Title Page

  • Location
  • Inspection Date

  • Completed By

  • Store In Charge

  • Store Manager on Duty


1. Are updated affidavits/Memorandum of Handing Over Cash Float duly approved by the Area Manager/Operations Manager, available in the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Affidavits/Memorandum of Handing Over of Cash Floats mentioning existing floats

  • TOLERANCE: Updated affidavit/Handover if cash custodian is taking more than 7 consecutive days leave

2. Does the restaurant perform cash safe handover on a daily basis and records maintained? Also, are all cash safe handover witnessed?

  • CONFIRM: Affidavits/Memorandum of Handing Over of Cash Floats mentioning existing floats

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

3. Are cash safe contents checks conducted by the AM/OM on a monthly basis?

  • CONFIRM: Last month's cash safe content spot check

  • TOLERANCE: Cash safe contents checks performed by Area / Operations management, once in a quarter if AM/OM based outside the city

4. Is cash (floats and cash sales proceeds) counted during the audit same as the balance per records?

  • CONFIRM: Compare actual cash counted with cash affidavit/DSSR/Finance record

  • TOLERANCE: Difference up to AED 5 or equivalent per float

5. Are all business advances issued to restaurant staff supported by approved original IOUs or recorded and signed in the Petty Cash Register? Also, are all outstanding IOUs/business advances less than 7 days old?

  • CONFIRM: All outstanding business advances

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance


6. Are all expenses duly supported by original vouchers/valid receipts, stamped or marked ‘Paid’ & all reimbursements done having approvals per LOA during the prescribed replenishment period?

  • CONFIRM: Last 4 Petty Cash Replenishments/All invoices paid but not replenished at the restaurant

  • TOLERANCE: Expenses claimed by the next replenishment period (i.e. 2nd & last Thursday of every month) & Float insufficient to last till appointed replenishment dates or cash sales not adequate to replenish the total expenses

7. Are reimbursed expenses used only for authorized business purposes? If not, is pre-approval obtained as per LOA along with the reason for incurring the expenses documented?

  • CONFIRM: Last 4 Petty Cash Replenishments/All invoices paid but not replenished at the restaurant

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

8. Are all reimbursements updated in the accounting system?

  • CONFIRM: Last 4 Petty Cash Replenishments/All invoices paid but not replenished at the restaurant

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

9. Are all supporting receipts (scanned or original) attached to the Petty Cash Claim Request approved by Restaurant Manager?

  • CONFIRM: Last 4 Petty Cash Replenishments

  • TOLERANCE: If scanned copy of all original supporting receipts not attached, receipts signed subsequently by Area/Operations management within one month from replenishment; Petty Cash claim request ‒ digital approval by Operations Manager

10. Is the petty cash float less than 150% of the maximum expenses?

  • CONFIRM: Last 4 Petty Cash Replenishments, actual expenses incurred

  • TOLERANCE: Evidence of Float review within last 4 months


11. Are updated specimen signatures of restaurant staff & Operations management available in the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Current restaurant staff & Operations management specimen signature

  • TOLERANCE: Restaurant management, FOH staff, Stock Receiving & Cash Admin team

12. Only allocated FOH management - Restaurant/assistant restaurant manager and supervisors are authorized to make changes to customer bills - void, discount or remove items

  • CONFIRM: POS system authorization level for FOH staff

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

13. Are all items ordered by the customer included in the open check processed through the Point of Sale (POS) system prior to service and food prepared based on KOT?

  • CONFIRM: Compare orders delivered to 5 customers with system records

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

14. Is the restaurant telephone number printed on the till receipt & functional during the trading hours?

  • CONFIRM: Current day's till receipt

  • TOLERANCE: Written follow-up with technical services or service provider

15. In case tips received through credit card payment, are the credit card tips recorded and reconciled prior to staff distribution?

  • CONFIRM: Credit card tips reconcilliation available for the period of the time of the audit

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance


16. Are cash sales proceeds secured in the store safe box and recorded as daily cash sales. If not deposited/handed over in full, in agreement with the Daily Revenue Sales Report to an authorized person or security agency as per approved banking schedule, used to offset COD payments in a given period of 7 days reconciled?

