Naval Station
Facility Management
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C.2.1 General
1.Does the ATCFO properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Is the ATCFO a graduate of an ACA1 course (or equivalent DOD or DOT air traffic controller course) and possess an ATCS Certificate? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. If applicable, is the AATCFO a graduate of an ACA1 course (or equivalent DOD or DOT air traffic controller course) and possess an ATCS Certificate? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Does the ATC LCPO/ATC NCOIC properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Are the ATCFO and ATC LCPO/ATCNCOIC familiar with post mishap and hazard procedures as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Are operating initials assigned to each controller? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.3
7. Are facility files maintained using SSIC format? [SECNAVINST M-5210.2] 00-80T-114 M-5210.2 3.10.3
8. Does the ATCFO maintain statistical/historical data and retain such data as prescribed in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.10.3
9. Is a current copy of the ATC Facility Classification Letter on file in the ATCF? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] [OPNAVINST 3722.35] 3.1.1/2.10.
10. If the ATCF has unique mission requirements beyond its facility classification, does the ATCF have an updated classification letter authorizing it to provide those services? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Do retention standards/data relating to daily management of Air Traffic comply with the following: [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/SECNAVINST 5210.1] 3.10.4
a. Daily log/position logs - 6 months?
b. Flight plans - 6 months?
c. Flight progress strips - 3 months?
d. Mishap records/data - as set forth in NATOPS?
12. Is an AAFIF print out on file and up-to-date? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 2.9
13. Are FAA publications applicable to the naval establishment, as specified in ATC NATOPS, available in the ATCF library for use by facility controllers? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 1.4
14. Is CNO (NAATSEA) notified if the ATC Facility has not received a revised FAAO 7110.65/change to FAAO 7110.65 at least 30 days before the effective date of such revision/change? [FAAO 7110.65] 39083
15. Does the ATCF use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for entries on all forms, logs and written records, and radio and landline communications? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
16. Does the ATCF use local time for facility work schedules, daily traffic counts, and administrative forms and correspondence? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
17. Is the Air Activity Report prepared and distributed in compliance with NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.10.1
18. Does Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS) accurately reflect ATC deficiencies? [OPNAVINST 3501.360]] Page 4 see comment
19. Is the ATCFO assigned to and an active member of local and regional planning boards whose actions may affect ATC operations (procedures and/or equipment)? [OPNAVINST 3721.5] 3. page 13
20. Does the ATCFO use OPNAVINST 3722.35 as a reference for minimum baseline planning criteria for ATCF resources? [OPNAVINST 3722.35] 3. page 1
21. Does the quantity of operating positions used in the ATCF conform to the Operating Position Requirements presented in OPNAVINST 3722.35? [OPNAVINST 3722.35] 6. page 5 /10e
22. Does the equipment installed in the ATCF conform to the Operating Position Equipment Standards presented in OPNAVINST 3722.35? [OPNAVINST 3722.35] 11. page 14
23. Was a Vice Admiral Robert B. Pirie Naval Air Traffic Controller of the Year Award nomination submitted? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
24. Is facility management familiar with SECNAV policy with regard to the Freedom of Information Act? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
25. Has the ATCFO provided a signed authorization letter to the GEMO/ATCMO indicating to which ATCF supervisory personnel voice/data recordings can be released? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
26. Is a Procedures Evaluation Board established? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
27. Is a Controller Evaluation Board established? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
28. Do ATCF normal working periods and work schedules conform to 14 CFR Part 65/ATC NATOPS requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
29. Are waivers for deviations from the procedures set forth in FAAO 7110.65 approved by CNO N980A (NAATSEA)? [OPNAVINST 3710.7 and FAAO 7110.65] 1.2.5/1-1-10
30. Are temporary changes to ATCF operating hours requested in compliance with NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
31. Does the ATCFO conduct an ORM assessment for closed control tower airfield operations as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
32. If airfield hours have been reduced, or if operating hours are extended, is the ATCFO sensitive to the impact on FAAO JO 7400.2 and FAAO JO 7400.9 airspace requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
33. Do locally based aviation units provide orientation and indoctrination flights to facility controllers to improve controller work performance? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 3.3
34. Is a program established to ensure effective dialogue between the ATC facility and locally based aviation units; i.e., ATC briefs to units, unit briefs to controllers, tower/radar orientation for aviators, etc.? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
35. Does the facility have a contingency plan and do controllers have a working knowledge of its contents? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.1.8/ APP H
36. Is the security (controlled access) of the ATC Facility maintained? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.6.1
37. Are all official visits to the ATC Facility approved by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.6.2
38. Are visitors escorted while in the ATC Facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.6.3
39. Does ATC have oversight of the airfield vehicle operators course? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
a. As a minimum, does the airfield vehicle operators course consist of the topics prescribed in ATCNATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
b. Does the airfield vehicle operators course program require annual attendance? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
c. Is attendance at the airfield vehicle operators course documented and maintained by the course manager? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
40. Are vehicles operating on movement areas radio--equipped or escorted by radio--equipped vehicles using the frequency designated for vehicle control? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
41. Are vehicles not regularly used on the airfield equipped with a checkered flag or amber rotating beacon whenever operations on aircraft operating areas are necessary? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.2.2 Air Operations Manual
1. Has an Air Operations Manual been promulgated to supplement OPNAV 3710.7? [OPNAVINST 3710.7 ] 1.2.2
2. Does the Air Operations Manual adhere to the basic outline as set forth by NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 2.8
3. Is an annual review of the Air Operations Manual conducted? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 2.8.2
4. Does distribution of the Air Operations Manual conform to NATOPS requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 2.8.3
5. Does the Air Operations Manual include wheel load capacity of runways and parking aprons? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Does the Air Operations Manual include arresting gear configuration based on the active runway? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Does the Air Operations Manual include procedures for identifying to airport users, by NOTAM, ATIS, and other appropriate means, conditions that may affect the safe operation of aircraft? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Do local course rules specify airspeeds based on information contained in the NATOPS flight manuals applicable to the aircraft operated by the prime user(s) of the airfield concerned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Have operational instructions for providing emergency service been promulgated by the commanding officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. If applicable, do Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) operations comply with the provisions of FAAOJO 7610.4? [FAAO 7610.4] 12-8-1
11. Are operating practices reviewed on a continuous basis with a view toward minimizing the impact of "aircraft noise" on the public? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 5.5
12. Are local rules established which minimize vehicle traffic on aircraft movement areas? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Is an electronic copy of the current Air Operations Manual posted on the Navy/Marine Corps ATC web site? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 2.8.3
C.2.3 ATC Facility Manual
1. Has an ATC FACMAN been promulgated? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Does the ATC FACMAN adhere to the basic outline set forth by NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Has an ATC Facility Directive System been established and maintained in a current status? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Are facility directives/interim changes incorporated annually? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Is an electronic copy of the current ATC FACMANl posted on the Navy/Marine Corps ATC web site? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Has the ATCFO clearly specified in the ATC FACMAN which operating positions may be combined and under what specific circumstances? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.1.5
7. Are maximum allotted TTM/approaches for each operating position published in the ATC FACMAN? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] Figure 5-1 Page 5-7
8. At STARS-equipped facilities, does the ATC FACMAN contain procedures concerning MSAW/CA, data entry requirements, operational mode transition plan, radar selection plan, and multi-sensor radar plan as specified in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Has the ATCFO established procedures in the ATC FACMAN for simulator ultilization? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.5
10. Has the ATCFO specified weather conditions in the ATC FACMAN under which final control trainees nearing qualification or who have achieved a prior RFC rating may be authorized to conduct radar approaches below VMC ? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Has the ATCFO specfied in the ATC FACMAN the minimum number of hours on position per watch for primary trainees? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Has the ATCFO established currency requirements in the ATC FACMAN? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.3.3
13. Has the ATCFO established a Tape Talk program in the ATC FACMAN? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.2
14. Has the ATCFO specified in the ATC FACMAN (or LOA with parent approach control) the site specific conditions and/or the limitations, including training requirements for use of a certified tower radar display? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.6
15. Has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN standardizing the use of video maps? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114] 9.2.2
16. Has the ATCFO specified in the ATC FACMAN other local conditions defining ÒTOO HIGH FOR SAFE APPROACHÓ, ÒTOO FAR RIGHT FOR SAFE APPROACHÓ, and ÒTOO FAR LEFT FOR SAFE APPROACHÓ for PAR approaches? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
17. Has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing the standardized use of STARS MSAW, Approach Path Monitor portion of MSAW and the CA functions? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
18. Has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing the standardized use of STARS scratchpad;and the specific responsibility for entering the current ATIS code, current general system information (GSI), and the system altimeter setting? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
19. Has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing procedures for transition to and from the various STARS automated and non_automated modes of operation? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
20. Has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing procedures for selection of STARS radar sites at each position based upon operations/areas of responsibility? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
21. Has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing procedures for STARS multi_sensor operations? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
22. Has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN or LOA prescribing the standardized use of the STARS QUICK LOOK function? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
23. Has the ATCFO ensured the update to the ATC FACMAN when the STARS Adaptation/Software Release Letter issued by the DOD STARS OSF (NAWCAD and associated changes to the database result in any operational or procedural change(s)? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
24. At FACSFACs, has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing the standardized use of the FACTS Safety Alert and Collision Detection functions, including the circumstances in which alert/alarms may be temporarily inhibited? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
25. At FACSFACs, has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing the standardized use of the FACTS Boundary Alert function, including the circumstances in which alert/alarms may be temporarily inhibited? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114] [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
26. At FACSFACs, has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing the specific responsibility for entering current FACTS general system information (GSI) and the system altimeter setting? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114] [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
