Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
A) Jobsite Set-up & Administration
1. Jobsite Binder/Safety Program/SSSP/MSDS/SDS
Blank safety & accident forms/signage in binder?
2. Gang box has first aid kit/eye wash/fire extinguisher?
3. Emergency procedures communicated to crew?
4. Foreman check crew for fitness of duty?
5. Daily huddle/pre-task plan/JHA/stretch & bend completed?
6. Foreman observes/corrects unsafe behaviors/conditions?
7. Weekly TBT complete?
8. Near-misses/hazard recognitions reported regularly?
9. Properly trained/authorized personnel performing tasks?
10. Orientations current?
11. Equipment secure at end-of-shift?
12. Other
B) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
1. Hard hats worn?
2. Eye and face protection adequate?
3. Hearing protection available & worn in high noise areas?
4. Proper gloves being worn?
5. Employees have proper workboots?
6. Proper work clothing (long pants, sleeved shirts)?
Class II reflective vests/hi-viz clothing
7. Body protection (Tyvek suits/rain suits/spray suits)?
8. Other
C) General Safety
1. Access/egress to & from jobsite safe?
2. Debris kept clear of work areas, passageways, and aisle ways?
3. Combustible debris regularly removed to control fire hazards?
4. Materials free from protruding nails/sharp edges?
5. Floor obstructions/protruderances marked or guarded?
6. Containers available for disposal of waste materials (dumpster, trash container)?
7. Are waste containers regularly emptied to avoid overfilling?
8. Are hoses and cords managed to prevent trip hazards?
9. Are work ares free from spills, snow, ice, oil, mud, and other slip hazards?
10. Materials, equipment & tools stacked/stored to prevent falling, collapse, sliding?
11. Aisles and passageways clear and adequate for safe material handling?
12. Signage, barricades, cones, flagging, and/or red danger tape in place?
13. Pedestrian walkways (general public) free of slip/trip/fall hazards?
14. Are rebar caps needed to eliminate impalement potential?
15. Stairways & stairwells clean & clear?
D) Abrasive Blasting Safety Practices
1. Operator properly trained/authorized?
2. Abrasive & equipment loading/moving/handling procedures adequate?
3. Slip/trip/fall hazards controlled?
4. Electric shock/static electricity hazards controlled?
5. Hearing protection worn by operator and/or other personnel?
6. Compressor/air lines/fittings/couplings/hoses/blast pot/remote control system/nozzle inspected & in good condition?
7. Whip checks installed at each connection?
8. Chicago couplings secured with pins (no tie wire)?
9. Nearby personnel protected?
10. Dust control/containment adequate?
11. Operator safety equipment adequate?
E) Respiratory Protection
1. Have employees received respiratory protection training?
2. Have respirator users been medically qualified for respirator use?
3. Respirator users have a fit test card indicating a fit test performed within the last 12 months?
4. Do the make, model and size of the respirator being worn correspond with the fit test card?
5. Is Respirator adequate for the specific respiratory hazard?
6. Are respirators properly stored, cleaned and disinfected?
7. Respirators properly used (user seal check, worn correctly, clean shaven, etc)?
1. Have employees received GHS training?
2. Have employees reviewed the MSDS/SDS for specific materials in use?
3. Are MSDS on site and available to employees?
4. Are containers labeled with contents?
G) Fall Protection
1. Have employees received Fall Protection Training?
2. Is fall protection equipment inspected prior to each use?
3. Changes in elevation greater than 6ft are protected with guardrails or equivalent?
4. Floor openings/roof openings/wall openings: covered/clearly marked/guarded?
5. Guard rails properly constructed with top-rail, mid-rail and toe board?
6. Employees using personal fall arrest systems (PFAS) when exposed to falls > 6-feet?
7. Any step ladder/stilt use exposure near temporary guard rails?
8. Anchorage points rated for 5000 lbs/employee connected?
9. Skylight protection adequate?
10. Warning Line system in use/properly installed?
H) Spray equipment
1. Inspected before use?
2. Tip guard complete and in place?
3. When unit unattended, is it shut off, gun triggered to relieve pressure, & trigger safety latch set in locked position?