  • CONFIRM: Last 7 days DSSR posted in the system and bank deposit advice, Cash Receipt Voucher/acknowledgement from security agency/ store petty cash reconciliation

  • TOLERANCE: Banking holidays or Collection frequency not daily per agreement with security agency

17. Are excess collections, if any (including foreign exchange gains & lost and found cash) updated in the restaurant's POS system prior to banking?

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days DSSR posted in the system / excess collections record - email and physical record

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

18. Is the AM/OM's approval obtained on Till Discrepancies, reasons recorded (for discrepancy > AED 10 or equivalent) and copy retained in the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days Till Discrepancy Reports > AED 10 or equivalent (maximum 5)

  • TOLERANCE: E-mail/online approval from AM/OM

19. In case shortages (including credit card sales) are not deposited, are these being recovered from cashier's/staff's payroll or written-off per authority limits specified in LOA only after investigation?

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days DSSR posted in the system and staff personal accounts

  • TOLERANCE: Actual deduction or advice for deduction

20. In case of orders remaining open at restaurant closure, is the resultant cash shortage collected/recovered from the concerned server's payroll?

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days DSSR posted in the system and staff personal accounts

  • TOLERANCE: Actual deduction or advice for deduction

21. Is updated written authorization with name, ID number, clear photograph and specimen signature available for the person (from an external firm) collecting cash from the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Copy of Authorization Letter from the external firm

  • TOLERANCE: Non-Cash collection restaurant

22. Is handling of cash sale proceeds done in presence of 2 authorized staff securely inside the back-office/away from the presence of customers?

  • Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

23. Does the staff going to the bank/collecting change from an external firm acknowledge the amount collected?

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days Banking Conveyance Form/Receipt from external firm/Showroom Cash Receipt Voucher/Deposit Form/IOU

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance


24. Is the register of use for the manual invoice receipt book up to date and secured with the invoice receipt book in the safe box

  • CONFIRM: The register of use document is up to date with all previous transactions and secured together with the invoice receipt book

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

25. Are manual sales invoices made only in exceptional cases and completed with all details per SOP and reasons recorded thereof?

  • CONFIRM: Last 6 months' manual invoices (maximum 5)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

26. Are till receipts attached/till receipt number indicated once the manual invoices are updated in the POS system? Also, are these till receipts duly signed by the same cashier & Restaurant/Duty Manager who have processed & witnessed the transaction?

  • CONFIRM: Last 6 months' manual invoices (maximum 5)

  • TOLERANCE: Cashier's signature not required in the till receipt if transaction is processed using Biometric Fingerprint System

27. Do the transaction details (item, quantity, price) in the manual invoice match with the transaction details updated in the POS system? Also, is the manual invoice number recorded on the printed till receipt?

  • CONFIRM: Last 6 months' manual invoices and relevant till receipts (maximum 5)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

28. In case manual invoice is not entered into the POS system, has IT/Operations Manager been informed to update the file and IT adjustment checked

  • CONFIRM: Last 6 months' manual invoices (maximum 5) and bank deposit advice/Store cash receipt voucher

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

29. Are all cancelled manual invoices signed by the Restaurant/Duty Manager, reasons recorded thereof and all copies available in the manual invoice book?

  • CONFIRM: Last 6 months' manual invoices (maximum 5)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance


30. Are all restaurant's bank card machines functional?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Written follow-up with Operations Manager / service provider

31. Does the number, total amount of credit card slips match with the number, total amount of transactions per Reconciliation Report or the Credit Card

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days DSSR posted in the system and credit card slips

  • TOLERANCE: Actual recovery or advice to Finance


32. Are all discounts processed in the POS system in line with the company policy/approved procedures? Also, does the Restaurant/Duty Manager review the Daily Discount Detail Report on a weekly basis & their signature documented as an evidence of review?

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days DSSR posted in the system/Observation/Discount till receipts

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

33. Are all void/cancelled transaction till receipts available, duly approved by Restaurant Manager, reason documented and reconciled on a weekly basis?