27. At FACSFACs ,has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing procedures fort ransitioning to and from FACTS Host A and Host B computers including transition decision authority, coordination/notifica-tion procedures, procedures for detecting and resolving potential conflicts, and a detailed checklist specifying the actions of the FWS and other appropriate positions? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114] [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
28. At FACSFACs, has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing procedures for selection of FACTS radar sites including selection of preferred radar(s) at each operating position based upon operations/areas of responsibility during normal conditions, radar selection authority during abnormal conditions, coordination/notification procedures (intra and interfacility), and a detailed checklist specifying the actions of the FWS and other appropriate positions? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
29. At FACSFACs, has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing the selection and standardized display of FACTS video maps at each operating position based upon operations/areas of responsibility? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
30. At FACSFACs, has the ATCFO set policy in the ATC FACMAN prescribing the standardized display of FACTS target data blocks? [NAVAIR 00_80T_114]
C.2.4 Letters of Agreement
1. Are Letters of Agreement confined to a single subject or purpose? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Are Letters of Agreement maintained in a current status? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Are Letters of Agreement reviewed annually to ensure accuracy and conformance with current policy, and are such reviews documented? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Are copies of Letters of Agreement forwarded to the appropriate NAVREP? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. At Approach Control facilities, is there a letter of agreement delegating airspace for the approach control function? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. If a letter of agreement specifies the application of separation minima less than that specified in FAAO JO 7110.65, has appropriate military authority authorized the reduced separation? [FAAO 7110.65] 2-1-12
7. Where aircraft will be controlled by both FAA and Naval ATCFs, is information to be transmitted by each facility the subject of a written agreement? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. When operations warrant a letter of agreement and MARSA will be applied, is the authority to invoke MARSA contained in the letter of agreement? [FAAO JO 7610.4]
9. Are information copies of local letters of agreement not specifically addressed by ATC NATOPS forwarded to CNO N980A (NAATSEA)? [OPNAVINST 3710.7, NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. At out-CONUS locations is the ATCFO aware of the applicable portions of the treaties/agreements that apply to air traffic control? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.2.5 Facility Watch Supervisor (USN)/Facility Watch Officer (USMC)
1. Are Facility Watch Supervisors (FWSs) designated in writing by the commanding officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Are Facility Watch Officers (FWOs) designated in writing by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Is an FWS/FWO on duty at the facility at all times during hours of operation? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Are Facility Watch Supervisors qualified on all operating positions within the facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. If the FWS (or an appropriately qualified FWO) performs the duties of a branch supervisor, has the ATCFO authorized this combining of duties? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Are Special Category FWSs designated by the commanding officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] NOTE
7. Does the FWS/FWO ensure that an equipment checkout is performed at the beginning of each shift and malfunctions reported to appropriate agencies? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Does the FWS/FWO brief the entire watch team prior to the assumption of the watch and include all required briefing items as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Does the FWS/FWO ensure an orderly watch turnover? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Does the FWS/FWO prepare operating position assignments for those personnel under their supervision? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Does the FWS/FWO ensure position currency, and accomplishment and documentation of training? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Does the FWS/FWO ensure that complaints from pilots, adjacent facilities, and/or the general public are forwarded to the ATCFO? ] [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Does the FWS/FWO check and sign daily facility logs? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. Does the FWS/FWO sign on and off a position log? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
15. Does the FWS/FWO ensure proper execution of post mishap and hazard reporting procedures as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.2.6 Communications
1. Are procedures for radio frequency changes below 2,500 feet for single-piloted aircraft in compliance with NATOPS? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 6.2.5
2. At those airports where military single-piloted turbojet aircraft are regularly based, are procedures in place to provide single frequency approaches? [FAAO 7610.4] 9_3_6
3. Are SAR communications conducted on the frequency 282.8 MHz or other appropriate frequency as directed? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Are emergency and distress frequencies 243.0 and 121.5 MHz used only to provide a communications channel to and from airborne and ground stations involved in an actual emergency or distress? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Are all radio circuits, interphones, and telephones used for the control of air or vehicular traffic, including crash phone circuits, recorded continuously during hours of operation? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Is position recording used for all operating positions? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Are UHF guard, VHF guard, primary local control, primary approach control and ATIS frequencies recorded independently? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Are original recordings retained for at least 15 days where the archive media is magnetic tape, and 45 days for locations utilizing STARS or where the archive media is a hard disk? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Is there a sufficient supply of spare recording media to meet the 15 day retention requirement and replace recording media removed as a result of an mishap/hazard? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. At joint facilities, if the FAA assumes recording responsibilities, have specific procedures/responsibilities been established? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. If recording equipment fails, is flight clearance and control data entered on appropriate flight progress strips? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Are recording media changed by electronics maintenance personnel? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Is each recorder channel checked as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. Is voice/data recording equipment locked except when maintenance actions are performed? Are keys under the custody of the electronics maintenance officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
15. During period of required retention, are voice/data recordings securely stored under the custody of the electronics maintenance officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
16. Is recorder identification, date of recording, and name of technician changing the voice/data recording annotated on each storage case/cartridge/reel? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.2.7 Flight Inspection
1. Are navigation facilities flight inspected in accordance with criteria in the United States Standard Flight Inspection Manual? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/NAVAIR 16-1-520]
2. Upon completion of flight inspections (if applicable), are appropriate NOTAMs issued/canceled to define any restrictions identified by the flight inspector? [NAVAIR 16-1-520] 2.10.
3. Are FAA aircraft engaged in flight inspection of NAVAIDS provided maximum assistance? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Are ATC procedural discrepancies noted during FAA surveillance flight inspections (on FAA Form 2711) reviewed and corrected? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 2.1.2
5. If TACAN restrictions exist, are restrictions to TACAN azimuth disseminated to users (e.g., NOTAM, published in flight information publications, published in Air Operations Manual)? [NAVAIR 16-1-520] 2.10.
6. If TACAN restrictions exist, do the published restrictions match those of the most recent TACAN flight inspection report? [NAVAIR 16-1-520] Page 5-3 para 5.12 h, (2)
7. Have new/revised instrument procedures been flight inspected by FAA FICO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Are FAA flight inspection aircraft in the area of radar coverage utilized for fix accuracy checks? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.2.8 Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS)
1. (USMC only) Does the facility have an individual trained and designated to implement and manage the facilitys TERPS program? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] n/a
2. (USN only) Has the ATCFO designated a TERPS Coordinator? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Are terminal instrument approach procedures, departure procedures, MVAC, TERPS Airfield Information Summary, TERPS Obstacle Summary, Facility Data Forms, and published aeronautical information reviewed locally on an annual basis and reported to NAVFIG as specified in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. When TERPS obstacle, airfield and NAVAID data changes occur, is NAVFIG notified in writing as soon as possible? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Does the ATCF maintain all applicable required source materials, as specified in ATC NATOPS, for terminal instrument procedures? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Is the TERPS Obstacle Summary prepared as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Are Facility Data Forms (FAA Form 8240-22) reviewed annually and new and revised forms forwarded to NAVFIG for further forwarding to FAA Flight Inspection Central Operations Technical Services Sub-Team? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Are terminal instrument procedures established or revised when a reasonable need is identified, or where: [FAAO 8260.3] 172. page 5
a. New navigation facilities are installed?
b. Changes to existing facilities necessitate a change to an approved procedure?
c. Additional procedures are necessary?
d. New obstacles or operational uses require a revision to the existing procedure?
9. Are the following minimum standards met for approved terminal instrument procedures: [FAAO 8260.3] 122. page 2
a. Airport landing surfaces adequate to accommodate the aircraft which can be reasonably expected to use the procedure?
b. Runway lighting for night instrument operations? 9.4
c. Instrument and visual navigation aids which have passed flight inspection?
d. Obstacles which penetrate 14 CFR Part 77 imaginary surfaces marked and lighted, insofar as is reasonably possible? 9.3
e. Terminal weather observation and reporting facilities available for the airport to serve as an alternate airport? 9.3
f. Air-to-ground communications available at the IAF minimum altitude and when aircraft executing missed approach reaches the missed approach altitude? 9.3
10. Is every effort made to formulate terminal instrument procedures IAW the applicable portion of the TERPS Manual as determined by the type and location of navigation facility and procedure to be used? [FAAO 8260.3] 140. page 3
11. When operational requirements dictate a departure from TERPS/NATOPS standards, does the request submitted to NAVFIG for authority to deviate contain: [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
a. Explanation of alternatives considered and why they are unacceptable, and [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
b. Information concerning planned use of the procedure by civil aircraft, and
c. Justification for the deviation?
12. Is the Terminal Instrument Procedures Standards Waiver (NAVFIG Form 3722/4) used to submit waiver requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Do terminal instrument procedures which deviate from TERPS standards because of operational necessity, and in which an equivalent level of safety is not achieved, include a cautionary note to identify the hazard and marked not for civil use? [FAAO 8260.3] 141. page 3
14. Are changes in instrument procedures which affect fix, course, altitude or published minimums, prepared and forwarded to NAVFIG for approval in the same manner as in the case of new procedures? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/FAAO 8260.3] 1.4.2 page 3
15. Prior to submission to NAVFIG, is coordination effected with appropriate en route and approach control agencies (and if applicable, overseas host nation) to ensure compatibility of new or revised terminal instrument procedures with air traffic flow and to assess the impact on current or future air traffic programs? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/FAAO 8260.3] 150. page 4, ©
16. Is a record of coordination maintained when establishing or revising terminal instrument procedures? FAAO 8260.3] 170. page 5
17. Do coordinating military and civil authorities sign the appropriate NAVFIG form(s) for terminal instrument procedures? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
18. Where action to designate controlled airspace for an instrument procedure is planned, is the airspace action initiated sufficiently in advance so that effective dates of the procedure and the airspace action coincide? FAAO 8260.3] 150. page 3, (d) /172.
