess the knowledge and skills to perform my role and I feel that I am adequately supervised and have access to professional develop opportunities
I have opportunity to provide feedback to my organisation regarding training and professional development
I have received performance review or have one scheduled and I understand how this links to my own development
Organisational Governance
I have received orientation and training relative to organisational governance
I can describe ways in which consumers are involved in the development, delivery and evaluation of services including the use of consumer feedback to improve service delivery
I can describe how the organisation demonstrates the values and behaviours that are promoted by our governing body
I understand and can describe the organisation’s vision, aims and strategic objectives that impact my practice
I can provide examples of how my organisation delivers safe, inclusive and quality care and services
I can describe examples of how the organisation supports openness, discussion, engagement, respect, trust and a culture of good governance
I understand my own authority to make decisions and the policies that inform the decision-making process
I can describe the systems and practices I use to reduce common risks to consumer health and wellbeing
I understand my responsibility relative to the reporting requirements of harm, abuse and neglect
I feel confident I could recognise different types of abuse and neglect
I understand my responsibility and accountability relative to the effectiveness, safety and quality of clinical services
I can describe how data is collected to inform clinical performance indicators and describe how this leads to improvements in clinical care
Full name and signature of Quality Officer