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days DSSR posted in the system/Observation/ Void Report

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance


34. Does the Staff Consumption Tracking Report names match with Payroll records?

  • CONFIRM: Monthly staff meal tracking report compare with payroll records

  • TOLERANCE: If a new joiner's personal details are under process of being updated in the system. Email communication between Restaurant manager and HR/IT

35. Are staff meals issued to all eligible employees during their break-time only and meals issued are within the permissible limit?

  • CONFIRM: Current Months Staff Consumption Tracking Report or if within the first week of the new period refer to the previous months report.

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

36. Management meals are recorded accordingly in the POS system

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 day Cash up report

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance


37. Is the free meal recorded under the complimentary option of the POS system?

  • Last 10 days DSSR posted in the system

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

38. Is the complimentary meal given to customer approved per authority limits specified in the LOA? Also, is valid reason recorded for issuance of every complimentary meal?

  • CONFIRM: Last 10 days DSSR posted in the system

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

INVENTORY - Stock Received from Local Suppliers

39. Are the items ordered through the ordering application approved by the LOA and within the Brand authorized item list?

  • CONFIRM: Only assigned team members are authorised to approve orders. Orders are not placed mannualy without LOA approval

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

40. Does the staff check the items received are according to quantities/weights/measures as per the records documented on the Order Form/Purchase Order and Supplier's Invoice/Delivery Note accordingly? Also, in case of short or faulty stock received, are these information documented in the Order Form/Purchase Order/Supplier's Invoice/Delivery Note?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Last 3 months' Order Forms/Purchase Orders (maximum 5)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

41. Are the items checked by the staff to ensure that the items are within expiry dates and are in good condition & product's country of origin as per the agreement with the supplier/Purchase Order/Delivery Note/Supplier's Invoice? If discrepancy is noted, is the Operations Manager/Supply Chain informed?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Incident Report to Supply Chain or Operations Manager

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

42. Do the restaurant staff check the product temperature while receiving the stocks from suppliers and reject delivery if it exceeds the required minimum temperature?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Chilled products 1ºC to 5ºC and frozen products at minimum -12ºC

43. Does the Restaurant management check the temperature of all suppliers' delivery van once a month and records maintained accordingly?

  • CONFIRM: Delivery vehicle check records for last 1 month

  • TOLERANCE: Checks performed by receiver and subsequently reviewed by the Restaurant management

44. For items returned to the supplier, is the printout of the Damaged/Returns Log Sheet return approved by the Duty Manager/Chef-in-charge, acknowledged by the supplier & inventory updated within 7 days?

  • CONFIRM: Last 5 Damaged/Returns Log Sheets and inventory updates

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

45. Do Receiver/Chef-in-charge/Duty Manager sign and stamp the local suppliers Invoice/Delivery Note and record their name as evidence of checks performed on receipt of items?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Supplier's Invoice or Delivery Note received since the last stock count/ (maximum 5)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

46. Are emergency stock purchases at the restaurant level restricted to AED 400 or equivalent and duly approved by the Operations Manager? Also, are items purchased using Petty Cash float reported in the Petty Cash Request?

  • CONFIRM: Purchases noted in last 4 petty cash replenishments/Petty Cash Request

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

47. Are items received from suppliers/purchased directly through Petty Cash float, updated/booked in the inventory by the Receiver on a daily basis?

  • CONFIRM: Supplier's invoice/delivery note received since the last stock count (maximum 5) and inventory updates/Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Items purchased from petty cash float supported by Petty Cash Request - update prior to the stocktake date or 7 working days, whichever is earlier

48. Does the cost as per Supplier's Invoice match with the cost as per POS system for the items received? If not, is the price discrepancy investigated & resolved within 7 days?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Supplier's invoice/delivery note received since the last stock-take (maximum 5) & inventory updates

  • TOLERANCE: Written follow-up with the Store Administrator and Restaurant Manager

INVENTORY - Stock Movement (Incoming) - Restaurant to Restaurant | Central Kitchen to Restaurant

49. Does a restaurant person receive deliveries, verify, open the van seal/van resealed after unloading deliveries and sign the Store Collection Seal Record

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Last 5 deliveries

  • TOLERANCE: Not Applicable, if van seal opened & re-sealed by another restaurant / central kitchen

50. Is security tape/seal affixed on the cartons received from the warehouse and are the contents of cartons received from warehouse checked with the Carton Packing List/Transfer Note/Delivery Note as regards to expiry dates, items & quantities?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Incident Report sent to AM/OM

51. Do staff receive the stock delivery, record their name and sign the Carton Packing List/Transfer Note/Delivery Note? Also, are random surprise checks performed by Restaurant/Duty Manager for items received and checks documented accordingly?