19. Are new or revised terminal instrument procedures required between annual reporting submitted on the form specified in ATC NATOPS to NAVFIG for review, approval and publication? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
20. Is submission of new or revised terminal instrument procedures submitted as far in advance (normallynotless than 60 days) of their desired effective date? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
21. Do requests for approval of terminal instrument procedures utilizing new, relocated, or modified NAVAIDS/radar facilities indicate that a facility flight check has been conducted and the NAVAID suitable for instrument flight operations? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
22. Is each terminal instrument procedure flight checked by FAA aircraft for safety and operational suitability? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
23. Are the results of the instrument procedures flight check submitted to NAVFIG when instrument procedures are processed? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.3
24. When temporary conditions affecting an approach procedure constitute a hazard to flight, is a NOTAM issued amending or suspending the affected approach procedure? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.4.2
25. In case of emergencies (i.e., facility outages/out of tolerance conditions, new construction which penetrates critical surfaces, etc.) is a NOTAM issued to change affected instrument procedure minimums? [FAAO 8260.3] 150. page 4, (e)
26. Is there a sufficient number of terminal instrument procedures to provide approach and departure capabilities for local and transient flight operations? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
27. Does each low-altitude procedure prescribe minimums for category A, B, C and D aircraft? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
28. Does each high-altitude procedure prescribe minimums for category C, D and E aircraft? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
29. Are terminal instrument procedures for use by helicopters only so annotated? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
30. Are procedures and missed approaches designed to: [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
a. Avoid the necessity for NAVAID frequency/channel change, and transponder code changes below 2,500 feet AGL? FAAO 7110.65 38084
b. Eliminate the need to shift NAVAID frequencies after commencing an approach (for procedures primarily for high performance, single-piloted aircraft; or aircraft without dual receiver capability)?
31. If visibility credit for approach lighting has been applied, has coordination been effected with COMNAVAIRSYSCOM (PMA251) to ascertain whether or not the approach lighting system qualifies for the visibility credit? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.2.2
32. Do sidestep procedures conform to conditions as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.2.3
33. When establishing PAR/ASR procedures, are the guidelines as set forth in NATOPS given consideration? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.2.4
34. If applicable and when established, are PALS and TRN-28 approaches prepared and submitted as set forthin NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.2.5
35. If terminal instrument procedures and MVAC are beyond the triennial NAVFIG review/approval date (and a waiver has not been granted), is an active NOTAM in force placing all terminal instrument procedures out of service, and radar vectoring services unavailable? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.4.1
36. For cancellation of terminal instrument procedures, is NAVFIG notified as soon as relevant information is known (normally not later than 30 days prior to effective date of cancellation)? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.5
37. Are terminal instrument procedure cancellations coordinated well in advance with ATC activities concerned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.5
38. When the FLIP revision date occurs subsequent to the effective date of procedure cancellation,is cancellation effected by NOTAM? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 13.5
39. Is the FAA informed when terminal instrument procedures are cancelled? [FAAO 8260.3] 123
40. Has an MVAC been developed (and updated as required) as specified in ATC NATOPS to allow for vectoring of aircraft? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
41. Does the ATC Facility coordinate MVAC revisions with affected military and/or civil ATC authorities? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
42. If not an approach control, is the ATC Facility's MVAC compatible with the parent approach control MVAC? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
43. Are MVAC requests submitted to NAVFIG via the RAC for review and approval? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
44. Is the MVAC reviewed locally on anannual basis to ensure conformance with TERPS and ATC NATOPS and reviewed/approved by NAVFIG triennially? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
45. IF radar data is provided by a feed from one or more ARSR's, or a feed from more than one terminal radar, has a Long Range MVAC been deployed? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
46. Do any trees, shrubs or bushes penetrate the approach departure clearance surface area of Clear Zone III? [P-80.3] [P-80.3] Page e-8, c, 2&3
47. Do reviews of proposed construction or alteration of structures affecting navigable airspace include evaluation of aeronautical effect as well as evaluation of electromagnetic effect? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 602 page 6-4
48. Are obstruction standards in 14 CFR Section 77.28 applied to existing and proposed man-made objects including mobile objects, objects of natural growth, and terrain wherever they may be located? [FAAO JO 7400.2] 37773
49. When responding to notices of proposed construction, are determinations made with respect to impact on aeronautical operations and procedures, airport operations and efficiency, and/or air navigation facilities as well as line-of-sight and physical or electromagnetic interference effect of the proposal on the use of the navigable airspace and the operation of air navigation facilities? [FAAO JO 7400.2] 4-4-3/6-1-3
C.2.9 Mishaps
1. During aircraft emergencies, are only those personnel absolutely necessary and required to provide technical advice allowed within the ATC Facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.6.2
2. Following an aircraft mishap/hazard, do ATCF supervisory personnel:
a. Notify appropriate personnel designated in local directives?
b. Request and obtain a weather observation?
c. Cause the removal and safeguarding of any tapes which are, or may be, pertinent to the accident or incident?
3. Are ATCF personnel who appear to have contributed to a mishap/hazard which jeopardizes safety of aircraft temporarily relieved of operational duty and referred to a military flight surgeon for physical/psychological evaluation? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. If subsequent in-depth investigation reveals that the controller was responsible for or contributory to the error, are the minimum prerequisite actions as listed in ATC NATOPS, paragraph, taken prior to reassignment to operational duty? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Following an aircraft mishap/hazard, are statements obtained from controller and supervisory personnel involved? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Are typewritten transcriptions prepared for all formal mishap packages? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Are procedures/equipment in place to re-record pertinent original voice recordings as soon as possible after a mishap occurs? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Are tabs removed from cassettes containing re-recordings? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] N/A
9. Are the originalr recordings of a mishaps involving DON ATCFs or aircraft retained as set forthin NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Is a certified copy of voice and video recordings for ATC system hazard reports, near rmid-air collision reports, or hazards not defined as mishaps retained as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Is CNO N980A (NAATSEA) advised of requests for viewing or duplicating original recordings that may be evidence in a non-U.S. Government investigation? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Are tapes or information thereon released to another party only with the consent of the Commanding Officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Is a chain of custody established for all original voice and video recordings prior to release to appropriately authorized agencies or officials? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. Are air traffic system hazards reported immediately to supervisory personnel? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/ OPNAVINST 3500.39] Page 6 g. (3)
15. Is the ATCFO briefed on air traffic system hazards? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
16. Does the ATCFO identify any and all deficiencies contributing to air traffic system hazards and take appropriate corrective actions using the Operational Risk Management (ORM) process? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/ OPNAVINST 3500.39] Page 5, 7.
17. Does the ATCFO report air traffic system hazards per OPNAVINST 3750.6 [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/ OPNAVINST 3750.6] 4-8, f.
18. Are air traffic system hazards which involve civilian aircraft reported to the appropriate NAVREP? [OPNAVINST 3750.6] 4-8, e.
19. Have local procedures been established for ATC personnel to follow when observing violations of flying regulations? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/ OPNAVINST 3710.7] 3.9.1/ 3.11 (3710.7)
20. Are procedures in place to ensure that any equipment alterations or adjustments made on equipment which might have contributed to a mishap/hazard are not conducted without the consent of the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
21. Are procedures in place to ensure that if a radar facility is, or is suspected to have been, involved in a mishap/hazard, the following action is taken? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
a. A check of scope, video map, and cursor alignment?
b. If doubt exists that equipment performance is satisfactory, is such equipment placed out of service until complete technical evaluation and appropriate flight checks can be accomplished?
C.2.10 Medical
1. Do all air traffic controllers meet the physical requirements of 14 CFR Part 67 and maintain a current annual physical per physical standards established in MANMED? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Do all air traffic controllers have a current Clearance Notice (NAVMED 6410/2) on file? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. As directed in MANMED Article 15-95, are DOD civilian controllers (if assigned) examined in military medical treatment facilities by a naval flight surgeon? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Do air traffic controllers report any physical disposition to superiors and assume operational duties only when fit to do so? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Does the ATCFO ensure that ATC personnel are adequately observed and appropriate grounding action taken when necessary? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Does the ATCFO suspend from ATC duties all air traffic controllers who have not met physical examination requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Do military flight surgeons conduct interviews and/or physical examinations for ATC personnel? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Are policies regarding use of drugs/sedatives known to controllers and enforced by ATCF management? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Are policies regarding the use of nutritional/dietary and other OTC supplements and products known to controllers and enforced by ATC management? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Do ATC personnel who have donated blood perform ATC functions or directly supervise personnel performing these functions only after a minimum of 24 hours has elapsed since the blood was donated? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.3.6
11. Are requests for waivers of physical standards processed as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Does the ATCFO ensure that medical waivers are retained in the ATC Certification/Qualification Record for as long as they are in effect? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. If classified NPQ, are military air traffic controllers not permitted to transfer to perform ATC duties until a waiver of physical standards is approved by CHNAVPERS/CMC? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.3.1 General
1. Is a daily operations log maintained by the supervisor on duty? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
2. Does the daily operations log contain all required information? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
3. Is a position log maintained for each operating position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.2
4. When combining a flight planning position with supervisor, does the facility use the flight planning code as primary and the FWS/FS code as secondary on VIDS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.3
5. Have position relief checklists been established for each supervisory/operating position and are they used? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Are checklists established to ensure that hazardous cargo information is passed to all affected base support agencies? [OPNAVINST 3710.31]
7. Is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) used for entries on all forms, logs and written records, and radio and landline communications? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Is local time used for facility work schedules, daily traffic counts, and administrative forms and correspondence? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Is an equipment checkout performed at the beginning of each shift and malfunctions reported to appropriate agencies? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Is a reliable and accurate clock visible from each operating position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. If required by NATOPS, are time checks obtained at the start of each watch? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Are clocks set to agree with those of the approach control facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Are ATC procedures and phraseology as prescribed in FAAO JO 7110.65? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. Are procedures established to ensure aircraft are kept informed of the latest reported weather and actualfield conditions? [OPNAVINST 3710.7]
15. Do individuals perform duties as a controller under general supervision only at those positions qualified? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.1
16. When assigned to operating positions, are trainees under the direct and constant supervision of a controller qualified on the position concerned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.2.3/4.4.1
17. Does the OJT instructor use the same radio console as the trainee when override capability does not exist from an adjacent console? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
18. Does each controller possess an ATCS Certificate? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.3.1/4.4.2
19. Does each controller possess a CTO Certificate or Airman Written Test Report? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.2.2
20. Is the Flight Planning Chief designated in writing as the Flight Planning NATOPS Instructor by the commanding officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
21. Does the Flight Planning Chief properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in paragraph7.1.3.1? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
22. Are Flight Planning Supervisors designated in writing by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
23. Do Flight Planning Supervisors properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
24. Do Flight Planning Dispatchers properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80R-14]
25. If flight planning is equipped with the secondary crash phone, is mishap notification asset forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80R-14] 5.10.7
26. Is a current crash locator grid readily available in flight planning? [NAVAIR 00-80R-14]
27. Do accommodations for flight planning include: [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
a. Wall space for the display of required aeronautical information
b. Plotting tables and storage for charts
c. Publications and forms required by aircrews?
