Title Page

  • Press next to complete the CMR New starter form.

CMR New Starter Form

  • Full Name

  • Mobile telephone number

  • Email address

Personal Information (To be fully completed)

  • Position/Trade/Skills

  • What trade qualifications do you have?

  • Full Postal address

  • Date of birth

  • Age

  • Marital status

  • National Insurance number

  • UTR Number

  • Public Liability Insurance

  • Please attach a copy of the insurance.

  • Insurance Company

  • Limit of cover and expiry date

CSCS or Equivalent cards

  • Do you have a CSCS or Equivalent card?

  • Card registration number

  • Colour

  • Type of card

  • Expiry date

  • Please attach a copy of your card

  • Do you have a CITV number?

  • Please enter the number:


  • Are you trained on any of the following (Select all that apply)

Next of Kin details

  • Name

  • Relationship

  • Full postal address (if different from above)

  • Contact number

H&S Questions

  • Have you personally been involved in or had any<br>reportable accidents in the last three years?

  • Please provide details of the accident

  • Have you ever personally been prosecuted or served a<br>formal notice by the HSE?

  • Please provide information of the prosecution/notice

  • Are all of your tools fit for purposes and fully maintained<br>on a regular basis?

  • Are all of your electrical tools and equipment fit for purposes, and fully<br>maintained and tested on a regular basis?

  • Are all of your vehicles fit for purposes, insured and fully maintained on<br>a regular basis?

  • Do you have health and safety assistance/support?

  • Do you have a DBS assessment

  • Do you have a health and safety (H&S) policy?

  • Do you agree to adopt ours?

  • Do you have your own risk assessments?

  • Do you agree to adopt ours?

  • Do you have your own safe working method statement?

  • Do you agree to adopt ours?

  • Do you know that you must wear appropriate PPE as required by the<br>tasks/hazards?

  • What PPE will you provide?

Declaration of truth and understanding

  • To the best of my knowledge and understanding the information supplied by me on this form is both true and accurate.
    I fully understand my responsibilities and my legal duties regarding Health & Safety, and will endeavour to abide by the organisations H&S Policy and all site
    rules as governed by the Principal Contractor/Site Manager. I will so far as reasonably practicable abide by your companies H&S Policy, Method Statements
    and Risk Assessments, unless I provide my own (if I do provide my own they will be suitable, appropriate and applicable to the tasks we will undertake.

  • Signed by

  • Date

Press next to accept the CMR Company standards

Please take the time to read and understand the standard we expect as a minimum

  • 1. Sign in and out at the site register each day

  • 2. Work to CMR method statement and risk assessments specific to each site

  • 3. Respect others on site at all times

  • 4. Comply with minimum PPE requirements at all times

  • 5. Complete all work in line with CMR’s required quality standard (See Quality Checklist Sheet D010 copy provided)

  • 6. Waste to be kept to a minimum and offcuts to be re-used where necessary

  • 7. Not to waste mortar and only request what you are going to use

  • 8. The area which you are working is to be cleaned by you/your gang before moving onto the next area of work

  • 9. Your areas of completed work must be protected from weather by you/your gang

  • 10. Ensure the materials you are using are covered each day

  • 11. If any work has been incorrectly built by you/your gang, we expect this to be

  • 12. If you/your gang don’t adhere to standards 7 to 12 – CMR may pass on costs

  • 13. Measures, timesheets and invoices to be submitted to accounts by Monday 5pm Monday

  • 14. Where day works are required, this is to be agreed and signed off by the site invoices

  • 15. Where working on an hourly rate you agree to register and use Deputy the online timesheet App used by CMR

  • 16. Must have a Public Liability insurance policy with a minimum cover of £2m (CMR can assist with arranging this if required)

I have read and understood the CMR Standards

  • Signed:

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.