Document No.
Audit Title (contractor/financial year/month of audit)
Bushland Contractor
Conducted on
Prepared by
Others Present
SYSTEMS CHECK (office based)
Are monthly injury reports being lodged with the Shire's Contract Auditing Officer?
Are there any injury issues to discuss?
Have works occurred, or are they planned to occur in a new location, or involving new staff, equipment or methodology?
Describe the situation
Review related procedures, inductions or JSA and note here.
Have any working bees been supervised in the last quarter?
How are volunteer attendance numbers?
What works have been achieved?
Have there been any issues or difficulties?
Are monthly reports and invoices being received on time?
Does the monthly report provide enough detail for auditing purposes?
Are there any other issues or comments in regards to monthly reports?
Have any "crew on site" audits been undertaken since the last quarterly audit?
Are there any action items that need to be discussed?
Have any "on site weed control/bushland works" audits been undertaken since the last quarterly audit?
Are there any action items that need to be discussed?
Contractor to review works schedule for the next quarter with Conservation Officer. Are there any issues or comments?
Will any reserves be visited as part of today's audit?
Bushland Reserve(s) Inspected
Bushland Reserve
Reserve Name
Will this site be audited in detail using the separate "bushland works" audit form? If no, then carry out a brief audit as per below.
Outline works observed
Add media
Are there any issues to be followed up on?