28. When an AIS Requipment outage occurs or is anticipated, are ARTCC, FSS and the AISR Technical Support Help Desk notified? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 7.3.1
29. When aircraft carrying hazardous cargo are declared missing or overdue, is the appropriate RCC informed of the nature of the hazardous cargo and of positive measures required to accomplish the rescue? [OPNAVINST 3170.31] Page 3, 7. (f)
C.3.2 Flight Plans
1. Does the Flight Planning Branch provide for planning, receiving and processing flight plans? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Are flight plan and flight movement messages completed/processed in accordance with procedures outlined in FAAO JO 7110.10? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Do flight planning personnel ensure that flight plans are closed out when pilots either verbally confirm closing the flight plan or deliver a copy of the flight plan to flight planning? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Are modifications to a written flight plan made only with the concurrence of the pilot in command? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 7.2.2
5. Are copies of all flight plan forms, flight schedules, OPS logs, aircraft clearance/arrival reports and other associated forms filed with flight plans retained for a period of 6 months? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 7.2.3
C.3.3 Charts and Publications
1. Does the Flight Planning Branch maintain a current inventory of aeronautical charts, publications, applicable directives, related information and navigation equipment in sufficient quantity to support the activity mission? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Are aeronautical data and facility information accurately published in flight information publications? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Are procedures established to ensure that facility information in publications remain accurate and complete? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Are FLIP changes submitted in order to coincide with publication cycles? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
5. Are FLIP changes submitted for any reportable condition expected to last more than 90 days? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 2.3.1
6. Are PCN, ECN, TCN or UCN installed promptly in flight information publications? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Is local area information (VFR corridors, terrain hazards, etc.) prominently displayed to assist aircrews? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Is a general flight planning chart prominently displayed? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.3.4 NOTAMs
1. Does Base Operations have the ability to access the DINS web site to view, query and create NOTAMs? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
2. Is necessary funding received for NOTAM processing equipment to guarantee continuous access to the USNS database? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
3. If an alternate computer is available for NOTAM processing, does its account certification expiration date differ from that of the primary computer to ensure continuous processing capability? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 3.3.3
4. Do aircrews have a way to retrieve NOTAM information? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 3.2
5. Are knowledgeable personnel available to assist aircrews with the NOTAM system when required? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
6. Is the Flight Planning Chief familiar with the process to contact the USNOF to resolve problems with NOTAM input or format procedures? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
7. Are NOTAMs processed using the criteria discussed in Chapter 4 of the NOTAM instruction? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
8. Is NOTAM information submitted describing changes in conditions that affect flight operations on airfields or in airspace for which the station has NOTAM responsibility? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
9. Are Safety NOTAMs submitted no earlier than 3 days prior to the expected condition? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 4.8.1
10. Is new NOTAM information submitted within 15 minutes of receipt or discovery? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 4.8
11. If it is determined that a NAVAID (not part of the NAS) can be returned to service in less than 2 hours, are NOTAMs delayed only if the conditions stipulated in Chapter 2 of the NOTAM instruction exist? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 2.4.2
12. Is UTC used for all dates and times in NOTAMs? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 4.5
13. Are NOTAMs, military or civilian, that correspond to airfields and airspace under their jurisdiction monitored for accuracy and currency? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
14. Is coordination effected with NAVFIG prior to sending a NOTAM to correct a FLIP error? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
15. Are active NOTAMs cancelled when the conditions no longer exist or NGA publishes the information in FLIP? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
16. Are any NOTAMs active for more than 90 days? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 4.2.5
17. Are NOTAM transmission forms retained for 15 days? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 4.13
18.If a mishap/hazard occurs, are NOTAM transmission forms retained as a historical document with the mishap/hazard file? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
19. If providing backup NOTAM support for another DOD installation on a permanent or long-term basis, has an LOA been established? [OPNAVINST 3721.20] 3.3.4
20. If a joint-use airfield, has an LOA been established to assure proper NOTAM responsibility, handling, and authority? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
21. If a tenant on a host nation military aerodrome and issuing NOTAMs, has an LOA been established permitting this issuance? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
C.4.1 General
1. Is a daily operations log maintained by the supervisor on duty? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
2. Does the daily operations log contain all required information? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
3. Is a position log maintained for each operating position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
4. When combining an operating position with supervisor, does the facility use the operating position code as primary and the FWS/FWO/TS code as secondary on VIDS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.2
5. Have position relief checklists been established for each supervisory/operating position and are they used? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Are checklists established to ensure that hazardous cargo information is passed to all affected base support agencies? [OPNAVINST 3170.31] Page 3, 7. (e)
7. Is UTC used for entries on all forms, logs and written records, and radio and landline communications? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Is local time used for facility work schedules, daily traffic counts, and administrative forms, and correspondence? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Is an equipment checkout performed at the beginning of each shift and malfunctions reported to appropriate agencies? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Do maintenance technicians keep ATCF supervisory personnel apprised of equipment status? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Are maintenance technicians available to ATCF supervisory personnel to confirm controller judgment regarding equipment malfunctions? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Is a reliable and accurate clock visible from each operating position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. If required by NATOPS, are time checks obtained at the start of each watch? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. Are clocks set to agree with those of the approach control facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
15. Are ATC procedures and phraseology as prescribed in FAAO JO 7110.65? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
16. Is the broadcasting of information which is available to the pilot in flight information publications held to a minimum? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
17. Are procedures established to ensure aircraft are kept informed of the latest reported weather and actualfield conditions? [OPNAVINST 3710.7]
18. Are weather reports, advisories, and radar monitored to determine when severe weather activity is approaching the facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
19. Are PIREPs requested when required? [FAAO JO 7710.65] 37658
20. Do individuals perform duties as a controller under general supervision only at those sectors or positions qualified? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.2.3
21. When assigned to operating positions, are trainees under the direct and constant supervision of a controller qualified on the position concerned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
22. Does the OJT instructor use the same radio console as the trainee when override capability does not exist from an adjacent console? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
23. Does each controller possess an ATCS Certificate? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.2
24. Does each controller possess a CTO Certificate or Airman Written Test Report? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.2.2
25. Is the Control Tower Chief designated in writing as the Control Tower NATOPS Instructor by the commanding officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
26. Does the Control Tower Chief possess a CTO rating for the control tower assigned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
27. Are Control Tower Supervisors designated in writing by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
28. Do Control Tower Supervisors possess a CTO rating for the control tower assigned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
29. Do Control Tower Supervisors normally combine with a control position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114
30. Are wheels down reports completed at an appropriate point? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 6.3
31. Is airfield lighting operated per FAAO JO 7110.65? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
32. Are light signals used for controlling vehicles only when the control tower experiences an outage of radio equipment? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 6.2.6
33. Are the conditions and/o rlimitations of the tower radar display operation specified by facility directive or letter of agreement, as appropriate? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.6
34. Is an airfield diagram displayed in the control tower? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.3
35. Does the airfield diagram include all required items? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.3
36. Is an airport status board displayed in the control tower? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.4
37. Does the airport status board include all required items? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.4
38. Is the tower visibility chart(s) prepared and maintained in conjunction with NAVMETOC personnel? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.3.3
39. Does the tower visibility chart(s) contain all required information? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.3.3
40. Are tower visibility charts/photographs reviewed annually and updated as required? Is the annual review and a record of changes (if any) documented? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.3.3
41. Do local procedures require Tower Visibility Observers to receive On The Job Training through an ATC Facility Local Qualification Standard (LQS) for local daytime and nighttime visibility markers? [NAVMETOCCOMINST 1500.3/NAVAIR 00-80T-114] Page 2, 5.
42. Is the qualification/certification of controllers as Tower Visibility Observers per NAVMETOCCOMINST 1500.3? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/NAVMETOCCOMINST 1500.3] Page 2, 7.
