Wood name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Level Information
Site Type From GIS and Ancient Woodland Layer
- Other Ancient Wood
Site description
Larger sites may need to be be stratified into relatively homogeneous areas. Add additional strata as required. Sketch strata boundaries onto a map for later reference.
Strata Level information
The site connections to other areas of biodiversity and how the site sits in the wider habitat is important
Fully Surrounded - the area is fully surrounded by other areas key to biodiversity.
Multiple Connections - the area forms a key link between several other areas key to biodiversity.
Connected Through - the site forms a link between two otherwise disconnected areas of biodiversity.
Single Connection - the site is adjacent to another area of biodiversity but does not form a link.
Locally Disconnected - there are other sites important to biodiversity locally but the site is not directly connected to them.
Isolated - there are no other biodiversity sites locally. -
Brief Stratum description
Site Connectivity
- Fully Surrounded
- Multiple Connections
- Through Connection
- Single Connection
- Locally Disconnected
- Isolated
Classify the stratum
- Already clearfelled
- To be clearfelled
1. Veteran Trees
Veteran Trees. In PAWS these are those trees that probably significantly pre-date the crop.
Abundant >25 trees per ha
Frequent >5 trees per ha
Infrequent <5 trees per ha
Rare <1 tree per ha
Absent no trees present on site -
Veteran Trees
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
2. Non Veteran Native Trees
In PAWS these would be Native trees that probably grew up with the current crop or since it was planted.
Abundant >25 trees per ha
Frequent >5 trees per ha
Infrequent <5 trees per ha
Rare <1 tree per ha
Absent no trees present on site -
Non Veteran Native Trees<br><br>
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
3. Existing Regeneration of Native Trees
Abundant - regeneration spread widely throughout area
Frequent - patches of regeneration throughout area
Infrequent - occasional scattered patches of regeneration or individual small trees
Rare - occasional regenerating tree
Absent - no regeneration -
Existing Regeneration of Native Trees<br>
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
If regeneration is absent add reason
Reason for lack of regeneration if absent.
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
4. Deadwood
Significant standing and fallen deadwood would be larger than 20cm in diameter
Abundant >25 dead trees or significant limbs
Frequent >5 dead trees or significant limbs per ha
Infrequent <5 dead trees or significant limbs per ha
Rare - very occasional limb or dead tree
Absent - no deadwood present -
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
5. Vegetation
Thinking in particular about native woodland indicator species;
Abundant - good range of expected species and population density
Good - reasonable representation of expected species and present in reasonable populations
Rare - only occasional common species
Absent - there is no evidence of native woodland indicator species anywhere within the area -
Vegetation in stratum
Ancient woodland indicator species present
- Bluebell
- Greater stitchwort
- Common Cow-wheat
- Wood sage
- Greater woodrush
- Slender St John's wort
- Yellow pimpernel
- Pignut
- Primrose
- Wood sorrel
- Dogs mercury
- Enchanters nightshade
- Common Figwort
- Sweet Woodruff
- Barren Strawberry
- Wild Strawberry
- Ramsons
- Wood Anemone
- Herb Paris
- Sanicle
- Opposite-leaved golden saxifrage
- Other-add in comments
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
6. Rare Species
Include both Flora and Fauna. Also consider nesting and breeding sites for rare species.
Key site - known breeding or refuge site for particularly rare or endangered species. Eg white tailed eagle, capercaillie. Include all designated sites here.
Important Site - site with 'second level' protected species. Eg red squirrel, otter, badger
Local interest Site - site with local interest or rarity
Expansion site - site with the potential to allow the expansion of local populations from adjacent areas or potential habitat link.
Absent - no rare species present or in the locality -
Rare Species
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
7.Archaeology and Cultural Significance
Archaeology and Cultural Significance
- Scheduled Site
- Unscheduled but Important Site
- Local Interest Site
- Agricultural Legacy (dykes, sheep fanks etc) only
- None Present
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
8. Amenity, Landscape and Public Access
Consider the area in terms of its overall Amenity, Landscape and Public Access Importance.
