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Tool Box Talk

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

  • Reason: Awareness of the legal responsibilities of employers and employees.
    Why: You cannot comply with the law if you are not aware of what it says.
    Outline: This talk will cover legal responsibilities and penalties under the Act.
    Scope of the Health and Safety at Work Act

    1. Everyone in the construction industry has legal duties under the Act.
    2. Everyone in the construction industry is protected by the Act.
    3. The Act allows Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspectors to visit sites and take enforcement
    action if work areas and activities are not safe.

    General provisions of the Act
    1. Under the Act, your employer has a legal duty to provide:
    • safe plant and equipment, and safe methods of work
    • safe use of work articles and substances
    • information, instruction, training and supervision
    • a safe place of work with safe access and egress
    • a safe work environment with adequate welfare facilities.
    2. Under the Act, you as an employee have legal duties to:
    • safeguard your own safety and health and that of others who may be affected by your actions
    • co-operate with the employer to help them comply with their legal duties
    • not interfere with anything provided for health and safety.

    1. Breaches of the Act are criminal offences which may be punished by fines, prison or both.
    2. Individuals, as well as companies, can be prosecuted for breaches of the Act.

    1. The powers of HSE inspectors include:
    • entering places of work (including construction sites) at any time and without notice –
    if necessary, with the help of the police
    • carrying out investigations and prosecuting their own cases in court
    • insisting that the scene of an accident remains undisturbed
    • issuing Improvement and Prohibition Notices
    • taking statements and removing records and documents.

    Data protection statement
    The information and data provided herein applies only to the contract for which it was written, it shall not be duplicated, disclosed or disseminated by the recipient in whole or in part for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written permission from Watson & Watson Health & Safety Consultants Limited

  • It is the duty of all employees to observe the following method statement framed to provide a code of good practice and conduct with the object of preventing accidents, At all times employees must work in a safe manner both to prevent personal injury to themselves or to other personnel. At all times employees must work in a safe manner both to prevent personal injury or injury/harm to others. I
    have understood the contents of this Toolbox Talk. Anything I did not understand has been explained to me to
    my satisfaction

  • Tick the box to confirm you have read and understood this document.

  • Signed by

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