43. Are approaching/departing aircraft notified (directly or via ATIS) concerning HERO/EMCON conditions in effect? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 2.2
44. Are aircraft with "hung" ordnance of any type prohibited from hot refueling? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.2
45. Are explosive loaded combat aircraft prohibited from the fuel pits? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.2.1
46. Are aircraft with pods and dispensers loaded with decoy flares prohibited from hot refueling? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.2.1
47. Are aircraft with hung ordnance prohibited from conducting touch-and-go or FCLP training? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.4
48. Is every effort made to ensure that aircraft with hung ordnance are handled expeditiously and that flightover inhabited areas/public roadways is minimized? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.4
49. Do aircraft with hung ordnance normally have priority over routine air traffic? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.4
50. Are aircraft with externally carried unexpended ordnance prohibited from conducting touch-and-go or FCLP training when the landing pattern flight path is over inhabited areas/public roadways? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.4
51. Do cargo aircraft loaded with explosives proceed to and from the duty runway by a route that affords the greatest practical separation to inhabited buildings, combat aircraft parking area, and explosive storage areas? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.8
52. Are cargo aircraft loaded with explosives prohibited from making stops when proceeding to or from the duty runway except as necessary for safe ground operation of the aircraft? [NAVAIR 00-80T-103] 5.8
C.4.2 Responsibilities
1. Does the Control Tower Chief properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Do Control Tower Supervisors properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Do Local Controllers properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Do Local Controllers maintain a continuous visual surveillance of their airspace and airport movement areas? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Do Ground Controllers properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Do Ground Controllers exercise general surveillance of the airport movement area? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Do Flight Data operators properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Do Clearance Delivery operators properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Is the responsibility for updating and monitoring ATIS broadcasts and disseminating current ATIS messages assigned to a specific position of operation? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Which Control Tower Branch operating positions, if any, have been added, deleted, combined, or integrated to meet local requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Does the control tower retain final responsibility and authority for separation and control of all aircraft in the surface area during FCLP operations? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Where authorized, are preventive control procedures in compliance with NATOPS? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 6.2.2
13. Where applicable, are reduced runway separation standards in compliance with NATOPS? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 6.3.1
14. Where applicable, are reduced runway separation standards for "other military" services in compliance with NATOPS? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 6.3.1
15. Where applicable, are procedures for intersection departures incompliance with NATOPS? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 6.2.5
16. Are runway braking action advisories issued in compliance with NATOPS? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 6.3.3
17. Are tower controllers thoroughly indoctrinated in the external geardown indications of the aircraft normally operated from their facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.4
18. Workload permitting, do tower controllers closely observe each aircraft in the final stages of the landing approach? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.4
19. Do tower controllers remind pilots to check wheels down at an appropriate position in the pattern unless the pilot has previously reported wheels down? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.4
20. If unidirectional arresting gear cannot be promptly de-rigged and cables removed for emergencies requiring immediate landing, do controllers inform the pilot of the arresting gear hazard? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.5.2
21. Do Control Tower Supervisors and Local Controllers ensure that taxi, departure, and landing clearances do not require aircraft to roll over an "out of battery" arresting gear? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/NAWCAD Lakehurst Advisory] 8.5.1
22. When using emergency and distress frequencies in an actual emergency/distress and time permits, do facility personnel identify that they are on guard frequencies? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
23. Is mishap notification as set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80R-14] 3.7.2
24. Is a current crash locator grid readily available in the control tower? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.1
25. Do controllers refrain from transmitting to aircraft during the most critical phases of flight -final approach, touchdown, landing roll, takeoff and initial climb to the first turn away from the airfield unless conditions affecting safety of flight are observed or known to exist? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
26. Are local operating procedures prescribed for OLS rheostat positioning to facilitate setting the optimum intensity during varying light conditions? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.4.3 Equipment
1. Is the Control Tower equipped as specified in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.1
2. Do two-way direct communications exist between the control tower and LSO/RDO during FCLP operations? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Are telephones in the control tower assigned unpublished numbers or modified so as not to ring in the control tower? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.6.4
4. If the airfield has a PAPI system, is it manually controlled from the control tower? [NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2] 003 12 .17
5. If installed, are the runway waveoff lights controllable from the control tower? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/ NAVAIR 51-50AAA-2]
6. Do daily equipment checks ensure the tower radar display system accuracy and proper display alignment? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.6
7. Is the mobile/portable control tower under the operational custody of the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.2
8. Is the current BRANDS site unique data (SUDs) or STARS adaptation data (as appropriate) incorporated into the facilityÕs operational software program? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Are changes to BRANDS SUDs or STARS adaptation data (as appropriate) submitted to NAWCAD ( as set forth in the Shore CCSB Policy and Procedures Manual? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Are two pair of binoculars (7 x 50 power or stronger) available in the control tower? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.1
11. Is a dedicated emergency fire and rescue radio network provided? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.1
12. Is a fixed base station for the fire and rescue radio network installed in the control tower? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.1
13. Is a direct wire primary aircraft emergency alarm intercommunication system (crash phone) installed in the control tower and at other locations set forth by NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80R-14]
14. Is a secondary aircraft emergency alarm intercommunication system installed as set forth by NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80R-14]
15. Are the primary and secondary aircraft emergency alarm intercommunication systems (crash phone) tested daily? [NAVAIR 00-80R-14] 5.9
16. Are there evacuation alarms for remote sites near the runways (PAR/PALS/TACAN, etc.), are they tested daily and are the results logged? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.2.1
C.4.4 Airfield
1. If installed, is the OLS turned on at all times when the associated runway is in use? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Is unidirectional arresting gear de-rigged and cables removed prior to runway use when engagement direction is opposite runway of intended use? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 8.5.2
3. Are the arresting gear Òout of batteryÓ lights visible from the tower? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.5.1 General
1. Is a daily operations log maintained by the supervisor on duty? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
2. Does the daily operations log contain all required information? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
3. Is a position log maintained for each operating position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.2
4. When combining an operating position with supervisor, does the facility use the operating position code as primary and the FWS/FWO/RS code as secondary on VIDS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.2
5. Have position relief checklists been established for each supervisory/operating position and are they used? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Are checklists established to ensure that hazardous cargo information is passed to all affected base support agencies? [OPNAVINST 3710.31]
7. Is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) used for entries on all forms, logs and written records, and radio and landline communications? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Is local time used for facility work schedules, daily traffic counts, and administrative forms and correspondence? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Is an equipment checkout performed at the beginning of each shift and malfunctions reported to appropriate agencies? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Do maintenance technicians keep ATCF supervisory personnel apprised of equipment status? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Are maintenance technicians available to ATCF supervisory personnel to confirm controller judgment regarding equipment malfunctions? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Is a reliable and accurate clock visible from each operating position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. If required by NATOPS, are time checks obtained at the start of each watch? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. At non-approach control facilities, are clocks set to agree with those of the approach control facility? [OPNAVINST 3710.7]
15. At approach control facilities, are clocks set to agree with those of the enroute facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
16. Are ATC procedures and phraseology as prescribed in FAAO JO 7110.65? [FAAO 7110.65]
17. Is the broadcasting of information which is available to the pilot in flight information publications held to a minimum? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
18. Are procedures established to ensure aircraft are kept informed of the latest reported weather and actual field conditions? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 4.2.3
19. Are weather reports, advisories, and rada rmonitored to determine when severe weathe ractivity is approaching the facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
20. Are PIREPs requested when required? [FAAO JO 7110.65] 37658
21. Do individuals perform duties as a controller under general supervision only at those sectors or positions qualified? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.1
22. When assigned to operating positions, are trainees under the direct and constant supervision of a controller qualified on the position concerned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.2.3/
23. Does the OJT instructor use the same radio console as the trainee when override capability does not exist from an adjacent console? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
24. Does each controller possess an ATCS Certificate? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.2
25. Does each controller possess a CTO Certificate or Airman Written Test Report? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.2.2
26. Is the Radar Chief designated in writing as the Radar NATOPS Instructor by the commanding officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
27. Does the Radar Chief possess the appropriate ATCS certification for the facility assigned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
28. Are Radar Supervisors designated in writing by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
29. Are Radar Supervisors qualified on all radar operating positions and do they possess the ATCS rating for the facility assigned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
30. Are TRACON-rated controllers qualified on all operating positions in the radar branch? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
31. Which Radar Branch operating positions, if any, have been added, deleted, or combined to meet local requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
32. Are wheels down reports completed at an appropriate point? [OPNAVINST 3710.7] 6.3.2
33. For a Class IIIA/B Facility which is provided IFR service by an FAA facility, are details concerning the release of arriving and/or departing aircraft to the radar branch contained in a letter of agreement? [FAAO JO 7610.4]
34. Are unauthorized scope markings used in lieu of an adequate video mapper or electronic cursor? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
35. Is video map data limited to reduce scope clutter and increase operational efficiency? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
36. For DAIR/RATCF DAIR, does each video map display a minimum of two permanent echoes? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
37. For DAIR/RATCF DAIR, to the extent practicable, is fix and/or video map accuracy verified with position reports made by pilots, by cross-reference to airborne navigation equipment or known geographic positions? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
38. Is a usable target return maintained along the entire airway/route or arrival/departure control routes for which radar service is provided? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