Amenity, Landscape and Public Access Significance
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
9. Summary of Stratum
Suggested Stratum Management (tick all that apply)
- Natural Reserve
- Long Term Retention
- Low Impact Silviculture
- Thinning
- Haloing of Veterans and Larger Native Trees
- Widen Riparian Zones
- Control Invasive Non-natives
- Control Regeneration of Current Crop Trees
- Improve Deer Control
- Deer Fence
- Clearfell at Onset of Windthrow
- Restock with Native Bl or SP
- Restock with Conifer
- Restock with Mixed Con/Bl Species
- Leave for natural regeneration of suitable local seed source
Stratum Summary Comments and Information
Crop Stage
Consider the Site and Crop Stability
Site Stability
1. Veteran Trees
Veteran Trees. In PAWS these are those trees that probably significantly pre-date the crop.
Abundant >25 trees per ha
Frequent >5 trees per ha
Infrequent <5 trees per ha
Rare <1 tree per ha
Absent no trees present on site -
Veteran Trees
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
2. Non Veteran Native Trees
In PAWS these would be Native trees that probably grew up with the current crop or since it was planted.
Abundant >25 trees per ha
Frequent >5 trees per ha
Infrequent <5 trees per ha
Rare <1 tree per ha
Absent no trees present on site -
Non Veteran Native Trees<br><br>
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
3. Existing Regeneration of Native Trees
Abundant - regeneration spread widely throughout area
Frequent - patches of regeneration throughout area
Infrequent - occasional scattered patches of regeneration or individual small trees
Rare - occasional regenerating tree
Absent - no regeneration -
Existing Regeneration of Native Trees<br>
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
If regeneration is absent add reason
Reason for lack of regeneration if absent.
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
4. Deadwood
Significant standing and fallen deadwood would be larger than 20cm in diameter
Abundant >25 dead trees or significant limbs
Frequent >5 dead trees or significant limbs per ha
Infrequent <5 dead trees or significant limbs per ha
Rare - very occasional limb or dead tree
Absent - no deadwood present -
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
5. Vegetation
Thinking in particular about native woodland indicator species;
Abundant - good range of expected species and population density
Good - reasonable representation of expected species and present in reasonable populations
Rare - only occasional common species
Absent - there is no evidence of native woodland indicator species anywhere within the area -
Vegetation in stratum
Ancient woodland indicator species present
- Bluebell
- Greater stitchwort
- Common Cow-wheat
- Wood sage
- Greater woodrush
- Slender St John's wort
- Yellow pimpernel
- Pignut
- Primrose
- Wood sorrel
- Dogs mercury
- Enchanters nightshade
- Common Figwort
- Sweet Woodruff
- Barren Strawberry
- Wild Strawberry
- Ramsons
- Wood Anemone
- Herb Paris
- Sanicle
- Opposite-leaved golden saxifrage
- Other-add in comments
Other notable vegetation
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
6. Rare Species
Include both Flora and Fauna. Also consider nesting and breeding sites for rare species.
Key site - known breeding or refuge site for particularly rare or endangered species. Eg white tailed eagle, capercaillie. Include all designated sites here.
Important Site - site with 'second level' protected species. Eg red squirrel, otter, badger
Local interest Site - site with local interest or rarity
Expansion site - site with the potential to allow the expansion of local populations from adjacent areas or potential habitat link.
Absent - no rare species present or in the locality -
Rare Species
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
7.Archaeology and Cultural Significance
Archaeology and Cultural Significance
- Scheduled Site
- Unscheduled but Important Site
- Local Interest Site
- Agricultural Legacy (dykes, sheep fanks etc) only
- None Present
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
8. Amenity, Landscape and Public Access
Consider the area in terms of its overall Amenity, Landscape and Public Access Importance.