4. Does each sprayer have a spray injection wallet card?
5. Adequate ventilation?
6. Proper respiratory protection?
7. Proper electrical connections?
8. Static electricity discharge precautions in place?
9. Fire extinguishing equipment readily available?
10. Proper pressure relief procedures (clogged tip, changing tip, shutting system down, etc.) practiced at all times?
11. Proper signage posted?
I) Suspension Scaffolds
1. Have employees received swing stage scaffold user training and/or City of Chicago certification?
2. Suspension scaffold platform properly constructed & inspected by a competent person before each shift?
3. Support structure able to safely support the loads?
4. Roof setup (support equipment, tiebacks, PFAS, loose materials, etc.) properly constructed & inspected by competent person before each shift?
5. Weight of employees, tools & equipment within scaffold rating?
6. Ten-foot minimum clearance from power lines?
7. Electrical power systems properly installed & in good condition?
8. ATD Daily Suspended Scaffold Checklist affixed to platform?
9. Landing areas and platforms free of debris and trip hazards?
J) Stationary Supported Scaffolds
1. Scaffold properly erected, dismantled & inspected by ATD competent person before each shift?
2. Scaffold & components in good condition and properly installed?
3. Guardrail system in place and properly constructed on open sides/ends at heights > 10-feet?
4. Employees NOT using improvised objects to increase working height on scaffold?
5. Falling object protection in place?
6. Is scaffold adequately and properly supported (i.e. base plates, mud sills, firm foundation)?
7. Weight of employees, tools & equipment within scaffold rating?
8. All working levels properly and fully planked?
9. Has a ladder and/or safe access/egress been provided?
10. Scaffold plumb, level, square and/or secured against tipping at 4:1 ratio?
11. Minimum distances from power lines maintained?
K) Rolling Scaffold
1. Scaffold inspected and in good condition?
2. Wheels locked?
3. Floor in good condition for scaffold?
4. Guard rails in place at platform height > 4-feet above floor?
5. Scaffold plumb, level, square, and properly braced?
6. Outriggers installed properly on Bakers when platform at highest setting and when stacking frames?
L) Stilts
1. Stilts only used by trained & authorized personnel?
2. Stilts properly inspected, used, and maintained?
3. Is working surface safe for stilt use?
4. Safe distance being maintained from temporary guard rails?<br><br>
M) Aerial lifts (boom and scissor)
1. Only trained & authorized personnel operating lift?
2. Lift inspected & controls tested prior to use?
3. Guard rails and/or PFAS?
4. Everyone in lift standing on platform, NOT on toe board, mid rail, or top rail?
5. Ground conditions good to prevent lift from tipping over?
6. Proper clearance from power lines and/or other energized sources?
7. Body parts being kept clear from stationary objects?
8. Outdoor conditions safe for operation of lift?
9. Lift capacity NEVER exceeded?
N) Portable Ladders and Stairways
1. Has ladder been properly inspected and is it in good condition?
2. Is the step or extension ladder being used properly?
3. Is extension ladder at proper angle, tied off @ top and extending 3 ft. above landing?
4. Is the floor/ground in good shape to support the ladder?
5. Is the proper ladder being used for the task at hand?
6. Is the ladder rated a minimum of TYPE 1A?
7. Is stairway free of debris, sand, oil, ice, electric cords, hoses, materials, etc.?
8. Are stair rails provided for stairs with 4 or more risers?
9. Is stairway properly illuminated?
10. Are stairway handrails, risers, platforms and landings safe?
11. Does stairway need to be closed and signs posted to protect our operations?
12. Stairway or ladder provided when break in elevation is > 19"?
O) Electrical
1. Cords, tools and receptacles inspected and in good condition?
2. Cords, tools and receptacles being used properly?
3. GFCI in use?
4. Energized panels covered & secured?
5. Safe working distance maintained around power lines?
6. Power lines properly covered/jacketed?
P) Pressure Washer/Water Blaster/Compressed Air Blower
1. Is operator authorized and properly trained?
2. Has the equipment been inspected daily before use?
3. Equipment being used properly?
e) Motor Vehicles
i) In safe operating condition (lights, windshield, horn, tires, brakes, gauges operable)?
ii) State inspection current?
iii) License/Registration current?
iv) Driver has valid state issued drivers license and designated as an approved driver?
v) Trailer/equipment connected properly (safety chains, lights, hitch, and brakes)?
vi) Load is stable, secured properly, does not overload vehicle?
vii) Fire extinguisher mounted in bed of pickup?
viii)Operat0065d safely, seat belt worn?
ix) Running equipment not left unattended?
x) Cab and truck bed cleaned & free of debris?
a) Postings
i) 6 IN 1 Poster (0SHA, Minimum Wage, Discrimination, etc.)
ii) Emergency Action Plan poster is completely filled out and posted?
