This tool is a resource to be used by auditors to guide the collection of evidence during the onsite review phase of the Training System audit. The purpose of the audit is to determine an Operations compliance with the applicable state legislation, BHPB Policies and BHPB Coal Training guidelines.
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Document No:
Client / Site:
Report prepared by:
Audit Committee members:
Conducted on:
Training scheme
Do all training stakeholders know about the Operation's training scheme? <br>A minimum of 2 personnel are to be questioned<br>
The process to enable personnel to undergo or commence training does not delay the commencement of training <6hrs?<br>
Are the scheme appendices up to date and information is available to support/explain changes ?<br>
Is there evidence that the RPL/RCC process is understood by stakeholders and applied as per the stated in the scheme? <br>
Do operational stakeholders clearly understand the induction process for the Operation?<br>A minimum of 2 personnel are to be questioned<br>
Do operational stakeholders clearly understand the content expert process for the Operation?<br>
Does the refresher model enable refresher training to be completed with minimum impact to the Operation? i.e. Do people need to leave site? How many people are impacted for the training?<br>
Does the scheme outline the system for storage of training and assessment records?<br>
Are the refresher periods nominated for each activity supported by risk assessment or operational/legislative evidence?<br>
Is there evidence to demonstrate a review and evaluation of the training system, both internal and external training activities? <br>
Is there evidence of the scheme being reviewed annually (as a minimum), changes recorded as per document control guidelines?<br>
Is there evidence the site induction is reviewed annually (as a minimum) and changes are recorded as per document control guidelines?<br>
Is there evidence the Operation's specific training material training and assessment material is reviewed every 5 years (as a minimum) and changes are recorded as per document control guidelines?<br>
Is there evidence of re assessment/training following changes to Operational specific material i.e. SOPs, incidents, technology changes etc? <br>
Is there evidence of consultation with the Operation's workforce when undertaking changes to the scheme and supporting guidelines & processes?<br>
Is there evidence of changes to scheme, supporting guidelines & processes being communicated with the workforce?
Training needs analysis (TNA)
Are Supervisory personnel aware of the TNA and understand its intent & content? <br>A minimum of 2 personnel are to be questioned<br>
Is there evidence of a review process for the Operation's TNA to ensure compliance?
Is there evidence of regular reporting and communication on the TNA status to the Operation?
Skills Mix
Are Operational personnel aware of the skills mix for their department?<br>Interview with minimum of 2 personnel<br>
Is there evidence of an process to support the development and review of the skills mix and it is effectively applied?
Annual Training Plan
Is there evidence of a contingency training plan to be utilised in the event of wet weather or unplanned downtime? <br>
Are Supervisory personnel aware of the training plan?<br>Interview with minimum of 2 personnel<br>
Is there evidence to demonstrate a process to develop, monitor accuracy and amend the training plan? <br>
Does training and assessment which takes place within the Operation align with the training plan?<br>
Training Files
Are the records stored in the location nominated by the Operation? <br>
Are the records stored in a consistent manner? <br>
Do CMW know how to access their training records?<br>
Training Data
Do the Operation's LMS qualifications naming conventions align with Coal standard?<br>
Are pre requisites which support assessments entered into the LMS transcript?
Are generic Coal LMS codes used to capture skills/competencies generic to the industry? i.e. SOAs etc
Does the training data accurately reflect the Coal approved training process?
Is evidence of data cleanse activities? i.e. delimiting old appointments or inactive codes
Continuous Improvement
Does a relationship exist between the onsite training stakeholders?
Is there evidence to demonstrate training representatives are regularly engaged in Operational process/procedure reviews i.e. SOPs, PHMPs, risk assessments?
Sign Off
I confirm that the information stated in this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of auditor:
Emma Haigh
BHPB Coal Training Audit - Onsite Review
This tool is a resource to be used by auditors to guide the collection of evidence during the onsite review phase of the Training System audit. The purpose of the audit is to determine an Operations compliance with the applicable state legislation, BHPB Policies and BHPB Coal Training guidelines.
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