
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Region

  • Contractor

  • Installer and AMI Seal Number

  • Job Description

  • Audit Date

  • Time

1. Site Risk Management

  • Is a relevant SWMS available and a Site Risk Assessment (JSA) completed for the work.

  • Has the JSA been signed and dated and the SWMS identified?

  • Is the installer familiar with hazards associated with each task and work site.

  • Have subcontractors (e.g. Traffic Management) been inducted onto the site and signed onto the JSA?

  • Overall, is the JSA adequate for the worksite?

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Is approved PPE clothing worn and is wrist to ankle coverage maintained?

  • Is approved safety footwear worn?

  • Is other appropriate PPE utilised and in good condition? (e.g. hard hats, hearing and eye protection)?

3. Traffic and Pedestrian Management

  • Has the appropriate Traffic and Pedestrian Management Plan been identified, and does it meet all requirements?

  • Does the actual traffic/pedestrian layout reflect the Traffic/Pedestrian Management Plan?

  • Is pedestrian traffic safely controlled through the worksite?

  • Are traffic signs and devices legible and undamaged?

  • Are suitable barriers provided to protect the public from the work site?

  • Where site is to be left overnight, are adequate protection measures, lighting and night guidance provided?

  • Are traffic management personnel wearing high visibility PPE?

4. Forms/Documentation

  • Does the installer have all documented procedures and work instructions for work to be performed?

  • Are all asbestos procedures available on request?

  • Does the installer have documentation for stock carried?

  • Does the installer have documentation to handle defects or escalations?

  • Does the installer have documentation for handling customer complaints?

  • Does the installer have documentation for potential emergency scenarios?

  • Does the installer have a list of emergency numbers of who to call?

5. Skills and Competency

  • Do all personnel have Passports on site?

  • Is all training and are all authorisations current for the functional role of the Passport holder?

  • Do all personnel have their ID’s?

  • Is the driver carrying their vehicle licence?

  • Is the licence appropriate for the class of vehicle?

6. Vehicles/Plant

  • Are all vehicles on site registered?

  • What is the condition of the vehicles/plant on site (cleanliness)?

  • Is all equipment adequately secured?

  • Does the vehicle have UE Authorised Contractor signage clearly displayed?

  • Is the vehicle in presentable condition?

  • Does the vehicle display the dangerous goods and hazardous substances signage?

  • Is the vehicle equipped with handling asbestos materials?

  • Are stock levels including new and abolished stock handled in a safe and secure manner?

  • Does the vehicle contain the appropriate PPE including installer equipment, witches hats, etc for the role performed?

  • Is there a fully operational fire extinguisher available?

7. First Aid

  • Is there an intact First Aid kit?

  • Is the kits location marked on the vehicle?

  • Do the contents appear to be complete, in good condition and within expiry dates

8. Tools and Equipment: Testing and Condition

  • Are all electrical tools and PETE items within their test date range?

  • Is all electrical test and measurement equipment in test date?

  • Has any test equipment been modified? (e.g. probes extended)

  • Are LV gloves in good condition?

  • Is all other equipment available? (e.g. signs)

9. Worksite/Work Practices

  • Has the installer notified the householder of meter exchange?

  • Has the meter been installed at the correct address?

  • Has the correct meter been installed for the installation?

  • Is the work site well protected?

  • Has the installer used the correct PPE for the Job?

  • Is the condition of the customer meter enclosure acceptable?

  • Is the condition of the meter board / panel acceptable?

  • Is the metering equipment in good working order? (e.g. links, fuses)?

  • Has the installer followed the correct work instructions for the meter type?

  • Has asbestos been identified and steps, procedures followed?

  • Has all unused metering cables been removed or terminated?

  • Has work area been tested for de-energised?

  • Is Installation under test signage clearly displayed?

  • Has metering conductors polarity been identified prior to isolation of metering equipment?

  • Has existing phase sequence been established?

  • Is there unhindered access to meter isolation point?

  • Have shorting leads been inserted at CT test block ?

  • Has metering equipment been tested for de-energised at terminals (less than 5.5 volts de-energised)

  • Has metering equipment been tested for de-energised ?

  • Have all connections and equipment been rechecked after meter alteration (e.g. screw tightness)?

  • Has the meter been installed at correct level and height?

  • Has metering equipment been firmly secured to the board?

  • Have the correct fasteners been used to secure metering equipment?

  • Have shorting leads been removed?

  • Have all tamper seals been installed on metering equipment? (meters, links, fuses)

  • Has antenna been installed correctly?

  • Has the IP rating of the meter cabinet been maintained? (when antenna installed)

  • Has existing phase sequence been completed?

  • Has load test been completed?

  • Have commissioning procedures and F.O.R. been completed as per network instructions? (constant and C.T.ratio)

  • Has the work site been left tidy?

10. Communications

  • Is there at least one form of reliable communication on site? (e.g. mobile phone, radio, etc)

  • Have, Safety Alerts, Safety Grams been made available to the work crew?

  • Are the work crew aware and understand the incident reporting process?

  • Was the customer / occupier notified of meter exchange?

  • Was an information card lift on site for the customer / occupier?

  • Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.