Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Site Name
  • Inspection Date & Time

  • Site Manager

  • Site Inspected By: (Name & Position)

  • Report Received By: (Name & Position)

  • Purpose & Scope
    To inspect site for compliance with current legislation and in accordance with Cruden Building Limited processes and procedures. All of the raised comments are to be actioned as necessary and a notification of closure issued to the H&S/IMS department giving full details of the corrective actions undertaken.

Site EMS Inspection Report


  • DEBRIS & WASTE – No excessive internal or external noted across site, no ‘historic’ waste collating on site.<br>WELFARE FACILITIES – Including offices, canteen, drying room, toilets in clean, tidy and in good working order.<br>PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTES & ROADS – All noted clean and free from obstruction, excess mud and debris.<br>WASTE SKIP AREA – Noted free from excess debris, with clear skip signage positioned at each skip type.

  • Cruden Building KPI – Site is to be scored out of a possible 5 points:


  • ROAD BRUSHING & SCRAPING OF ROADS – Being undertaken routinely and regularly, no adverse issues.<br>EXTERNAL LANDSCAPE, PUBLIC ROADS & FOOTPATHS – No adverse issues due to ongoing construction works.<br>FUEL SPILLAGES – No evidence of fuel spillages or leakages from plant across site, potentially entering drainage.

  • Cruden Building KPI – Site is to be scored out of a possible 5 points:

  • Anti-Pollution Works Regulations (Scotland) 2003; Contaminated Land (Scotland) Regulations 2000; Environmental Protection Act 1990; Environment Act 1995; Groundwater Regulations 1998.


  • GULLIES FULLY PROTECTED – No pollution risk noted, gullies protected both internally and externally to site.<br>NEARBY WATER COURSES – All adequate controls taken to remove pollution risk.<br>RUN-OFF FROM SITE – All adequate controls taken to remove pollution risk.<br>LEAKS AT TAPS & SILOS etc – No leaks or drips from water pipes, hoses etc., installed on site. <br>DAMPENING DOWN ROADS – Control measures implemented to reduce airborne dust in periods of warm, dry weather.<br>MATERIALS & WASTE SKIPS PROTECTED – As required, to minimise potential for airborne dust / litter.

  • Cruden Building KPI – Site is to be scored out of a possible 5 points:

  • Control of Pollution Act 1974; Environment Act 1995; Environment Liability (Scotland) Regulations 2009; Groundwater Regulations 1998; Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011; Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2013 (As Amended); Water Environment (Oil Storage) (Scotland) Regulations 2006; Water Industry Act 1999; Water (Scotland) Act 1980; Water Services etc. (Scotland) Act 2005; Clean Air Act 1993; Environmental Protection Act 1990; Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999; Pollution Prevention & Control (Scotland) Regulations 2012; Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005; Control of Noise (Codes of Practice for Construction & Open Sites) Order 2002; Control of Pollution Act 1974; Environment Act 1995; Noise at Work Regulations 1989; Noise Emissions in the Environment by Equipment for Use Outdoors Regulations 2001; Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) (Amendment) Regulations 2010.


  • MORTAR SILOS – Located on solid, flat ground, clean and free from build up with soakaway drainage as required.<br>FUEL TANKS & GENERATORS – Located on solid, flat ground, with bund or drip trays and fire extinguishers clearly evident.<br>CHEMICAL STORAGE – Stored in secure, lockable, well-ventilated containers<br>SPILL KITS – Clearly evident and positioned at each refuelling point and within Telehandler.<br>MATERIAL STORAGE – Materials stored safely and tidy and not on top of containers, perishable materials protected from weather, to avoid damage / spoiling.

  • Cruden Building KPI – Site is to be scored out of a possible 5 points:

  • Chemicals (Hazard Information & Packaging) Regulations 2009; COSHH Regulations 2002; Water Environment (Oil Storage) (Scotland) Regulations 2006.


  • EXTERNAL HOARDING & HERAS FENCING – All noted intact and in good condition, no graffiti or vandalism.<br>EXTERNAL SIGNAGE – All noted in place, relevant and up-to-date, clean, tidy, no rips, no vandalism etc<br>EXTERNAL LANDSCAPE – no “churning” up of grass verges, damage to kerbs etc<br>LITTER – No signs of litter being generated around site location, as a result of site operations or operatives.<br>SITE NEWSLETTERS – Recent / relevant issue to locals, containing accurate contact details and site personnel.

  • Cruden Building KPI – Site is to be scored out of a possible 5 points:


  • Is there any plant running whilst not in use? Are any lights or heaters left on in cabins when unoccupied with windows and doors lying open? Include checks for water leaks at WC’s, taps, silos etc.


  • Are all Environmental notices and plans in place and displayed appropriately? Is there any SPO’s / TPO’s, if yes is appropriate action being taken? Are all incident reports, waste tickets etc. recorded and filed?


  • List details of any complaints made against Cruden Building and the subsequent action undertake to close out.


  • Take a note of any good practice happening on site for capturing and sharing with the rest of the business.

  • Good Practice Photos


  • The number of skips allocated to site taken from Site On-costs?

  • Number of skips used to date?

  • What Waste Streams are being generated on site?

  • Is Waste Segregation being undertaken on site?

  • If not, why not?

  • Are Waste Skip signs clearly displayed at each segregated skip?

  • Control of Pollution (Amendment) Act 1989; Control Waste Regulations 1992; Environment Act 1995; Environmental Protection Act 1990; Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) (Scotland) Regulations 2014; Special Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2004; Waste Management Licensing Regulations 1994; Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012.

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