Amenity, Landscape and Public Access Significance
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
NVC Type
- W1- grey willow- marsh bedstraw
- W2a- Grey Sallow, White Birch, common Reed
- W2b- Grey Willow, D.birch, Common Reed
- W3- Bay Willow, Bottle sedge
- W4- D.Birch, Purple Moor-grass
- W5- Common Alder, Great Tussock Sedge
- W6- Common Alder, Nettle
- W7- Common Alder, Ash, Yellow Pimpernel
- W8- Ash, Field Maple, Dogs Mercury
- W9- Ash, Rowan, Dogs Mercury
- W10- Pedunculate Oak, Bracken, Bramble
- W11- Sessile Oak, Downy Birch, Wood Sorrel
- W12- Beech, Dogs Mercury
- W13- Yew woodland
- W14- Beech, Bramble
- W15- Beech, Wavy Hair- grass
- W16- Oak, Birch Wavy Hair-grass
- W17- Sessile Oak, Downy Birch, Moss
- W18- Scots pine, Moss
Consider the Site and Crop Stability
Site Stability
1. Veteran Trees
Veteran Trees. In PAWS these are those trees that probably significantly pre-date the crop.
Abundant >25 trees per ha
Frequent >5 trees per ha
Infrequent <5 trees per ha
Rare <1 tree per ha
Absent no trees present on site -
Veteran Trees
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
2. Non Veteran Native Trees
In PAWS these would be Native trees that probably grew up with the current crop or since it was planted.
Abundant >25 trees per ha
Frequent >5 trees per ha
Infrequent <5 trees per ha
Rare <1 tree per ha
Absent no trees present on site -
Non Veteran Native Trees<br><br>
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
3. Existing Regeneration of Native Trees
Abundant - regeneration spread widely throughout area
Frequent - patches of regeneration throughout area
Infrequent - occasional scattered patches of regeneration or individual small trees
Rare - occasional regenerating tree
Absent - no regeneration -
Existing Regeneration of Native Trees<br>
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
If regeneration is absent add reason
Reason for lack of regeneration if absent.
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
4. Deadwood
Significant standing and fallen deadwood would be larger than 20cm in diameter
Abundant >25 dead trees or significant limbs
Frequent >5 dead trees or significant limbs per ha
Infrequent <5 dead trees or significant limbs per ha
Rare - very occasional limb or dead tree
Absent - no deadwood present -
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
5. Vegetation
Thinking in particular about native woodland indicator species;
Abundant - good range of expected species and population density
Good - reasonable representation of expected species and present in reasonable populations
Rare - only occasional common species
Absent - there is no evidence of native woodland indicator species anywhere within the area -
Vegetation in stratum
Ancient woodland indicator species present
- Bluebell
- Greater stitchwort
- Common Cow-wheat
- Wood sage
- Greater woodrush
- Slender St John's wort
- Yellow pimpernel
- Pignut
- Primrose
- Wood sorrel
- Dogs mercury
- Enchanters nightshade
- Common Figwort
- Sweet Woodruff
- Barren Strawberry
- Wild Strawberry
- Ramsons
- Wood Anemone
- Herb Paris
- Sanicle
- Opposite-leaved golden saxifrage
- Other-add in comments
Other notable vegetation
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
6. Rare Species
Include both Flora and Fauna. Also consider nesting and breeding sites for rare species.
Key site - known breeding or refuge site for particularly rare or endangered species. Eg white tailed eagle, capercaillie. Include all designated sites here.
Important Site - site with 'second level' protected species. Eg red squirrel, otter, badger
Local interest Site - site with local interest or rarity
Expansion site - site with the potential to allow the expansion of local populations from adjacent areas or potential habitat link.
Absent - no rare species present or in the locality -
Rare Species
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
7.Archaeology and Cultural Significance
Archaeology and Cultural Significance
- Scheduled Site
- Unscheduled but Important Site
- Local Interest Site
- Agricultural Legacy (dykes, sheep fanks etc) only
- None Present
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions
8. Amenity, Landscape and Public Access
Consider the area in terms of its overall Amenity, Landscape and Public Access Importance.
Amenity, Landscape and Public Access Significance
Threat Status
- Critical (loss within 5 years)
- Threatened (loss within 10 years)
- Secure (for at least 10 years)
Nature of Threat (tick all that apply)
- Shading by Planted Crop
- Non-native Invasive Species
- Bracken, Strong Grasses etc
- Deer Browsing
- Regeneration of Conifer Trees
- Other (specify in comments below)
- Windblow in Overstory Crop
Comments/suggested actions