Title Page

  • Site conducted

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Health & Safety Notice Board

  • Is the business standard for the H&S Notice Board in place and is it being used properly with all current notices on display and kept away from public display?

  • Is the Health & Safety Law Poster up to date with correct detail of names and contacts numbers?

  • Is the Health & Safety, Environment & Quality Policies current and on display?

  • Is there a current copy of the Employers liability insurance certificate on display?

SHE Management Procedures

  • Is the Health and Safety Policy Manual in place and up to date?

Fire Safety

  • Does the building have a Fire Evacuation plan and is it posted on the H&S notice Board?

  • Does the building have a Fire risk assessment in place and is it in date ?

  • Are all means of escape clear of obstructions?

  • Has the fire fighting equipment been checked and is within date, are they mounted correctly with appropriate signage and clear of obstructions

  • Has the fire alarm been tested on a weekly basis and the findings recorded ?

  • Has a Full Fire Drill been carried out in the last 12 Months and the findings recorded?

  • Is there an emergency lighting system that is adequately maintained and has it been tested in the last month and the findings recorded?

  • Are illuminated signs and notices in hallways and exits in working order?

  • Is Exit Signage clearly visible?

  • Does the building have two fire wardens are their details recorded on the fire notice and their qualifications up to date?


  • Is the accident book readily available and located in a place where all employees can obtain it?

  • Is the accident book being used correctly?

  • Are all accidents / near misses reported and investigated in line with the companies Accident procedure and completed correctly and sent to The HSE Manager ?

First Aid

  • Are all employees aware of the need to report work related injuries and who to report them to?

  • Are the first aid arrangements, completed and up to date and a copy posted on the Visitors and H&S Notice Board?

  • Are first aid kits readily available, clearly marked and clear of obstructions and have they been checked on a monthly basis and the findings recorded?

  • Are Eye wash stations readily available clearly marked and clear of obstruction, have these been checked and the findings recorded?

  • Are there adequate first aid personnel and are their qualifications up to date?

Risk Assessment

  • Are all current risk assessments in place and issued to the appropriate employees?

  • Has the Office manager carried out a review of the buildings Specific risk assessments and attached these with controls to the appropriate assessment?

  • Are the risk assessments readily available to all employees?

Information / Instruction and Training

  • Are ongoing training needs regularly assessed and training records held for each employee?

  • Have all new employees completed the Induction process?

  • Do Managers & Supervisors have the information & training they need to manage workplace Health and safety effectively

Lone Worker Arrangements

  • Are all Staff aware of the Loan works Risk assessment and what actions are required to be carried out?

  • Is the alarm in good working order, is the Key holder aware of what actions are required to be carried out prior to and during an alarm call out.

Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare - Lighting

  • Are all areas adequately lit? E.g. Is the lighting suitable and sufficient for the employees to work and move around safely?

  • Are light fittings in good repair and clean?

  • Are light fittings suitably located?

Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare - Floors & Walkways

  • Are internal floors and stairs in good condition (no holes), free from obstructions and non-slip?

Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare - Sanitary Conveniences & washing Facilities

  • Are Sanitary Conveniences & washing Facilities readily available kept clean and adequately ventilated, and is there suitable wash facilities i.e. hot and cold water?

Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare - Welfare Facilities

  • Are there adequate facilities for rest and eating meals away from the normal work place?

  • Fridge / Microwave - Are the fridge and microwave kept in a clean and tidy state?

Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare - Cleanliness

  • Is the general appearance of the Reception areas and offices in line with the current Solarframe standard and in a clean and tidy state?

  • Is the general Appearance of the Toilets and hand wash area in line with the current Solarframe standard and in a clean and tidy state?

  • Is the general Appearance of the Canteen/ Staff area in line with the current Solarframe standard and in a clean and tidy state?

Display Screen Equipment (DSE - users only)

  • Have all DSE users been identified and has the DSE assessment been completed ?

Manual Handling

  • Has this assessment been communicated to all employees who may be affected by Manual handling tasks and has training been provided?

  • Are mechanical aids readily available to assist with manual handling?

Electrical Systems (Equipment, Buildings, Services)

  • Has the building fixed installation been inspected for electrical safety in the last 5 years

  • Is there a register of electrical tools & equipment used in the business?

  • Have the electrical tools & equipment used in the business been tested and the findings recorded on the register and had PAT stickers applied?(Check 5 Items)

  • Have all defects to the buildings electrical systems been identified and repaired as required

  • Are there sufficient power outlets?

  • Are Power outlets in good working order?

  • Are Power Leads and double adaptors in good conditions?

  • Does the staff ensure all socket are not overloaded?

  • Are all electrical switches in good working order?

  • Is the main switch circuit clearly accessible?

  • Is the main electrical switch circuit clearly labelled?


  • Does the business have a full record of all substances used in the workplace and do they have the relevant safety data sheet in the COSHH Folder with the Risk Assessment?

  • Are hazardous substances and fuels stored adequately?

Waste Storage & Disposal

  • Are waste container areas in a clean and tidy state?

  • Are food waste bins fitted with a close fitting lid, Use a bag systems and emptied on a daily basis?

  • Are all internal waste bins emptied regularly and kept clean and tidy?

  • Does the business hold a folder containing all Suppliers licences and receipts for all waste removed from the business (waste transfer and consignment notes)


  • Is storage adequate to meet requirements?

  • Are storage areas easily accessible?

  • Is all shelving and racking adequately secured to floor or wall to prevent them from tipping over?

  • Are racking / shelving cross members securely fastened to uprights with the use of clips /bolts?


  • Are all sets of keys and fobs accounted and signed for?

  • Is CCTV in operation, Is the system working correctly and are tapes where used

  • Are all Key holders contact information and details up to date and available for the manager?

Expectant Mothers and Young Workers (under 18)

  • Do all expectant mothers have an individual risk assessment in place and is this regularly reviewed and updated?

  • Do all young persons (under 18) have an individual risk assessment in place and is this regularly reviewed and updated?

Sign Off

  • Responsible person:

  • Conducted By:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.