Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Select the date and time of the inspection
List the name of the contractor conducting the Asbestos removal
Does the contractor hold a current Asbestos Removal Licence for the Asbestos being removed?
Are the personnel removing the asbestos appropriately trained?
Is there an Asbestos Removal Plan available?
Is there any evidence of residual remnants of any asbestos product remaining in the excavation/work area?
The asbestos that has been removed has it been been bagged/wrapped in accordance with How to Safely Remove Asbestos Code of Practice 2011? For example bags no more than half full, double bagged and openings "goosenecked" and sealed
Is, or has, the asbestos product that has been removed, been or being transported by a duly licensed Transporter?
List the transporter
Inspection sign off
An inspection has been undertaken by the undersigned of Programmed Facility Management has found that there is no visible asbestos residue remaining as a result of the asbestos removal work in the area where the asbestos removal work was performed or in the area immediately surrounding the area where the asbestos removal work was performed.
Auditors Signature
Asbestos Removalist Representatives Signature