39. Does the surveillance approach courseline coincide nearly as practicable with the runway centerline extended? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 9.2.6..6.1
40. Are PAR alignment photographs readily available to the radar final controller to facilitate radar performance checks? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
41. Are PAR alignment photographs provided for each runway to which PAR approaches are established? Are radar reflectors clearly displayed? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
42. Are PAR alignment photographs reviewed annually? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
43. Have PAR alignment photographs been updated due to "radar picture" variables such as construction and change in vegetation? What is date of current photographs? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.5.2 Responsibilities
1. Does the Radar Chief properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Do Radar Supervisors properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Is the Radar Supervisor position normally not combined with a control position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Do Approach Controllers properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Do Departure Controllers properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. DoRadarAssociateControllersproperlyperformthedutiesassetforthinNATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. DoRadarCoordinatorControllersproperlyperformthedutiessetforthinNATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Do Flight Data operators properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Do Final Controllers properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. For DAIR/RATCF DAIR ,is verification of video map accuracy accomplished in the manner specified in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. For DAIR/RATCF DAIR, is verification of radar video accuracy accomplished in the manner specified in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Is verification of PAR alignment accomplished by final controllers in the manner prescribed in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. To obtain maximum signal return from aircraft targets, do final controllers adjust azimuth antenna servo and elevation antenna servo in the manner specified in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. To facilitate accurate and precise aircraft target relationship to elevation and azimuth cursors, do final controllers adjust IF GAIN to create the smallest possible usable target? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
15. Do radar final controllers issue precise glidepath information in the manner prescribed in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
16. Whenever completion of a safe approach is questionable because safety limits are exceeded or radical target deviations are observed, do final controllers issue instructions in the manner prescribed in FAAO JO 7110.65 and ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
17. Are procedures for Final Approach Abnormalities during radar approaches in compliance with NATOPS? [OPNAVINST 3710.7]
18. Are mandatory missed approach procedures in compliance with NATOPS? [OPNAVINST 3710.7]
19. Are trainees assigned to final control positions only when the weather is at or greater than 1000/3? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
20. Has the ATCFO prescribed weather conditions under which a trainee nearing qualification or who has achieved a prior RFC rating may be authorized to conduct a radar approach? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
21. Does the Radar Chief provide written approval when a specific trainee is authorized to use these reduced weather conditions? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
22. If equipped with an AN/SPN-42T, do procedures conform as closely as possible with CV NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
23. If applicable, is standard CCA phraseology used when a pilot specifically requests a PALS approach? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
24. Is controller/ATC supervisor determination of radar acceptability usurped by non-controller personnel? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
25. When using emergency and distress frequencies in an actua lemergency/distress and time permits,do facility personnel identify that they are on guard frequencies? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
26. Do controllers refrain from transmitting to aircraft during the most criticalphases of flight - final approach, touchdown, landing roll, takeoff and initial climb to the first turn away from the airfield unless conditions affecting safety of flight are observed or known to exist? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.5.3 Equipment
1. Is the radar facility equipped as specified in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 9.2.1
2. At approach control facilities, does radar mapping capability meet minimum requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Except for MVAC video maps, are requests for STAR Sradar video maps submitted directly to DODSTARS OSF (NAWCAD Code [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. Are requests for new or revised MVAC video maps submitted to NAVFIG? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Are both Termina land Long Range MVACs developed and maintained for the terminal area o f a multi-sensor system? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Is the current RATCF DAIR/DAIR site unique data (SUDs) or STARS adaptation data (as appropriate) incorporated into the facility's operational software program? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Are changes to RATCF DAIR/DAIR SUDs or STARS adaptation data (as appropriate) submitted to NAWCAD Code as set forth in the Shore CCSB Policy and Procedures Manual? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Is each STARS Adaptation/Software Release Letter issued by the DOD STARS OSF (NAWCAD Code and associated changes to the database reviewed to determine any operational or procedural impact? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Are functional, procedural, and airspace change(s) associated with the STARS Adaptation/Software Release Letter and corresponding changes to the database coordinated with the ARTCC providing automation interface? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Are STARS-equipped facilities adhering to ATC FACMAN concerning MSAW/CA, data entry requirements, operational mode transition plan, radar selection plan, and multi-sensor radar plan? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Do the INSTANT RVM maps match the STARS INI video maps? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 7.2.5
12. Is radar performance verified on a periodic basis by a FAA flight inspection? Are reports of these inspections on file in the ATC Facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Are primary and secondary radar performance checks made on a continuous basis,but at least once each watch? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. Does PAR azimuth course alignment (at threshold) not exceed 30 feet, referenced to runway centerline? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
15. Is the PAR glidepath angle within 0.2 degree of the published angle? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
16. Is the radar coverage of those PARs which have coverage capabilities beyond 10NM checked at the minimum vectoring altitude to the coverage capabilities of the radar? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
17. Is the usable distance of PAR azimuth and elevation not less than 7.5NM from touchdown? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
18. Does PAR lower safe limit alignment (angle) provide clearance from all obstacles from glide slope intercept to runway threshold? What is angle of lower safe limit? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.6.1 General
1. Is the ATC Training Chief or EPDS designated in writing as the NATOPS Evaluator by the commanding officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. Does the Training Chief/EPDS possess a CTO Rating and all ATCS Ratings at the facility assigned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
3. Does the Training Chief/EPDS have a minimum of 5 years experience in ATC? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
4. For USN, is the Training Chief/EPDS a designated FWS at the facility assigned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Does the Training Chief properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
6. Are Assistant NATOPS Instructors designated in writing by the commanding officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 9.2.1
7. Are controllers instructing OJT qualified and experienced at the position in which the training is conducted? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Are OJT Instructors designated in writing by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. Do Branch Chiefs qualify controllers on operating positions asset forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. During practical controller certification examinations, is a qualified controller responsible for the control of air traffic assigned to the position of operation? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. When assigned to operating positions, are trainees under the direct and constant supervision of a controller qualified on the position concerned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Does the OJT instructor use the same radio console as the trainee when override capability does not exis tfrom an adjacent console? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Are procedures in place to preclude the mixing of live and simulated targets on the same indicator? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.5
14. Is the extent of each controller qualification level readily available to supervisory personnel? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.7.1
15. Do supervisors at all levels in the ATC Facility continuously observe and evaluate controllers? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.7.1
16. Has the ATCF established a training and standardization program to ensure individual and watch team training is accomplished? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.1.1
17. Is the training and standardization program based on facility requirements and reviewed annually? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.1.1
18. Is the simulator program reviewed annually as set forth in NATOPS? Is the annual review and a record of changes (if any) documented? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.5
19. Does the facility training and standardization program include applicable subjects required for controller certification as set forth in 14 CFR Part 65? [14 CFR Part 65] Subpart B
20. Is there an indoctrination program for newly assigned air traffic controllers? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.1
21. For USN, does the facility training program consist of an ATC FACMAN, a Facility Indoctrination, Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS), and Position Performance Handbooks (PPH) as set forth by NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.1
22. For USN within CNIC claimancy, if locally developed Job Qualification Requirements (JQR) exists to satisfy a specific qualification requirement, have they been submitted to the CNIC Training and Readiness (N7) for review and placement in the JQR database? [NAVAIR 00?80T?114/CNICINST 3500.2] 5.2.1
23. For USMC, does the facility training program consist of an ATC FACMAN, a Facility Indoctrination, Local Qualification Standards (LQS), and Lesson Topic Guides (LTG) as set forth by NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 6.2.1
24. Does the facility training program encompass each operating/supervisory position within the facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2
25. Are primary trainees designated for each operating position per watch team? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
26. Does the ATCFO ensure that periodic NATOPS training is conducted in the month indicated, by all controllers, and documented in the ATC Certification/Qualification Record (USN)/MPR (USMC)? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
27. Does the ATCFO ensure that periodic NATOPS training is accomplished immediately upon return to duty by those controllers who were unable to complete in the month indicated due to leave, TAD/TDY, or other leave of absences? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
28. Are training lectures conducted which cover operational characteristics and limitations of aircraft normally served by the facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
29. Are training lectures conducted which cover physiological and psychological factors incident to flight? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
30. Are time limitations for position qualification (approach limitations for RFC) based on/adjusted to historical qualification data for that position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.7
31. When a trainee reaches 70% of the maximum allotted position OJT time, are determinations made asset forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114, paragraph]
32. In addition to documenting TTM,does the ATCFO documen actual TTH and calendar days to attain position qualifications (initial/subsequent) from commencement of OJT to qualification? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.7
33. For USMC, does the facility adhere to qualification timelines to achieve initial MOS and skill designator MOS as specified in NAVMC DIR 3500.98? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/NAVMC DIR 3500.98] n/a
34. Are training schedules retained for one year? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.2/
35. Has the ATCFO instituted procedures to ensure personnel adhere to the currency requirements specified in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.3.3
36. When a controller is absent from the facility for an extended period of time (90 days or greater), does the ATCFO develop a controller?specific training plan for requalification? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.3.1
37. Do FWS/FWO (including Training Chief/EPDS and Branch Chiefs) meet minimum currency time requirements each calendar month as prescribed in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.3.3
38. Do Tower and Radar Supervisors meet minimum currency time requirements each calendar month as prescribed in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.3.3