  • CONFIRM: Last 5 deliveries in the last 3 months

  • TOLERANCE: Frequency of surprise checks ‒ 2 checks per week

52. Is the stock received correctly booked in the inventory by the Receiver on the day of the delivery?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Last 5 deliveries

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

53. Are faulty/damaged/expired items identified at the time of receiving goods from warehouse/restaurant? Also, in case of any discrepancy, are claims filed and signed by the Duty Manager sent to the restaurant / central kitchen within 1 day from receipt, which is adjusted by the warehouse/restaurants within 15 days?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

INVENTORY - Stock Transfers Reconciliation

54. Does the restaurant perform weekly reconciliation of receipt of items from local suppliers' in the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Last month's Invoice Summary Report (printed or soft copy)

  • TOLERANCE: Not Applicable, if there is no stock movement from local suppliers

55. Does the restaurant perform weekly reconciliation of movement of goods between central kitchen and restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Last month's Stock Movement Report/Invoice Summary Report/Transfer report (printed or soft copy)

  • TOLERANCE: Not Applicable, if there is no stock movement between central kitchen and restaurant

56. Are discrepancies in Stock Movement Report/Invoice Summary Report/Transfer Report investigated and resolved within 7 days?

  • CONFIRM: Last month's Stock Movement/Invoice Summary Report/Transfer (printed or soft copy)

  • TOLERANCE: Written follow-up with central kitchen / restaurant

INVENTORY - Faulty/Damaged/Expired Stock

57. Are labels approved by the Duty Manager affixed on non-perishable items, date of approval specified & these items stored in a designated area?

  • CONFIRM: Observation at the time of the audit

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

58. Is the write-off for faulty/damaged merchandise/expired items approved per authority limits specified in the LOA and inventory updated within 1 day of write-off ?

  • CONFIRM: Last 5 Write-offs during last 12 months and inventory update records

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

59. Are all wastages, including samples given to customers, recorded in the Waste Report signed by the Duty Manager/Chef-in-charge and inventory updated by next working day?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Last 1 week's Waste Report & inventory updates

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

60. Are waste food & expired perishable items destroyed in the presence of a staff and Duty Manager/Chef-in-charge daily before opening the restaurant

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Last 1 week's Waste Reports and inventory update

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

INVENTORY - Physical Verification Of Stock

61. Does the price affixed on displayed food items, merchandise items & items listed on the menu match the POS system price? Also, are the product codes

  • CONFIRM: 20 items

  • TOLERANCE: Written intimation to IT/Brand for price update

62. Are all items in the menu available? If not, are these non-availability communicated to the customers' prior to accepting their orders?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/List of non-available menu items approved by Business Director

  • TOLERANCE: Written approval within same day of non-availability

63. Are the items (including ingredients available in the kitchen) within their expiry dates and stored in a manner that old items are utilized first?

  • CONFIRM: 20 food items/Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

64. Is the maximum hours strictly adhered for thawing/de-frosting process or keeping outside temperature controls, as prescribed in Food Safety Manual?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/thawing and defrosting record

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

65. Are all raw food items covered during storage and kept away from ready-to-eat foods to prevent cross contamination?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Refrigerated foods

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

66. Does the restaurant performs monthly cycle counts and records of these counts maintained?

  • CONFIRM: Last 3 periods' Cycle count results/Signed stock count sheets & written confirmation to Cost Control Team / Operations Manager

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

67. Does the Restaurant/Duty Manager conducts spot check during periodic (full inventory) stock count and records of these spot checks maintained?

