Document No.
Audit Title: Apartment Inspection
- Block A
- Block B
- Block C
- Block D
- D town house
- B town house
- 5 story town house
- Ground Floor
- level 1
- level 2
- level 3
- level 4
- level 5
- level 6
- level 7
- level 8
- level 9
- Roof
Flat Ref
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
Flat Type
- Social
- Private
- Intermediate
Kitchen Type
- Alno
- Manhattan
Wates / Greenwich Peninsula
Conducted on
Prepared by
Drawing ref:
First Fix:
1: Check services installed to latest issue electrical drawings.
2: Manifolds in HIU cupboard with 10mm hep20 run outs with no joints in ceiling.
3: 10 mm hep20 pipes suitably clipped and secure. Horizontal every 300mm. Vertical 2 No. caddy and talon clips.
4: All 10mm hep20 pipework o have 22mm clips.
5: All pipework to be fully insulated.
6: All pipework within HIU cupboard to be hep20.
7: pipework for radiator comes out through rad noggin at correct height (300mm).
8: All pipework penetrations through walls are to have sleeve made of the same type of material.
9: 10mm pipework at radiator to be marked flow and return and ends covered.
10: All vertical drops within the walls to have 3no. Aluminium bands for location purpose, on outside of insulation.
11: Pressure test carried out and witnessed. Witnessed by B&C site manager and Wates manager named below. Copy of pressure certificate on file.
Wates manager:
Soil/vent pipes
1: all pipework fixed neatly and securely to provide the correct falls.
2: Fire collars/wraps fitted and secure where applicable.
3: Pressure test carried out and witnessed. Witnessed by B&C site manager and Wates manager named below. Copy of pressure certificate on file.
Wates manager:
This inspection sheet confirms that the item or area detailed above is 100% completed in line with the current specification, drawings and pre agreed sample panels although still remaining Sub Contractors responsibility until practical completion has been achieved.
Inspected by sub-contractor.
Inspected by wates manager.