Conducted on
Audited by: (name and position)
Persons consulted and position
Completed report to be shared with: (name and position)
Goods In
Can shutters demonstrate (verbally) the process, and show an understanding of their responsibilities?
Is there adequate storage on the shunt unit to safely stow Susie locks, keys and fobs?
Is the station positioned in an appropriate and safe area not causing obstruction and additional hazards?
Is there a process and procedure for the collection and deposit of locks etc at this station evident / adequate?
Are locks being used on ALL trailers being worked on, check all trailers attached to bays?
Are control sheets being populated with the correct detail (sign in/out of locks and keys)?
Is the filling of completed control sheets evident and adequate (to preserve audit trail)?
Are locks fitted to closed bay doors to prevent unauthorised opening?
Are locks and key fobs suitably placed on doors that are in use when in raised position?
Can the fobs be easily seen from a distance from the bay in question?
Are fobs adequate for process? Keys attached and free from damage? Is there adequate process to replace damaged locks, keys and tags?
Are radios in use to assist in the process? Instructions clear? Observe
Is there evidence that managerial audit checks are carried out on all shifts? (I.e. Sign off)
Are traffic light checks completed on every shift and formally recorded?
Can shutters demonstrate (verbally) the process, and show an understanding and awareness of their responsibilities?
Is there adequate storage 'on the shunt unit' to safely stow Susie locks, keys and fobs?
Is the station positioned in an appropriate and safe area not causing obstruction or additional hazards?
Is there a process and procedure for the collection and deposit of locks etc at this station evident/ adequate?
Are locks being used on ALL trailers being worked on, check all trailers attached to bays?
Are control sheets being populated with the correct detail (sign in/out of locks and keys)?
Is the filling of completed control sheets evident and adequate (to preserve audit trail)?
Are locks fitted to closed bay doors to prevent unauthorised opening?
Are keys and fobs suitably placed on doors that are in use when in raised position?
Can the fobs be easily seen from a distance from the bay door in question?
Are fobs adequate for the process? Keys attached and free from damage? Is there an adequate process to replace damaged locks, keys and tags?
Are radios in use to assist the process? Instructions clear? Observe.
Are traffic light checks completed on every shift and formally recorded?
Are training records available and up to date for operatives?
Have skilpacs been communicated and readily accessible for reference?
Are local control measures documented, briefed, and adhered to? I.e. Supplementary runners etc?
Is there evidence of near miss reporting, investigations and remedial action planning, sign off by appropriate management/supervisors?
Bay Signage
Are external signs clear, in front of each bay, adjacent to each bay, mirror image format? IS IT CLEAR WHICH BAY THE SIGNAGE RELATES TO FOR DRIVERS AND YARD PERSONNEL?
Are housekeeping standards adequate externally in the immediate vicinity of each bay?
Are housekeeping standards adequate internally in the immediate vicinity of each bay?
Comments and Observations
Comments and other observations
Signature of auditor