39. Do non-supervisory personnel meet minimum currency time requirements each calendarmonth asprescribed in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.3.3
40. Do PALS final controllers maintain currency as described in ATC NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
41. Are simulator approaches counted for currency only by the final controller making the approach? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.5
42. Is each controller evaluated at least annually on each operating position qualified? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.3
43. Are annual evaluations conducted by the Training Chief, Branch Chief, or Branch Supervisor specifically designated in writing by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.3
44. Are annual evaluations filed in the controllers ATC Certification/Qualification Record? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.3
45. Are supervisors administered written proficiency examinations annually? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.3
46. In cases of unsatisfactory performance during a currency evaluation or annual evaluation, does the ATCFO develop a controller?specific training plan for requalification? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.3
47. In case of unsatisfactory performance during an annual evaluation, is the person evaluated made aware of deficiencies and reevaluated within 30 days? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.3
48. Has the ATCFO established a tape talk program to periodically review controller phraseology, voice quality, and inter/intraphone procedures? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.2
49. Are tape talks conducted at 25-percent (50 percent for USMC) of allotted TTM/approaches for initial qualification trainees? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.2
50. Are tape talks documented in the controllerÍs ATC Certification/Qualification Record/MPR? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.4.2
C.6.2 Documentation
1. Does the Training Chief retain monthly training schedules for one year? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
2. For USN, is an ATC Certification/Qualification Record, with contents as specified in ATC NATOPS, maintained for each controller? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.5.1
3. For USN, if the ATCFO has adjusted the original TTM of a trainee, has the action been documented with a memorandum for the record in the ATC Certification/Qualification Record? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.7
4. For USN, are position qualifications/re?qualifications and rating designations made a permanent part of the ATC Certification/Qualification Record? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.1
5. For USMC, are the forms in ATC NATOPS used as administrative transmittals to ensure standardized entry of MOS qualifications in MCTFS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] n/a
6. For USMC, is a permanent record of the initial certification PMOS 7220 (officer) or 7257 (enlisted) entered in the OMPF and MPR? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/MCO P1070.12] n/a
7. For USMC, is a MPR, with contents as specified by the ATC T & R Office, maintained for each controller? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] n/a
8. For USMC, are position qualifications, designations, MOS and completed T&R events attained in an ATCF or expeditionary environment made a permanent part of the MPR? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] n/a
9. For USMC, are all ATCT & Revents for personnel permanentl yassigned and those assigned under FAP logged into M-SHARP for all military trainees/controllers when the event is completed per NAVMC DIR 3500.98? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114, NAVMC DIR 3500.98] n/a
10. For USN, are ATC Certification/Qualification Records mailed to the next command? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.5.2
11. When a controller transfers subsequent to ATCS revocation, is the ATC Certification/Qualification Record/MPR retained at the ATCF for three years? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.5.2
12. When a controller separates, transfers to Fleet Reserve or retires, is the ATC Certification/Qualification Record/MPR retained at the ATCF for six months? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.3
C.6.3 Certification/Suspension/Revocation
1. Has a CTO Examiner (Primary and/or Alternate) been designated? [FAAO 7220.1]
2. Is the ATCS Examiner designated in writing by the Commanding Officer? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.1.4
3. When approved by the ATCFO, is the ATCS rating recorded on the ATCS Certificate, the ATC Certification/Qualification Record (USN)/MPR (USMC)? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.2
4. When a controller is eligible for an ATCS rating, does the ATCS Examiner administer appropriate examinations? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.2
5. Are the types of ATCS ratings used in conformance with NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.3
6. At those facilities where the TRACON or RATCF rating is applicable, is radar final controller normally a position qualification? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.3
7. Prior to suspending an ATCS Rating, does the ATCS Examiner obtain concurrence of the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Are ATCS ratings suspended when controller performance of duties adversely affects facility efficiency or safety of flight? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.7.1
9. Does facility management suspend controllers from participating in ATC duties when notified by competent authority of alcohol dependency or drug abuse by controllers? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. If a decision is made to suspend an ATCS rating, position qualification and/or supervisory designation, is the individual promptly notified in writing? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Are ATCS rating/position qualification suspensions properly recorded in the ATC Certification/Qualification Record/MPR? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. For USMC, are ATCS Certificate revocations (and ATCS rating suspensions when revocation is contemplated) properly recorded in the OQR/SRB and MPR? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/MCO P1070.12] n/a
13. In cases where an ATCS rating is reissued following suspension ,has the controller requalified on all applicable positions within the time limitations in place? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
14. For USN, are ATCS rating reinstatements properly recorded in the ATC Certification/Qualification Record? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
15. For USMC, are ATCS rating reinstatements properly recorded in the MPR (and OQR/SRB if applicable)? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/MCO P1070.12] n/a
16. Are cases where revocation of ATCS Certificate are considered in compliance with NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
17. When the ATCFO determines that a recommendation for revocation of ATCS Certificate is appropriate, are associated ratings immediately suspended? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
18. In cases where the member is diagnosed with a condition which renders an air traffic controller NPQ and a waiver of standards is not being pursued, does the ATCFO notification that revocation of ATCS Certificate is being pursued state: "no waiver of physical standards is being initiated by the command"? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
19. When the ATCFO determines that a recommendation for revocation of ATCS Certificate is appropriate, is the controller concerned afforded 3 working days in which to submit a written statement concerning the recommendation or to decline the opportunity in writing? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
20. Do recommendations for revocation of ATCS Certificate contain the information as required by NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
21. For USMC(FAP), are ATCS Certificate and MOS72XX revocatio npackages routed via the ATC T&R Office to the parent Marine Air Control Squadron? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] n/a
22. Upon receipt of CNO/CMC approval of revocation of the ATCS Certificate, does the ATCFO notify the individual? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
23. Are revocations of ATCS Certificates reflected on the ATCS Certificate, ATC Certification/Qualification Records (USN)/MPR (USMC), and in the OMPF? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
24. Upon receipt of CNO approval of revocation of the ATCS Certificate, is eligibility for advancement (i.e., recommendation for advancement) removed for Navy controllers? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
25. Upon receipt of CNO approval of revocation of the ATCS Certificate is exam invalidation directed for Navy controllers who are ñselecteesî for advancement? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
26. Is the striker designation removed for revocations of ATCS Certificate of Navy nonrated (E3 and below) personnel? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
27. For USMC, are requisite Aviation Career Progression Model (ACPM) training requirements being met prior to designation or qualification as prescribed in NAVMC DIR 3500.98? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114/NAVMC DIR 3500.98] n/a
C.7.1 General
1. Is a daily operations log maintained by the supervisor on duty? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
2. Does the daily operations log contain all required information? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.1
3. Is a position log maintained for each operating position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 3.2.2
4. Have position relief checklists been established for each supervisory/operating position and are they used? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
5. Are checklists established to ensure that hazardous cargo information is passed to all affected base support agencies? [OPNAVINST 3710.31] 7.e
6. Is Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) used for entries on all forms, logs and written records, and radio and landline communications? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
7. Is local time used for facility work schedules, daily traffic counts, and administrative form and correspondence? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
8. Is a reliable and accurate clock visible from each operating position? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
9. If required by NATOPS, are time checks obtained at the start of each watch? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
10. Are clocks set to agree with those of the host en route facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
11. Are ATC procedures and phraseology as prescribed in FAAO 7110.65? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
12. Is the broadcasting of information which is available to the pilot in flight information publications held to a minimum? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
13. Are procedures established to ensure aircraft are kept informed of the latest reported weather and actual field conditions? [OPNAVINST 3710.7]
14. Are weather reports, advisories, and radar monitored to determine when severe weather activity is approaching the facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
15. Are PIREPs requested when required? [FAAO 7110.65] 2-6-3
16. Do individuals perform duties as a controller under general supervision only at those sectors or positions qualified? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.1
17. When assigned to operating positions, are trainees under the direct and constant supervision of a controller qualified on the position concerned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.2.3
18. Does the OJT instructor use the same radio console as the trainee when override capability does not exist from an adjacent console? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
19. Does each controller possess an ATCS Certificate? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.4.2
20. Does each controller possess a CTO Certificate or Airman Written Test Report? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 4.2.2
21. Is the FACSFAC structured to meet the operational needs of its specific area in direct support of fleet requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.3
22. Does the Airspace Officer properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.1
23. Does the ATCFO properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.2
24. Does the Airspace Chief properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.3
25. Is the Airspace Chief a graduate of an approved military airspace management course? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.3
26. Does the Airspace Chief possess the appropriate ATCS certification for the FACSFAC assigned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.3
27. Does the Radar Chief possess the appropriate ATCS certification for the facility assigned? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.4
28. Is the Radar Chief designated in writing by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.4
29. Does the ROCC (Radar) Chief properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.4
30. Does the Facility Watch Supervisor (FWS) properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.6
31. Are ROCC (Radar) Supervisors designated in writing by the ATCFO? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.7
32. Does the ROCC (Radar) Supervisor properly perform the duties and responsibilities set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.5.7
33. Do ROCC Sector Controllers properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.6.1
34. Do ROCC Assistant Sector Controllers properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.6.2
35. Do ROCC Flight Data operators properly perform the duties set forth in NATOPS? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.6.3
36. Does the FACSFAC commanding officer ensure that an ORM Assessment is conducted when controller swho have been issued an aeromedical grounding notice (NAVMED 6410/1) are considered for approval to work the ROCC Flight Data position? Are both the ORM Assessment and subsequent approval (or disapproval) documented in writing? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.7.1
37. Have FACSFAC ATC Facility certification requirements been met? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.3.1
38. When an AISR equipment outage occurs or is anticipated, are ARTCC, FSS and the AISR TechnicalSupport Help Desk notified? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 7.f