  • CONFIRM: Last 3 months' periodic stock count sheets

  • TOLERANCE: At least 10% of each stock count sheet

68. Is evidence of review by the Operations & Restaurant management documented and action taken for any variances noted during periodic (full inventory) stock count conducted in the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Last 3 month's periodic stock count sheets/Signed Inventory Reports

  • TOLERANCE: Written follow-up with Cost Control Team/Top 5 gains & top 5 losses

SECURITY - General

69. Are incidents & accidents, if any occurred in the restaurant reported in the interactive Incident and Accident Report Form, respectively?

  • CONFIRM: Last 5 Incident Report Forms & Accident Report Forms/E-mails during the calendar year

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

70. Are staff (including those of cleaners/temporary or casual staff/restaurant security) checked daily whilst working, accessing staff lockers & while

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Last 5 Incident Report Forms

  • TOLERANCE: 5% of staff checked daily

71. Are all restaurant staff (including cleaners/temporary or casual staff/restaurant security) prohibited from having money on their person and their belongings kept separately whilst working?

  • CONFIRM: All staff (5 staff or 10% of total staff, whichever is higher)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

72. Are staff belongings of kept in staff locker? If staff lockers not installed, are staff belongings kept in locked cupboard?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

73. Is the identity and purpose of visit of all visitors verified & checked?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Brand management/Operations' periodic store visits

74. Is cash safe used for keeping official/Lost & Found property and is locked at all times when not in use? Also, is the cash safe bolted to the ground?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Combination lock used at the start and end of trading

75. Does each cash safe in the restaurant has 2 locks or a lock and a combination number? Also, is the cash safe opened & closed by 2 persons at all times?

  • CONFIRM:Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

76. In case of Restaurant management change, is Location - Handover Checklist prepared, approved by AM/OM & kept for audit trail?

  • CONFIRM: Location - Handover Checklist (Change of Management in last 6 months)

  • Handover required if restaurant management on leave is more than 7 consecutive days

SECURITY - Handling Keys

77. Is the restaurant opened & closed in the presence of two staff & are keys required to enter the restaurant kept with different persons?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: 2 staff present, whether 1 lock or 2 locks on the main door

78. Is the person having access to the restaurant entrance prohibited from having independent access to the cash safe? Also, are keys in possession of custodians specified in the Key Handover Form?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Key Handover Form

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

79. Is updated Key Authorization and Key Handing Over Form, specifying the authorized custodians of various keys in the restaurant, approved by the AM/OM available in the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Key Authorization & Key Handing Over Forms

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

80. Are the keys kept secured during the trading day and not left in the till register or unattended? Also, are cash safe & restaurant entrance keys (including spare) not left in the restaurant after trading hours?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

SECURITY - Password Control

81. Is access to Management Reports related to Cash, Sales and Inventory (including POS configurator) controlled by the Restaurant/Duty Manager, by maintaining confidentiality of their passwords?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

82. Are the names of all staff working in the restaurant, updated in the POS & back office system & all terminated/transferred employees' user name retired from the POS system and Password IDs suspended for staff on leave?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Agree staff attendance with users list

  • TOLERANCE: Except staff on training provided with training staff list


83. Are the directions for fire exits & evacuation procedures prominently displayed and all staff familiar with the evacuation procedures?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

84. Are all fire/emergency exits alarmed & kept unlocked during trading hours & locked after trading hours? Also, are these exits free from any blockage or obstacles?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

85. Are maintenance records of smoke detectors, sprinklers and fire extinguishers, kept in the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

86. Is there a first aid box. Does it have unexpired medicines/aids available in the restaurant?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

87. Is health and safety checklist prepared by Restaurant/Duty Manager on a monthly basis, reviewed and signed by the AM/OM and appropriate action taken?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Last 2 quarters

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

88. Is the Daily Hygiene Checklist prepared and cleanliness maintained by regularly washing hands, equipment, utensils and work surfaces to prevent build up of dirt?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Daily Hygiene Checklist of last 1 week

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

89. Do the staff wear gloves while handling food items? Similarly, are kitchen staff wearing hairnet/cap while at work?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

90. Are all restaurant's staff undergone basic food safety training and valid Food Safety Training Certificate available? Also, does every shift has one staff having PIC certification?

