Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Site Inspection Sheet


  • Inspection type

  • Name of employees/sub-contractors being observed:

  • Are the employees/sub-contractors trained or the tasks which they are doing?

  • Cease task


  • Method statement applicable:

  • Cease task

  • Method statement being adhered to:

  • Take remedial action


  • Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment being used/worn by all the employees/sub-contractors?

  • Cease task

  • Have the employees/sub-contractors using PPE been trained in the equipment’s use and fitting?

  • Cease task

  • Are the employees/sub-contractors wearing the appropriate work wear?

  • Cease task


  • Does the equipment being used carry the appropriate certification of testing (PAT etc)?

  • Cease Task

  • Have the employees/sub-contractors using the equipment, been trained in the correct use of operation?

  • Cease task

  • Have the employees/sub-contractors using the equipment, carried out a visual inspection of the equipment prior to use? (Check records)

  • Cease task and carry out a pre-use inspection

  • Is the equipment fit for purpose and being used for its designated purpose?

  • Cease task

  • Additional comments or observations:


  • Note: Prior to using a ladder to “Work From” consider whether it is the right equipment for the job!

  • Are the ladders/stepladders being used have a current inspection tag?

  • Do not use

  • Have the ladders/stepladders been pre-use inspected?

  • Inspection required

  • Are the ladders/stepladders in good working order?

  • Complete defect notice

  • Are the ladders/stepladders positioned in a safe area? (Consider risk collision)

  • Take action

  • Are the ladder/s standing on firm, level ground at 75°? (1 out, 4 up)

  • Take action

  • Are the extended ladder/s extended 1m above the “Landing Place”?

  • Take action

  • Are the ladder/s standing on firm, level ground?

  • Take action

  • Ensure the ladder is Tied (whenever possible) or Footed (Not acceptable for ladders over 5m)

  • Are the ladders/stepladders securely stored when not in use?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments or observations:


  • Are the MEWP/s being used have a current inspection tag?

  • Take action

  • Has the MEWP/s been pre-use inspected? (Check the pre-use inspection sheet)

  • Take action

  • Do the MEWP Operators hold a valid licence?

  • Take action

  • Are the MEWP Operators using suitable restraint harnesses?

  • Do the restraint harnesses being used have a current inspection tag??

  • Take action

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out in relation to the MEWP’s current use?

  • Take action

  • Is the MEWP being use as it is intended?

  • Take action

  • Is the MEWP being used on sound, level ground?

  • Take action

  • Is the MEWP being used away from high level hazards - Power cables & trees etc?

  • Take action

  • Are the weather conditions conducive to the use of the MEWP?

  • Take action

  • Has access around the MEWP been restricted and adequate signage prominent? YES

  • Take action

  • Are the controls for un-authorised use in place and sufficient?

  • Take action

  • Is the MEWP stowed in a safe and secure place when not in use?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments or observations:


  • Scaffolding requires re-inspection every 7 days or after alterations, extensions, collision with machinery or adverse weather conditions etc!

  • Confirm that the current scaffolding has a current “Scaff-Tag”?

  • Do not use

  • Has the scaffolding been visually inspected? (Check the pre-use inspection sheet)

  • Do not use

  • Has the scaffolding been “unofficially” altered in any way?

  • Take Action

  • Is the scaffolding being used as per its designed purpose? (Loading etc)

  • Take Action

  • Is access/egress to the scaffolding secured when unattended?

  • Take Action

  • Has access to the area below the scaffolding been restricted and adequate signage prominent

  • Take action

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Scaffold Towers requires re-inspection every 7 days or after alterations, extensions, collision with machinery or adverse weather conditions etc!

  • Confirm that the scaffold tower has a current inspection tag?

  • Do not use

  • Has the scaffold tower been erected in accordance with manufacturer’s<br>instructions?

  • Do not use

  • Has the scaffolding tower been visually inspected? (Check the pre-use inspection sheet)

  • Do not use

  • Is the scaffold tower on firm level ground with locked castors or base plates properly supported?

  • Do not use

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out in relation to the scaffold towers current use?

  • Do not use

  • Is the scaffold tower only being used for that which it is intended?

  • Take action

  • Is the scaffold tower being used away from high level hazards - Power cables &<br>trees etc?

  • Do not use

  • Are the weather conditions conducive to the use of the scaffold tower?

  • Do not use

  • Is access/egress to the scaffolding tower secured when unattended?

  • Take action

  • Has access around the scaffolding tower been restricted and adequate signage<br>prominent?

  • Take action

  • Is the scaffolding tower stowed in a safe and secure place when not in use?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Has the trestle been erected in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions?

  • Do not use

  • Are the pre-use inspection records up to date and complete?

  • Cease task

  • Is the trestle on firm, level ground?

  • Do not use

  • Has a risk assessment been carried out in relation to the trestles current use?

  • Do not use

  • Is the trestle only being used for that which it is intended?

  • Take action

  • Is the trestle being used away from high level hazards - Power cables & trees etc?

  • Do not use

  • Are the weather conditions conducive to the use of the trestle?

  • Do not use

  • Has access around the trestle been restricted and adequate signage prominent?

  • Take action

  • Is the scaffolding tower stowed in a safe and secure place when not in use?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Specify in detail the method and appropriate checks taken, including ALL safety precautions


  • Work involving the insulation or the removal of asbestos MUST only be carried out by a licensed contractor. Employees/subcontractors must cease work if they are suspicious of any materials containing asbestos and report their suspicions t the
    nominated responsible person (Manager or supervisor etc)

  • Is a copy of the asbestos survey available?

  • Take action

  • Are the results known about the asbestos survey to the appropriate employees/subcontractors?

  • Take action

  • Are the employees/sub-contractors aware of what actions to take in the event of<br>finding “unrecorded” asbestos?

  • Take action

  • Are there applicable risk assessments and method statements in place and being<br>adhered to?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Are MSDS readily available for the appropriate materials and substances being used?

  • Take action

  • Are the materials and substances being used for their intended purpose?

  • Take action

  • Are the materials and substances being stored in a secure manner as<br>recommended when not in use?

  • Take action

  • Are the materials and substances labelled correctly?

  • Take action

  • Do the materials and substances cause obstructions to access routes or safety<br>appliances?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Is the pedestrian access segregated from the vehicular access?

  • Take action

  • Are the work areas segregates from unauthorised access?

  • Take action

  • Is all signage appropriately and prominently affixed?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Are work areas tidy, clean, uncluttered and dry/wet areas controlled?

  • Take action

  • Is all the welfare equipment kept clean and in a condition appropriate for its use?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Rest area/s are appropriate for their use?

  • Take action

  • Is all the welfare equipment kept clean and in a condition appropriate for its use?

  • Take action

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Are the employees / contractors aware of whom the nominated first aider is?

  • Inform

  • Is the first aider aware of the location of the first aid kit?

  • Inform

  • Is the first aid kit fully equipped (Refer to “Check List”)

  • Inform

  • Are the employees / contractors aware of emergency services contact telephone numbers?

  • Inform

  • Are the employees / contractors aware of the nearest telephone point?

  • Inform

  • Are the employees / contractors aware of the emergency procedures?

  • Inform

  • Are the employees / contractors aware of the emergency assembly point locations?

  • Inform

  • Additional comments, observations or actions:


  • Notes:

Sign off

  • Signature of nominated responsible person:

  • Position:

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.