39. When aircraft carrying hazardous cargo are declared missing or overdue, is the appropriate RCC informed of the nature of the hazardous cargo and of positive measures required to accomplish the rescue? [OPNAVINST 3710.31]
40. Are flight plan and flight movement messages completed/processed in accordance with procedures outlined in FAAO JO 7110.10? FAAO 7110.10
41. Are modifications to a written flight plan made only with the concurrence of the pilot in command? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 5.2.3
42. Are copies of all flight plan forms, flight schedules, OPS logs, aircraft clearance/arrival reports and other associated forms filed with flight plans retained for a period of 6 months? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 10.7.2
43. Has the FACSFAC conducted an annual validation/verification of associated DOD FLIP information? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
44. Are aeronautical data and facility information accurately published in flight information publications? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
45. Are procedures established to ensure that facility information in publications is accurate and complete? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114] 2.1.12
46. Are FLIP changes submitted in order to coincide with publication cycles? [OPNAVINST 3721.20]
47. Which operating positions, if any, have been added, deleted, or combined to meet local requirements? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
48. Are unauthorized scope markings used in lieu of an adequate video mapper or electronic cursor? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
49. Is video map dat alimited to reduce scope clutter and increase operationa lefficiency? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
50. At the beginning of each watch, do controllers verify accuracy of radar alignment (for each rada rinputted to FACTS) by comparing fixed location beacon transponders (PARROTS) with map alignment indicators? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
51. Is a usable target return maintained along the entire airway/route or arrival/departure control routes for which radar service is provided? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
52. Is radar performance verified on a periodic basis by a FAA flight inspection? Are reports of these inspections on file in the ATC Facility? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
53. Are primary and secondary radar performance checks made on a continuous basis, but at least once each watch? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
54. When using emergency and distress frequencies in an actual emergency/distress and time permits, do facility personnel identify that they are on guard frequencies? [NAVAIR 00-80T-114]
C.8.1 General
1. Are periodic meetings on airspace usage held with FAA? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 404
2. Is modification (expansion or reduction) of ATC airspace responsibility approved by CNO? NAVAIR 00-80T-114] Note
3. Are the procedures used to initiate rulemaking actions per 14 CFR Part 11? [FAAO 7400.2] 2-1-3
4. Are coordinates submitted or used in airspace matters in North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83)? [FAAO 7400.2] 3-1-1
5. Are the geographic coordinates of a NAVAID used as a reference point in a controlled airspace description provided in degrees, minutes, and seconds? [FAAO 7400.2] 3-1-2.c
6. Are charted reporting points established IAW FAAO 7400.2? [FAAO 7400.2] 3-2-2
7. Do names assigned for waypoints, intersections, ATC coordination, and DME fixes not collocated with a NAVAID consist of a single five-letter pronounceable name? [FAAO 7400.2] 3-3-2.b
8. Are new airspace requirements submitted to the cognizant RAC for consolidation and submission to the appropriate TYCOM? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 301
9. If a RAC, does the activity serve as the central regional coordination point for scheduling and controlling SUA? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 203.c.1
10. If a RAC, does the activity maintain SUA usage documentation and act as the interface for operational matters dealing with non-DON activities? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 203.c.2
11. If a RAC, does the activity serve as DON focal point and central clearinghouse for all SUA matters that pertain to any DON activity within their regional area of responsibility? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 203.c.3
12. If a RAC, does the activity perform its duties as delineated in OPNAVINST 3770.2? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 203.c
13. Has the activity designated an individual to serve as Command Airspace Liaison Officer (CALO)? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 204.b
14. If applicable, does the CALO perform the duties as delineated in OPNAVINST 3770.2? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 204.c
15. If applicable, are petitions to the FAA Administrator for review, extension, or revision of determinations issued by FAA regional officials submitted to CNO N980A (NAATSEA) via the cognizant NAVREP? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 306.c
16. If applicable, are petitions to the FAA Administrator for reconsideration of a FAA Headquarters administrative denial submitted to CNO N980A (NAATSEA) by the Chain of command, with a copy to the cognizant NAVREP? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 306.d
17. Are procedures governing ATCAA operations specified in letters of agreement between local militarycommands and the cognizant ATC facility? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 402.a.2
18. In the case of ATCAA identification, is coordination effected between adjacent ATC facilities to avoid use of similar sounding names? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 402a.2
19. Do ATCAA requirements comply with OPNAVINST 3770.2? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 402.b
20. Are MTRs established or modified as specified in FAAO 7610.4? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 503
21. If an originating activity, are MTRs visually surveyed prior to submission for publication/annually to confirm existing obstructions/locate new obstructions? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 503.e
22. Are noise sensitive areas (e.g., wilderness areas, wildlife refuges) avoided in the development of IR or VRroutes and additional SUA? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 401.e(9)
23. Do proposals for new or revised MTRs comply with OPNAVINST 5090.1? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 503.c
24. Do facilities that schedule Military Training Routes (IR routes) maintain records of IR usage in terms of individual aircraft operations for the preceding calendar year? [FAAO 7610.4] 11-1-5
25. Do facilities that schedule Military Training Routes (IR/VR routes) coordinate planned utilization of IR/VRroutes with their tie-in FSS? [FAAO 7610.4] 11-6-1b
26. Do facilities that schedule Military Training Routes (VR routes) have established procedures to ensure all VRusers are knowledgeable of the respective route procedures? [FAAO 7610.4] 11-9-2
27. Are all letters of agreement/procedures pertaining to airspace usage first reviewed by the RAC and then signed by the commanding officer of the naval activity concerned [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 606.a
28. Are all letters of agreement/procedure, prior to final approval, forwarded to the NAVREP (or the cognizant authority for which the airspace was designated) for review to determine if the agreement alters airspace? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 606.b
29. Are copies of all letters of agreement/procedure forwarded to the cognizant NAVREP for information? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 606.c
30. Are requests for installation, commissioning, decommissioning, removal, or relocation of NAVAIDS submitted via the appropriate chain of command to CNO N980A (NAATSEA)? After approval is the NAVREP notified to initiate appropriate airspace action? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 607
31. Are proposals involving the establishment, relocation or discontinuance of NAVAIDS forwarded to the FAA Regional Air Traffic Division for non-rulemaking study? [FAAO 7400.2] 702.a/b
32. Is a daily recording of SUA, ATCAA and MTR usage including a ÒRecord of releaseÓ maintained in accordance with OPNAVINST 3770.2? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 704a.2
33. Is annual (CY basis) MTR usage reported by 20 January to NAVREP with information copy to TYCOM and RAC? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 703.d
34. Are SUA/ATCAA and MTR usage reports maintained at the command for three years? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 704.b
C.8.2 Special Use Airspace
1. At those facilities that exercise air traffic control in airspace that contains an ADIZ boundary, are procedures in place to ensure personnel forward specific information dealing with flight plans, position reports, penetration reports, departure times, and other information on aircraft that propose to operate or are operating within the ADIZ to the appropriate ARTCC that provides Aircraft Movement Information Service (AMIS)? [FAAO 7610.4] 5-3-1
2. Do letters of agreement/procedure concerning special use airspace contain scheduling and activation/deactivation procedures, as well as activation/deactivation times? [FAAO 7610.4] 9-1-5
3. Are procedures governing operations within ATCAAÕs and MOAÕs specified in letters of agreement with the controlling agency? [FAAO 7610.4] 9-2-1.b
4. When designated as the Òscheduling agencyÓ for a MOA/ATCAA, does the facility establish a real-time activity schedule indicating airspace use times and forward the schedule and any subsequent changes to the controlling agency? [FAAO 7610.4] 9-2-3.b
5. When designated as the Òscheduling agencyÓ for a MOA/ATCAA, has the facility developed procedures with the military using units to ensure that they inform the scheduling agency, as soon as possible, of any periods of nonuse (1 hour or longer) after the initial schedule has been established? [FAAO 7610.4] 9-2-3.d
6. Is special use airspace designated, modified, or revoked IAW the policy, procedures, and criteria contained in FAAO 7400.2? [FAAO 7400.2] 21-6-2
7. Prior to submission for approval, are SUA proposals coordinated with locally affected ATC facilities and military units, local FAA representatives/liaison officers (where assigned), and the ARTCC having jurisdiction over the affected airspace? [FAAO 7400.2] 21-6-2
8. If applicable, when was the last FAA SUA Review conducted? [FAAO 7400.2] 21-8-2
9. If applicable, is the annual SUA utilization report submitted as specified in FAAO 7400.2? [FAAO 7400.2] 21-7-2/
10. Is annual (FY basis) SUA/ATCAA usage reported by 1 December to NAVREP with information copy to TYCOM and RAC? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 704.a
11. For reporting annual utilization, is ATCAA usage reported in conjunction with associated MOA (unless a stand-alone ATCAA)? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 704
12. Under the joint-use concept, is SUA released to other airspace users whenever the airspace is not required? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 102.e
13. Are joint-use letters of procedure implemented between the using agency and controlling agency in regard to SUA? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 102.f
14. Do joint-use letters of procedure include provisions for preemptive use of warning areas by the using agency? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 102.f
15. Unless it is impractical because of the areaÕs small size, location or high degree of usage, is SUA designated for joint use? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 401.c
16. If a Using Agency, is SUA made available for the conduct of operations or training by other agencies on a shared-use basis, provided such operations or training can be safely contained within the airspace and not derogate the mission of the Using Agency? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 401.d
17. If SUA is designated for part-time use by NOTAM, have the prerequisites of OPNAVINST 3770.2 been met? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 401.d
18. Are requests for designation, establishment, alteration, or revocation of SUA approved by the TYCOM? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 401.e
19. If applicable, are warning area times of use established by NOTAM or a special time of use other than continuous? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 401.e(2)
20. Is the volume and time of use of SUA the absolute minimum required to contain the user activities including safety zones? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 401.e(4)
21. Are environmental factors considered at the inception and development of SUA plans, programs, and actions? Is certification/documentation of environmental effect in compliance with OPNAVINST 5090.1? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 503.c
C.8.3 Terminal Airspace
1. Are reviews of proposed construction or alteration of structures affecting navigable airspace expeditiously forwarded to the NAVREP in the event an aeronautical objection is to be registered? [OPNAVINST 3770.2] 601.a
2. Is the FAA given reasonable prior notice if the runway layout is substantially altered? [FAAO 7400.2] 10-1-3.d
3. Does the ATCFO ensure that the command be particularly sensitive to airport projects or airport layout plan changes which would, if accomplished, lead to the relocation, replacement, or modification of ATC, NAVAID and communications facilities? [FAAO 7400.2] 10-1-4
4. Does terminal airspace supporting ATCF operations meet the general IFR and VFR airspace requirement guidelines presented in FAAO 7400.2? [FAAO 7400.2] 10-3-2.c.e
5. When responding to notices of landing area (i.e., airport) proposals, is an airspace review conducted to evaluate the effect on the safe and efficient utilization of airspace and the effect that such proposals may have on the movement and control of air traffic, associated resources and ATC program planning? [FAAO 7400.2] 11-6-1
6. Is controlled airspace in terminal areas designated, modified, or discontinued IAW the policy, procedures, and criteria contained in FAAO 7400.2? [FAAO 7400.2] 14-1-3
7. Is the communications requirement for a surface area properly met? [FAAO 7400.2] 17-2-9
8. Is the weather observation reporting requirement for a surface area properly met? [FAAO 7400.2] 17-2-10
9. If a part-time surface area, is a provision added in the designation to allow for changes by NOTAM when minor variations in the time of designation are anticipated? [FAAO 7400.2] 17-1-5