  • CONFIRM: Attendance/Training records

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

91. Are all products stored in the stockroom at least 50 cms. away from the sprinklers' heads?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

92. Are no pest/rodents visible during visit? Also, is the restaurant covered by periodical pest controls?

  • CONFIRM: Observation & Records of Pest Control visit during the last 6 months

  • TOLERANCE: Frequency of visit as per contract

PERSONNEL - Staff Uniforms

93. Are uniforms issued to staff in agreement with the Staff Uniform Policy? If not, is the requisite approval as per LOA obtained?

  • CONFIRM: Actual staff (5 staff or 10% of total staff, whichever is higher)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

94. Has the AM/OM approved the uniforms issued and the staff sign an acknowledgement upon receiving the uniform?

  • CONFIRM: Actual staff (5 staff or 10% of total staff, whichever is higher)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

95. Does all restaurant staff (including kitchen staff and cleaner) wear uniform issued, while at work?

  • CONFIRM: Actual staff (5 staff or 10% of total staff, whichever is higher)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

PERSONNEL - Timekeeping

96. Are names of all staff working physically in the restaurant matches exactly with the names as per Payroll records?

  • CONFIRM: Physical verification of staff against the latest payroll register

  • Temporary staff transferred upto 7 days & staff transferred to cover restaurant opening

97. Do staff work minimum 56 hours a week or the maximum number of hours/days specified in the country's Labor Law/agreed contractual hours?

  • CONFIRM: Last month's attendance records (5 staff or 10% of total staff, whichever is higher)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

98. Is attendance of staff recorded through the Time and Attendance System, checked and approved by the Restaurant/Duty Manager on a daily basis?

  • CONFIRM: Last month's attendance records (5 staff or 10% of total staff, whichever is higher)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

OTHER - General

99. Are there no long outstanding maintenance issues not communicated to the Operations Manager and business for resolution?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Last 5 Maintenance Request in the last 3 months

  • TOLERANCE: 1 week prior to audit visit

100. Are restaurant timings correctly displayed and restaurant operational during the advertised trading hours?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Restaurants inside Mall/Co-ops, if restaurant timings are same as Mall/Co-ops

101. Are all lights in the restaurant switched-off in absence of staff's presence? Also, are all fire exit signages on?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Wherever lights are directly connected

102. For all items appearing on the menu list, is the corresponding recipe duly approved by the Corporate Chef/Business Manager/Franchisor available in the restaurant and updated in the POS system?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/20 items from menu list

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

103. Are ingredients used in preparation of food items as per recipe approved by the Corporate Chef/Business Manager/Franchisor and food items measure/weigh as per approved recipe?

  • CONFIRM: Observation (5 items)

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

104. Are all unclaimed items physically available in the restaurant recorded in the Property Lost & Found Book? In case lost property includes cash, is it deposited in bank/handed over along with cash sales proceeds, if it remains unclaimed for 1 week?

  • CONFIRM: Observation/Property Lost and Found Book

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

OTHER - Municipal Requirements

105. Are number of fire extinguishers in accordance with Fire License (if required by Govt. regulation) and are all fire extinguishers visible, charged, unobstructed and within their expiry dates?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

106. Is the business license available in the store

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Documentary evidence of application accepted by Municipality

MARKETING - Menu Tablets

107. Are all menu tablets updated with the current menu version along with all LTO's, promotions and offers

  • CONFIRM: Observation - 50% of all menu tablets confirmed

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

108. Are all menu tablets in good working condition with no sign of visible damaged

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: Evidence of damaged or faulty menu tablets reported to the operations manager

MARKETING - Digital Display Screens

109. Are all menu digital display screens updated with the current menu version along with all LTO's, promotions and offers

  • CONFIRMED: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

110. Are all digital display screens in good working condition with no sign of visible damaged

  • CONFIRMED: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

MARKETING - Display tags & table talkers

111. Are all menu display tags and table talkers as per the approved brand standards, presentable and undamaged?

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

112. Do all display tags and table talkers have the correct information dispalyed

  • CONFIRM: Observation

  • TOLERANCE: No tolerance

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