
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Are the back doors / gates closed & access to the yard secured?

  • Is all the back door documentation locked securely in the backdoor desk? TRN book, RP728, RP388 and UOD sheets

  • Is the visitor book used and are drivers & Reps signing in when using the store’s facilities?

  • Is the colleagues search book present and being used on visitors / drivers at random times?

  • Is there evidence that UODs are being checked in daily?

  • Are all pallets, dollies, MUs and high value products being checked in and reported to relevant manager for quick and secure removal?

  • Are all OFDs been checked in and taken to relevant departments?

  • Is the store achieving 100% Electronic Delivery Note completion on a weekly basis?

  • Are there checks being done on delivery cages for damaged stock or stock that could create damages, waste or shrink?

  • Are back areas marshalled to allow accurate gap scan / count routines, ensuring all stock is grouped together & not dual located?

  • Have colleagues seen the unusual suspects DVD and has their training record card been signed off?

  • Are the EPW / NOT ON FILE locations correctly assigned, stock records are accurate with paperwork evident & reviewed weekly?

  • Are all damages, waste and reductions stored in correctly assigned locations and cleared at regular intervals during the day?

  • Compactor and all secure stores are locked at all times. Access lists and key controls are up to date

  • Have all put backs been removed from the warehouse?

  • Does any waste either awaiting collection or disposal have a corresponding waste report attached? Has it been checked off and signed by the Duty Manager?

  • There in NO evidence of grazing around the warehouse?

  • Are all RSU cages in allocated areas and are checks been done on stock prior to leaving (visual check)?

  • Is the tobacco delivery being checked and taken by 2 colleagues to the kiosk area for individual checks of lines (secure area)?

  • Is chewing gum and high value confectionary locked in 4 sided cages?

  • Are Saltely returns cages being kept in the high value restricted area until just prior to pick up?

  • Is the high value delivery being fully checked in and visual check being done for any tampering with black boxes?

  • Are all Entertainment returns recorded accurately, all returned stock has been scanned out as collected (PDA data is up to date / accurate) is all stock awaiting collection stored securely?

  • All Direct deliveries including Tobacco, Bread, etc. to be checked off, shortages claimed and detail confirmed as updated on system

  • Are all returns to suppliers e.g. Bread / Milk returns being completed when applicable? Has the RP388 & RP510 returns books been checked to ensure all entries are completed correctly and all correspond to an entry on the DSS Weekly Summary reports?

  • Is any stock stored in the yard secure and protected to prevent damage / loss?

  • Are the back door keys being signed in and out?

  • Has the % variance on the EDN reports been reviewed to ensure deliveries are being checked in accurately?

  • Add signature

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