b) Medical/First Aid
i) Local clinic for injury treatment identified in the Safety Execution Plan?
ii) Local hospital with emergency room facilities identified in the Safety Execution Plan?
iii) Trained First Aid/CPR provider been identified by name in the Safety Execution Plan?
iv) First Aid/CPR provider has unexpired FA/CPR Training card?
v) First aid kit is available on site and inspected regularly?
vi) Is emergency eyewash station available when corrosive or other injurious materials are used?
vii) Bloodborne pathogens kits available
c) Electrical Safety
i) GFCIs in use or assured grounding program implemented?
ii) Electric cords inspected before use?
iii) Electric panels properly constructed with covers & inspected?
d) Sanitation
i) Is an adequate supply of drinking water available?
ii) Portable drinking water containers cleaned, sanitized and rinsed daily and properly marked/dated?
iii) Disposable cups and trash receptacle available?
iv) Adequate number of toilets/wash facilities provided (1 toilet/50 employees or less; 1/each additional 50)?
v) Do mobile crews have transportation to toilet/wash facilities nearby?
vi) Are eating/drinking areas located to prevent exposure to harmful materials?
vii) Trash disposal available at eating/drinking areas?
a) Gas Cylinder Safety
i) Compressed cylinders stored and secured vertically?
ii) Caps on cylinders when not in use?
iii) O 2 and fuel gases stored 20' apart?
iv) Flash back arresters on torch handle & at cylinder?
v) Compressed gas cylinders handled and moved safely?
f) Fuel Handling and Flammable Liquids
i) OSHA fuel cans with flash arrester?
ii) Equipment turned off while fueling?
iii) Fuel storage area: Signs/Containment/> 20lbs Extinguisher?
iv) Proper storage of flammable liquid construction products?
g) Fire Protection
i) Adequate fire extinguishers: Inspection/placement/size?
ii) Welding, burning, cutting: No combustibles in area?
iii) Fire watch provided when necessary?
iv) Oily rags stored in proper container?
v) Designated smoking area provided/No smoking signs posted?
vi) Fire extinguishers being maintained?
vii) Employees trained in proper use of fire extinguishers?
h) Ventilation
i) 20 air changes per hour in confined space?
ii) Provides clean, breathable air (Constant Monitoring)?
iii) Air flow sufficient to reduce contaminants to a safe level?
i) Other
i) Confined Space
(1) Following Confined Space Entry Permit process?
(2) Employees trained in Confined Space Entry?
(3) Entry Supervisor Trained?
(4) Rescue services available?
ii) Working On, Over or Near Water
(1) Life vests available?
(2) Life Ring w/ 90 ft. of line present every 200 ft.?
(3) Rescue skiff available?
iii) Excavation/Trenching
(1) Following trenching procedures
(2) Employees competent in trenching procedures
(3) Qualified person assessing effective trench Procedures
(4) Shoring, Benching, Sloping engineered
(5) Proper entry and exits provided
iv) Third Party Safety (other contractors, general public)
(1) Public warning/hazard signs, signals or communication?
(2) Traffic control: signs, direction, barrels, barricades?
(3) Dust/Vapor: Dust curtains, tape doors/windows, ventilated area?
(4) Public Protected from flying/spilled construction debris/chemicals?
(5) Pedestrian walkways protected from trip & slip hazards?
(6) Adequate pedestrian barriers/fences/gates/flagging?
(7) Overhead protection from falling/flying debris/tools/equip.?
j) Adequate lighting in all areas?
k) Embedded utilities located?
a) Safety Execution Plan developed and on site?
b) Front Line Safety Initiatives implemented?
c) Project Manager dedicates time to ensure safety related obligations are fulfilled?
d) JSA's when new tasks start?
e) Pre Project Planning (PrePP) done for changed conditions?
f) Pre Task Planning (PreTP) done prior to starting new tasks?
g) Site specific safety training from PrePP completed?
h) Follow-up on action items from JSA's, MSA's, PrePP, PreTP?
i) Site Specific Safety Plan from PrePP implemented?
j) New emp. given Standard Orientation prior to starting work?
k) Danger - Do Not Use tags available and in use where needed?
a) Personal Protective Equipment:
b) Respiratory Protection:
c) Fall Protection:
d) Scaffolds, Platforms and Ladders:
e) Motorized Access Equipment:
f) Confined Space:
g) Forming:
h) Grouting:
i) Trenching:
j) Cranes/Hoists & Rigging:
k) Welding:
Job Site Supervisor