
  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Operations Audit

Maintenance Management

  • Examine the accuracy of the organizational chart

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • How effective is maintenance management’s oversight of maintenance actions?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate the cooperation and communication between maintenance management and operations management.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate the communication between maintenance management and maintenance employees.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate the quality and production level of the maintenance effort. Effective task scheduling and long range planning must be emphasized.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate the current state of the safety culture in the maintenance activity.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Determine if a process is in place to ensure company and other applicable maintenance management training requirements are met.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are maintenance managers aware of relevant Health and Safety requirements and processes?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are there documented procedures in place to ensure that the responsibilities of key personnel are carried out during periods of absence? Are those procedures followed?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are maintenance supervisors trained according to the company approved initial training program for each specific aircraft?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Maintenance Personnel

  • Does the organization employ or contract sufficient maintenance personnel to safely maintain its aircraft? Consider peak workloads

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • How well does the operation verify, accomplish and document Maintenance technician training?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate the experience level of the personnel performing maintenance on company aircraft.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Do maintenance supervisor(s) consider human factors in scheduling and work planning for employees? Do technicians indicate an appropriate awareness of human factors influences?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are there sufficient maintenance resources to conduct any required (double) inspection of work performed? Ensure sufficient oversight is provided and these inspections are completed correctly and documented properly.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of communication with, and oversight of, maintenance personnel in company satellite locations (if applicable).

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Do maintenance personnel display effective coordination and situational awareness according to the concepts described in Maintenance Resource Management (MRM)?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is the policy followed that ensures maintenance personnel possessing maintenance release authority have recent experience in inspection, servicing, or maintenance?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is a policy in place describing specific procedures and limitations associated with maintenance personnel working alone?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Quality Assurance

  • Is there documented evidence that the Maintenance system is being audited adequately?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is the Aircraft Maintenance Program being evaluated for effectiveness?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are Vendors being qualified appropriately?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is there a formal maintenance tool/test equipment calibration program? Is this program documented in the appropriate company manual?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Maintenance Inspection Program

  • Do Certifying Staff have the authority, training and experience to certify maintenance under the AMP?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Assess the process for review and compliance of Airworthiness Directives and Service Information

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate the Engine Condition Monitoring Program

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Maintenance Training

  • Evaluate the tracking of initial and recurrent Maintenance Training.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is there a continuous development or On-the-Job training program for Maintenance personnel?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • How does the Maintenance Manager ensure that Maintenance Personnel are trained and qualified for specific tasks?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate Maintenance Training program effectiveness.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Examine individual training records for completeness and organization. Ensure records meet regulatory requirements.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • If contracted maintenance is used, is their training program evaluated?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Maintenance Control

  • Evaluate the system used to track maintenance.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are Maintenance Managers and Staff aware of Maintenance Control policies and procedures?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are maintenance managers/directors effectively communicating maintenance control and planning issues to operations personnel?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are there existing procedures in-place that adequately track MEL/deferred maintenance issues to closure? How well are these issues managed?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Does the scheduling and utilization of aircraft allow sufficient time to troubleshoot problems and complete repairs? Are maintenance personnel ever pressured to compromise required work? Is there a hazard reporting process that is responsive to hazards or fatigue issues reported by maintenance personnel?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Aircraft Condition

  • Is all required emergency equipment and information current and available? Have inspections been tracked?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are aircraft interiors inspected, cleaned/disinfected properly after flight?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are the required documents carried aboard the aircraft?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Verify that seats and belts and cargo securing equipment is in good condition.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Examine the condition of the aircraft

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Maintenance Records Program

  • Are maintenance records audited internally to ensure compliance with NAA and manufacturers requirements?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are maintenance records consistently kept organized and well maintained?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is the operator’s aircraft maintenance program identified in the aircraft records?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is there an adequate oversight and verification of information entered into the maintenance tracking system?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Aircraft Fueling and Service

  • Examine the training program for pilots to conduct fuel contamination inspections and servicing when away from base.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Does an appropriately qualified employee stay with the aircraft when fueling?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is there a process for verifying compliance with local environmental laws pertaining to fueling and disposal of waste fuel/fluids?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are personnel trained on aircraft specific fueling and servicing procedures?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Examine the fueling process and equipment

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Examine the company fuel storage area.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Maintenance Manuals

  • Verify the revision process and status of all manuals

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Verify the availability of manuals

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are maintenance procedures outlined in the manuals and publications adhered to by maintenance personnel?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Verify that maintenance check flight procedures are adhered to

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Examine the effectiveness of the fatigue management system for maintenance personnel?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Hangar / Maintenance Facilities

  • Evaluate employee access to emergency phones and phone lists while working on the ramp and or hangar.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Examine the condition and availability of equipment for containing hazardous material discharges/spills on the ramp and hangar areas

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Do employees receive training on the handling and storage of hazardous materials contained in the facility?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Examine the use and placement of signs defining hazardous work areas throughout the facility.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are facility fire emergency system inspections conducted and documented?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Examine the condition and inspection of facility vehicles and equipment

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is the office and break area suitable

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is all equipment cared for and safe to use?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is First Aid equipment available and have employees received training in First Aid?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is personal protective equipment available and used?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

Stores / Shelf-Life

  • Verify that a tracking program exists to identify expired items and that these items are removed from inventory and not available for use on aircraft.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Verify the parts receiving process.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Evaluate the inventory control methods used to ensure an adequate stock of parts and stores are available.

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are all unserviceable/non-repairable parts clearly segregated/separated from serviceable parts?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Are consumables included in inventory control procedures?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is there an electro-static discharge (ESD) program in place?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

  • Is there evidence of timely financial reconciliation between parts/stores inventories?

  • Enter your suggestion

  • Enter your risk assessment of this finding

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.