Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Section 1: Location and description of work
Work information
Date/s for Works/ Activity:
Section 2: Asbestos Register
2.1 Has the Asbestos Register been reviewed by the staff member/Contractors?
2.2 Will the work disturb any asbestos containing material?
If the answer to 2.2 is YES - proceed to Section 3; if NO - proceed to section 4
Section 3: Work ON asbestos containing materials
3.1 Contractors competency to work on ACM's been confirmed?
3.2 Worked planned in accordance with the requirements of The Control Of Asbestos Regulations 2012?
3.3 Bursar/Site Manager been informed and given approal?
Work can commence once the above are confirmed
Section 4: Activity/Work NEAR asbestos containing materials
4.1 Has a method statement been prepared for the work?
The activity/works can commence once the above is confirmed but must stop immediately if any suspicious materials are discovered
Section 5: School Approval
Print Name:
Select date
Section 6: Staff/Contractor Confirmation I confirm that the activity/work will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of this permit and school asbestos management plan.
Print Name:
Company Name: