Kent County Road Commission Central Complex
Building Audit
Conducted on
Contact person name and title
Prepared by
Main Complex front office
Is there a copy of the MIOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act accessable to employees?
Is the MIOSHA workplace poster displayed where all employees are likely to see it?
Are workplace injury and illness records being kept as required by OSHA?
I the OSHA annual summary of workplace injuries and illnesses posted between February 1 through April 30?
Safety program
Is there a formal written safety program?
Is there a safety committee of both managment and union employees utilized?
Safety committee frequency
Employee safety Training frequency
Is the safety training documented?
Is there a formal accident investigation procedures?
Is there self inspections / safety inspections performed?
Is self inspections documented?
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Is there an Evacuation Plan displayed and understood by employees?
Are evacuation procedures discussed regularly ( 3 - 4 times a year)?
Are AED's in place and in working order?
Fire alarm functioning properly
Are First Aid Kits stocked properly?
First Aid Kit
Location of first aid kit
6 - 4" x 4" Gauze pads
2 - 8" x 10" Gauze pads
16 Adhesive Bandages (Bandaids)
2 - Rolls of 2" cling or wider
2 Triangle bandages
6 Individual use packets containing 1/32oz of burn treatment
10 Packets of antiseptic wipes
2 Elastic wraps
1 Splint
1 Roll of adhesive tape
1 Pair of scissors
1 Blanket
1 pair of tweezers
Resuscitation mask
2 pair of medical grade gloves
Directions to emergency assistance
Fire Extinguishers
Location of fire extinguisher
Are employees periodically instructed in the use of extinguishers?
Have fire extinguishers recently been serviced (every 6 months)
Are Fire extinguishers in place and clearly marked?
Location of exit
Are fire exits and directional signs clearly marked?
Is Emergency lighting Operable?
Do all exit doors open from the inside?
Are all exits clear from obstructions
Is the exits free of any hazardous materials or fuel tanks (can't bee within 50' of exit)
Building Safety
Electrical Panals and Junction box's
Electrical panal
Please note location of box's and panals
Are electrical panals and junction box's secured properly?
Is there clear access to electrical panals?
Are electrical panals labeled correctly?
Are all electrical panal free of debris being piled on them?
Do all electrical panals and junction box's have all punchouts plugged?
Does all metalic cable and conduit systems have the proper grounding?
Please note location of stairs
Is the area under the steps free of any hazardous material for fuel tanks?
Are the stringers and stair treads in good shape and secure?
Are all the railings in good shape?
Is the stairway kept clear?
Fall Prevetion measures
Fall Prevetion
Please not location
prevention measures in place
All holes greater than 2" in their least dimendion protected by covers
railing in good shape and hold 200 lb of foce 2" from the top
Are floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Exterior conditions
What condition is the parking lot in?
What condition is the walk leading into complex in?
Are walkways maintained clear of ice, snow, and debris?
Main office area
What conditon is the furniture in?
Are office rugs and runners flat?
What condition is the General Housekeeping?
Are the restrooms facilities clean and in working order?
Are the record storage racks secured and stable?
Are the record storage area clean and organized
Please note location
How is the house keeping?
Is all food in fridge edible for consumption?
All apliances in good working order?
Individual offices
Individual Offices
Please note who's office
Are office runners and rugs laying flat?
In what condition is the office furniture in?
How is the house keeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are record storage racks secured and stable?
Are floors free of obstructions?
Are drawers kept shut when not using?
Office ergonomics
Is there ergonomics awareness training?
How are adjustable key board positions?
How is adjustable computer screen height?
How is the height of adjustable office chairs?
Weight Room
Exits marked properly
Floors clear of obstructions
How is the housekeeping?
Are all containers marked?
Is there sanitization of equipment available?
Mechanical Room
Mechanical rooms
Please not location of mechanical room
Are exits marked properly?
Are fire extinguishers in place
How is the house keeping?
Are emergency shut off in place and marked properly?
Are all pipes clearly identified?
Is there guarding in place for all moving equipment?
Storage Closets
Storage Closet
Please not location of storage closet
Are floors clear of obstructions?
Are tools secured from falling?
How is the house keeping
Are all containers labeled?
Mechanics Bay, Stockroom, Tire shop, & Fab shop
Is there a responsible person available?
Is there employee emergency contact information where employees have access to it?
Is there a copy of the MIOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act accessable to employees?
Is the MIOSHA workplace poster displayed where all employees are likely to see it?
I the OSHA annual summary of workplace injuries and illnesses posted between February 1 through April 30?
Is the new revised SDS sheet poster posted and filled out?
Are there SDS books available, organized, and up to date?
Is there self inspections / safety inspections performed and documented?
Is Lockout tagout utilized?
Is board up to date?
Does each authorized employee have their own lock and tags?
Are the procedures posted on board?
Are employees using LOTO?
Is there an Evacuation Plan displayed and understood by employees?
Are evacuation procedures discussed regularly ( 3 - 4 times a year)?
Are AED's in place and in working order?
Are fire alarm functioning properly?
Individual Offices
Please identify who's office
Are office runners and rugs laying flat?
What is the furniture in sound condition?
Is there good house keeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are record storage racks secured and stable?
Are floors free of obstructions?
Are all drawers kept shut when not using?
How is the adjustable key board positions?
How is the adjustable computer screen height?
Mechanics bay, tire shop, fab shop, and stockroom
Mechanics bay, tire shop, fab shop, and stockroom
Please identify which area you are auditing
Building Safety
How is the break room housekeeping?
Are all restrooms facilities clean and in working order?
Are all walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Are all aisles defined and clear?
Is there a need for fall prevention? (holes deeper than 36" or heights grater than 4' above any floor)
Fall Prevetion measures
Fall Prevetion
Please identify location
prevention measures in place
Are all holes greater than 2" in their least dimendion protected by covers or railings?
Are all railing in good shape and hold 200 lb of foce 2" from the top?
Are there any stairways?
Please identify location
Are all hazerdous chemicals and fuel tanks kept 50' away from stairs?
Are all stair treads and stringers in good shape and secure?
Are railing 42" high+/- 3" and have a mid rail 21" or half way in between the top rail and the working surface?
Are stairways kept clear?
Are there any electrical panels?
Electrical Panals and Junction box's
Electrical panal
Please identify location
Are electrical panals and junction box's secured properly?
Is there clear access to electrical panels?
Are all electrical panals marked and labeled?
Are all electrical panals free from debris being piled on them?
Are all electrical panals and junction box's have all punchouts plugged?
Are all metalic cable and conduit systems properly grounded?
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Is there a eyewash station?
Eye wash stations
Eye wash station
Please identify location
Is the eye wash station path accessible?
Is the eye wash station clean?
Has the eye wash station been tested regularly (turn on and the caps should come off)?
Are exits marked?
Please identify location of exit
Are fire exit and directional signs clearly marked?
Is all emergency lighting operable?
Do all exit doors all open from inside?
Are all exits clear of obstructions?
Are all hazardous materials or fuel tanks stored 50' or more from the exit?
Are there any fire extinguishers?
Fire Extinguishers
Please identify location of fire extinguisher
Are employees periodically instructed in the use of extinguishers?
Has extinguishers recently serviced ( every 6 months )?
Are extinguishers in place and clearly marked?
Is there a first aid kit?
Are First Aid Kits stocked properly?
First Aid Kit
Please identify location of first aid kit
6 - 4" x 4" Gauze pads
2 - 8" x 10" Gauze pads
16 Adhesive Bandages (Bandaids)
2 - Rolls of 2" cling or wider
2 Triangle bandages
6 Individual use packets containing 1/32oz of burn treatment
10 Packets of antiseptic wipes
2 Elastic wraps
1 Splint
1 Roll of adhesive tape
1 Pair of scissors
1 Blanket
1 pair of tweezers
Resuscitation mask
2 pair of medical grade gloves
Directions to emergency assistance
How is the housekeeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are benches set to adequat height for the work being done?
Are work area free from shap edges?
Are all tool are being used for thier intended purpose?
Are all hand tools are free of any damaged?
Are all container labeld with Product identifyer, Hazard statement, First Aid measures, and symbol?
Are all used shop rags contained properly in metal container with lid?
Are the battery shutoff's in the off position when not it use?<br>
Are floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are all Jacks and Jack Stands marked with capacity?
Are the air compressor relief valve inspection tag up to date (monthly)?
Do all compressed air wands have pressure release holes?
Are all extension cords free of damage, have the proper grounding, and stored properly (not hanging off nails and hooks)?
Is ther an overhead crane?
Has there been an overhead crane inspection in past 12 months and documented?
Is the overhead crane hoist main power accessible and marked?
Are hoist controls marked?
Is the overhead crane capacity marked on both sides of the beam support, headace ball, and motor?
Does the hook have a safety latch?
Are there Ladders?
Please identify ladder
Are ladders Industrial Strength?
Are ladders being inspected monthly and documented?
Are all beams and rungs free of cracks, gouges, dents, splits, splinters, or missing rungs and ware?
Are ropes, pulley's, and ground cleats in good shape?
Are ladders being used properly?
Are ladders secured when being stored?
Are there slings, chains, ropes?
Sling, chains, ropes
Please identify sling, chains, ropes, or cables
Have slings been inspected monthly and documented?
Are all unions and cleaveses in good shape and secured?
Are they free from fraying, stretching, kinks, or pinching?
Do slings have MIOSHA tag with capacity and are legible?
Are lifting hooks in good repair (less than 10 Degree twist or 15 Degree bend outward on hook)?
Are there Power tools?
Power tool inspection
Power tool
Please identify which power tool
Are all The proper guards in place?
Is the casing in good shape?
Are cords free of freys or nicks?
Does the tool have the proper grounding?
Are ther Machines (drill press, lathe, etc.)?
Drill press, Lathe, Band Saws, and other Machines
Please identify which machine
Is the machine kept clean?
Are the floors around the machine kept clean?
Are all the proper guards in place on machine and adjusted properly?
Are all vises secured to machine?
Is the starting and stopping device within easy reach?
Is the stopping device a red button?
Is that machine able to be LOTO?
Are there Storage Racks?
Storage racks
storage rack
Please identify location of storage racks
Are all materials stored on racks and in bins when possible?
Is material stored so proper lifting techniques can be used?
Are floors around racks free of rubbish?
What is the general condition of racks and bins?
Are materials stored on pallets sucured when elevated?
Are there compressed cylinders storage?
Are tanks clearly labeled?
Do they have valve protection caps in place?
Are tanks secured to prevent tipping?
Are the empty isolated from filled and labeled (empty or full)?
Are Oxygen Cylinders segregated by 20' from any fuel gas, or flammable or combustible liquids, or other highly combustible materials?
Is there a torch in this area?
Please identify torch
When not is use have torches been shut off and lines bleed off?
Is there anything hanging on gauges or valve shut offs?
Are the lines in good shape with no cracks, burns, or bubbles?
Are the tanks secured from falling?
Are there flash-back arrestors in place?
Are all fitting in good shape and secure?
Are valve protecting caps in place?
Are the pressure gages free from damage
Is there any welding takes place in this area?
Welding area
Please identify location
Is all welding being done away from any heat or source of ignition?
Are safety glasses being worn under helmets?
Are PPE being used ( gloves, helmets, aprons, capes, etc.) as conditions require?
Is there proper ventelation where welding occurs?
Are inspections being done on the following PPE?
Are hard hats being worn whenever there is an overhead hazard?
Are Safety Glasses available, being used and in good repair?
Are ther goggles available, being used and in good repair?
Are welders helmets available, being used, and in good repair?
Are face shields available, being used, and in good repair?
Are there 2 types of Hearing protection availble and being used?
Are all employees wearing safety toed shoes?
Are aprons available for welders, being used, and in good repair?
Gloves available, being used, and in good repair?
Maintenance truck bay and lunch room
Is there a responsible person available?
Is there employee emergency contact information where employees have access to it?
Is there a copy of the MIOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act accessable to employees?
Is there an evacuation plan displayed?
Is the MIOSHA workplace poster displayed where all employees are likely to see it?
I the OSHA annual summary of workplace injuries and illnesses posted between February 1 through April 30?
Is the new revised SDS sheet poster posted and filled out?
Are there SDS books available, organized, and up to date?
Is there self inspections / safety inspections performed and documented?
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Is there an Evacuation Plan displayed and understood by employees?
Are evacuation procedures discussed regularly ( 3 - 4 times a year)?
Are AED's in place and in working order?
Is fire alarm functioning properly?
Is there a first aid kit?
Are First Aid Kits stocked properly?
First Aid Kit
Please identify location of first aid kit
6 - 4" x 4" Gauze pads
2 - 8" x 10" Gauze pads
16 Adhesive Bandages (Bandaids)
2 - Rolls of 2" cling or wider
2 Triangle bandages
6 Individual use packets containing 1/32oz of burn treatment
10 Packets of antiseptic wipes
2 Elastic wraps
1 Splint
1 Roll of adhesive tape
1 Pair of scissors
1 Blanket
1 pair of tweezers
Resuscitation mask
2 pair of medical grade gloves
Directions to emergency assistance
Are there fire extinguishers?
Fire Extinguishers
Please identify location of fire extinguisher
Are employees periodically instructed in the use of extinguishers?
Has extinguishers recently serviced ( every 6 months )?
Are extinguishers in place and clearly marked?
Are exits marked?
Please identify location of exit
Are fire exit and directional signs clearly marked?
Is all emergency lighting operable?
Do all exit doors all open from inside?
Are all exits clear of obstructions?
Is there any hazardous materials or fuel tanks within 50' of exit?
Building Safety
How is the break room housekeeping?
Are all restroom facilities clean and in working order?
Are all walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Are all aisles defined and clear?
Are there any electrical panels or junction box's?
Electrical Panals and Junction box's
Electrical panal
Please identify location
Are electrical panals and junction box's secured properly?
Is there clear access to electrical panels?
Are all electrical panals marked and labeled?
Are all electrical panals free from debris being piled on them?
Are all electrical panals and junction box's have all punchouts plugged?
Are all metalic cable and conduit systems properly grounded?
Are there any stairways?
Please identity location
Are all hazardous chemicals or fuel stored 50' from any stairways?
Are the stair treads and stringer in good shape and secure?
Are railing 42" high+/- 3" and have a mid rail 21" or half way in between the top rail and the working surface?
Are stairways kept clear?
Is there a need for fall prevention? (hole deeper than 36" or height grater than 4')
Fall Prevetion measures
Fall Prevetion
Please identify location
prevention measures in place
Are all holes greater than 2" in their least dimendion protected by covers or railings?
Are all railing in good shape and hold 200 lb of foce 2" from the top?
Truck bay and balcony
Truck bay and balcony
Please identify location
How is the housekeeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are benches set to adequat height for the work being done?
Are work area free from shap edges?
Are all tool are being used for thier intended purpose?
Are all hand tools are free of any damaged?
Are all container labeld with Product identifyer, Hazard statement, First Aid measures, and symbol?
Are all used shop rags contained properly in metal container with lid?
Are all trucks free from clutter and everything secured?
Employees using 3 points of contact to enter and exit trucks?
Are the battery shutoff's in the off position when not it use?<br>
Are floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are all Jacks and Jack Stands marked with capacity?
Are the air compressor relief valve inspection tag up to date (monthly)?
Do all compressed air wands have pressure release holes?
Are all extension cords free of damage, have the proper grounding, and stored properly (not hanging off nails and hooks)?
Is ther an overhead crane?
Has there been an overhead crane inspection in past 12 months and documented?
Is the overhead crane hoist main power accessible and marked?
Are hoist controls marked?
Is the overhead crane capacity marked on both sides of the beam support, headace ball, and motor?
Does the hook have a safety latch?
Are there Ladders?
Please identify ladder
Are ladders Industrial Strength?
Are ladders being inspected monthly and documented?
Are all beams and rungs free of cracks, gouges, dents, splits, splinters, or missing rungs and ware?
Are ropes, pulley's, and ground cleats in good shape?
Are ladders being used properly?
Are ladders secured when being stored?
Are there slings, chains, ropes?
Sling, chains, ropes
Please identify sling, cable, rope, or cable
Have slings been inspected monthly and documented?
Are all unions and cleaveses in good shape and secured?
Are they free from fraying, stretching, kinks, or pinching?
Do slings have MIOSHA tag with capacity and are legible?
Are lifting hooks in good repair (less than 10 Degree twist or 15 Degree bend outward on hook)?
Are there Power tools?
Power tool inspection
Power tool
Please identify which power tool
Are all The proper guards in place?
Is the casing in good shape?
Are cords free of freys or nicks?
Does the tool have the proper grounding?
Are ther Machines (drill press, lathe, etc.)?
Drill press, Lathe, Band Saws, and other Machines
Please identify which machine
Is the machine kept clean?
Are the floors around the machine kept clean?
Are all the proper guards in place on machine and adjusted properly?
Are all vises secured to machine?
Is the starting and stopping device within easy reach?
Is the stopping device a red button?
Is that machine able to be LOTO?
Are there Storage Racks?
Storage racks
storage rack
Please identify location of storage racks
Are all materials stored on racks and in bins when possible?
Is material stored so proper lifting techniques can be used?
Are floors around racks free of rubbish?
What is the general condition of racks and bins?
Are materials stored on pallets sucured when elevated?
Are there compressed cylinders storage?
Are tanks clearly labeled?
Do they have valve protection caps in place?
Are tanks secured to prevent tipping?
Are the empty isolated from filled and labeled (empty or full)?
Are Oxygen Cylinders segregated by 20' from any fuel gas, or flammable or combustible liquids, or other highly combustible materials?
Is there a torch in this area?
Please identify location of torch
When not is use have torches been shut off and lines bleed off?
Is there anything hanging on gauges or valve shut offs?
Are the lines in good shape with no cracks, burns, or bubbles?
Are the tanks secured from falling?
Are there flash-back arrestors in place?
Are all fitting in good shape and secure?
Are valve protecting caps in place?
Are the pressure gages free from damage
Is there any welding takes place in this area?
Welding area
Please identify location of welding area
Is all welding being done away from any heat or source of ignition?
Are safety glasses being worn under helmets?
Are PPE being used ( gloves, helmets, aprons, capes, etc.) as conditions require?
Is there proper ventelation where welding occurs?
Are inspections being done on the following PPE?
Are hard hats being worn whenever there is an overhead hazard?
Are Safety Glasses available, being used and in good repair?
Are ther goggles available, being used and in good repair?
Are welders helmets available, being used, and in good repair?
Are face shields available, being used, and in good repair?
Are there 2 types of Hearing protection availble and being used?
Are all employees wearing safety toed shoes?
Are aprons available for welders, being used, and in good repair?
Gloves available, being used, and in good repair?
Individual Offices
Who's office
Are office runners and rugs laying flat?
What is the furniture in sound condition?
Is there good house keeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are record storage racks secured and stable?
Are floors free of obstructions?
Are all drawers kept shut when not using?
How is the adjustable key board positions?
How is the adjustable computer screen height?
Sign shop
Is there a responsible person available?
Is there employee emergency contact information where employees have access to it?
Is there a copy of the MIOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act accessable to employees?
Is there an evacuation plan displayed?
Is the MIOSHA workplace poster displayed where all employees are likely to see it?
I the OSHA annual summary of workplace injuries and illnesses posted between February 1 through April 30?
Is the new revised SDS sheet poster posted and filled out?
Are there SDS books available, organized, and up to date?
Is there self inspections / safety inspections performed and documented?
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Is there an Evacuation Plan displayed and understood by employees?
Are evacuation procedures discussed regularly ( 3 - 4 times a year)?
Are AED's in place and in working order?
Are fire alarm functioning properly?
Are there any first aid kits
Are First Aid Kits stocked properly?
First Aid Kit
Please identify location of first aid kit
6 - 4" x 4" Gauze pads
2 - 8" x 10" Gauze pads
16 Adhesive Bandages (Bandaids)
2 - Rolls of 2" cling or wider
2 Triangle bandages
6 Individual use packets containing 1/32oz of burn treatment
10 Packets of antiseptic wipes
2 Elastic wraps
1 Splint
1 Roll of adhesive tape
1 Pair of scissors
1 Blanket
1 pair of tweezers
Resuscitation mask
2 pair of medical grade gloves
Directions to emergency assistance
Are there any fire extinguishers
Fire Extinguishers
Please identify location of fire extinguisher
Are employees periodically instructed in the use of extinguishers?
Has extinguishers recently serviced ( every 6 months )?
Are extinguishers in place and clearly marked?
Are exits marked?
Please note location of exit
Are fire exit and directional signs clearly marked?
Is all emergency lighting operable?
Do all exit doors all open from inside?
Are all exits clear of obstructions?
Is there any hazardous materials or fuel tanks within 50' of exit?
Is there a eyewash station?
Eye wash stations
Eye wash station
Please identify location
Is the eye wash station path accessible?
Is the eye wash station clean?
Has the eye wash station been tested regularly (turn on and the caps should come off)?
Building Safety
Are there any electrical panels and junction boxes?
Electrical Panals and Junction box's
Electrical panal
Please identify location
Are electrical panals and junction box's secured properly?
Is there clear access to electrical panels?
Are all electrical panals marked and labeled?
Are all electrical panals free from debris being piled on them?
Are all electrical panals and junction box's have all punchouts plugged?
Are all metalic cable and conduit systems properly grounded?
Are there any stairways?
Please identify location
Is there any hazardous chemicals or fuel stored under stairways?
Are the stair treads and stringer in good shape and secure?
Are railing 42" high+/- 3" and have a mid rail 21" or half way in between the top rail and the working surface?
Are stairways kept clear?
Is there a need for fall prevention? ( hole deeper than 36" or height greater than 4')
Fall Prevetion measures
Fall Prevetion
Please identify location
prevention measures in place
Are all holes greater than 2" in their least dimendion protected by covers or railings?
Are all railing in good shape and hold 200 lb of foce 2" from the top?
Are all aisles defined and clear?
Are all walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Are all restrooms facilities clean and in working order?
How is the break room housekeeping?
sign shop and upstairs
Sign shop and upstairs
Please identify area
How is the housekeeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are benches set to adequat height for the work being done?
Are work area free from shap edges?
Are all tool are being used for thier intended purpose?
Are all hand tools are free of any damaged?
Are all container labeld with Product identifyer, Hazard statement, First Aid measures, and symbol?
Are all used shop rags contained properly in metal container with lid?
Are the battery shutoff's in the off position when not it use?<br>
Are floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are all Jacks and Jack Stands marked with capacity?
Are the air compressor relief valve inspection tag up to date (monthly)?
Do all compressed air wands have pressure release holes?
Are all extension cords free of damage, have the proper grounding, and stored properly (not hanging off nails and hooks)?
Is ther an overhead crane?
Has there been an overhead crane inspection in past 12 months and documented?
Is the overhead crane hoist main power accessible and marked?
Are hoist controls marked?
Is the overhead crane capacity marked on both sides of the beam support, headace ball, and motor?
Does the hook have a safety latch?
Are there Ladders?
Please identify ladder
Are ladders Industrial Strength?
Are ladders being inspected monthly and documented?
Are all beams and rungs free of cracks, gouges, dents, splits, splinters, or missing rungs and ware?
Are ropes, pulley's, and ground cleats in good shape?
Are ladders being used properly?
Are ladders secured when being stored?
Are there slings, chains, ropes?
Sling, chains, ropes
Please identify sling, rope, chain, or cable
Have slings been inspected monthly and documented?
Are all unions and cleaveses in good shape and secured?
Are they free from fraying, stretching, kinks, or pinching?
Do slings have MIOSHA tag with capacity and are legible?
Are lifting hooks in good repair (less than 10 Degree twist or 15 Degree bend outward on hook)?
Are there Power tools?
Power tool inspection
Power tool
Please identify power tool
Are all The proper guards in place?
Is the casing in good shape?
Are cords free of freys or nicks?
Does the tool have the proper grounding?
Are ther Machines (drill press, table saw, etc.)?
Drill press, table saw, Band Saws, and other Machines
Please identify which machine
Is the machine kept clean?
Are the floors around the machine kept clean?
Are all the proper guards in place on machine and adjusted properly?
Are all vises secured to machine?
Is the starting and stopping device within easy reach?
Is the stopping device a red button?
Is that machine able to be LOTO?
Are there Storage Racks?
Storage racks
storage rack
Please identify location of storage racks
Are all materials stored on racks and in bins when possible?
Is material stored so proper lifting techniques can be used?
Are floors around racks free of rubbish?
What is the general condition of racks and bins?
Are materials stored on pallets sucured when elevated?
Is there compressed cylinders storage?
Are tanks clearly labeled?
Do they have valve protection caps in place?
Are tanks secured to prevent tipping?
Are the empty isolated from filled and labeled (empty or full)?
Are Oxygen Cylinders segregated by 20' from any fuel gas, or flammable or combustible liquids, or other highly combustible materials?
Is there a torch in this area?
Please identify torch
When not is use have torches been shut off and lines bleed off?
Is there anything hanging on gauges or valve shut offs?
Are the lines in good shape with no cracks, burns, or bubbles?
Are the tanks secured from falling?
Are there flash-back arrestors in place?
Are all fitting in good shape and secure?
Are valve protecting caps in place?
Are the pressure gages free from damage
Is there any welding takes place in this area?
Welding area
Please identify location of welding
Is all welding being done away from any heat or source of ignition?
Are safety glasses being worn under helmets?
Are PPE being used ( gloves, helmets, aprons, capes, etc.) as conditions require?
Is there proper ventelation where welding occurs?
Are inspections being done on the following PPE?
Are hard hats being worn whenever there is an overhead hazard?
Are Safety Glasses available, being used and in good repair?
Are ther goggles available, being used and in good repair?
Are welders helmets available, being used, and in good repair?
Are face shields available, being used, and in good repair?
Are there 2 types of Hearing protection availble and being used?
Are all employees wearing safety toed shoes?
Are aprons available for welders, being used, and in good repair?
Gloves available, being used, and in good repair?
Individual Offices
Please note who's office
Are office runners and rugs laying flat?
What is the furniture in sound condition?
Is there good house keeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are record storage racks secured and stable?
Are floors free of obstructions?
Are all drawers kept shut when not using?
How is the adjustable key board positions?
How is the adjustable computer screen height?
Out buildings
Out Building
Please note which out building
Is there a first aid kit?
Are First Aid Kits stocked properly?
First Aid Kit
Please identify location of first aid kit
6 - 4" x 4" Gauze pads
2 - 8" x 10" Gauze pads
16 Adhesive Bandages (Bandaids)
2 - Rolls of 2" cling or wider
2 Triangle bandages
6 Individual use packets containing 1/32oz of burn treatment
10 Packets of antiseptic wipes
2 Elastic wraps
1 Splint
1 Roll of adhesive tape
1 Pair of scissors
1 Blanket
1 pair of tweezers
Resuscitation mask
2 pair of medical grade gloves
Directions to emergency assistance
Are there fire extinguishers?
Fire Extinguishers
Please identify location of fire extinguisher
Are employees periodically instructed in the use of extinguishers?
Has extinguishers recently serviced ( every 6 months )?
Are extinguishers in place and clearly marked?
Are exits marked?
Please Identify location of exit
Are fire exit and directional signs clearly marked?
Is all emergency lighting operable?
Do all exit doors all open from inside?
Are all exits clear of obstructions?
Is there any hazardous materials or fuel tanks within 50' of exit?
Building Safety
Are there electrical panels?
Electrical Panals and Junction box's
Electrical panal
Please identify location of electrical panals
Are electrical panals and junction box's secured properly?
Is there clear access to electrical panels?
Are all electrical panals marked and labeled?
Are all electrical panals free from debris being piled on them?
Are all electrical panels and junction box's have all punch-outs plugged?
Are all metallic cable and conduit systems properly grounded?
Are there stairways?
Please identify location
Is there any hazardous chemicals or fuel stored under stairways?
Are the stair treads and stringer in good shape and secure?
Are railing 42" high+/- 3" and have a mid rail 21" or half way in between the top rail and the working surface?
Are stairways kept clear?
Is there a need for fall prevention? ( hole deeper than 36" or height greater than 4')
Fall Prevetion measures
Fall Prevetion
Please identify location
prevention measures in place
Are all holes greater than 2" in their least dimendion protected by covers or railings?
Are all railing in good shape and hold 200 lb of foce 2" from the top?
Are all aisles defined and clear?
Are all walkways adequately and clearly marked?
How is the housekeeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are work area free from shap edges?
Are all container labeld with Product identifyer, Hazard statement, First Aid measures, and symbol?
Are the battery shutoff's in the off position when not it use?<br>
Are floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are all Jacks and Jack Stands marked with capacity?
Are the air compressor relief valve inspection tag up to date (monthly)?
Do all compressed air wands have pressure release holes?
Are all extension cords free of damage, have the proper grounding, and stored properly (not hanging off nails and hooks)?
Is ther an overhead crane?
Has there been an overhead crane inspection in past 12 months and documented?
Is the overhead crane hoist main power accessible and marked?
Are hoist controls marked?
Is the overhead crane capacity marked on both sides of the beam support, headace ball, and motor?
Does the hook have a safety latch?
Are there Ladders?
Please identify ladder?
Are ladders Industrial Strength?
Are ladders being inspected monthly and documented?
Are all beams and rungs free of cracks, gouges, dents, splits, splinters, or missing rungs and ware?
Are ropes, pulley's, and ground cleats in good shape?
Are ladders being used properly?
Are ladders secured when being stored?
Are there slings, chains, ropes?
Sling, chains, ropes
Please identify sling, rope, chain, or cable
Have slings been inspected monthly and documented?
Are all unions and cleaveses in good shape and secured?
Are they free from fraying, stretching, kinks, or pinching?
Do slings have MIOSHA tag with capacity and are legible?
Are lifting hooks in good repair (less than 10 Degree twist or 15 Degree bend outward on hook)?
Are there Power tools?
Power tool inspection
Power tool
Please identify which power tool
Are all The proper guards in place?
Is the casing in good shape?
Are cords free of freys or nicks?
Does the tool have the proper grounding?
Are ther Machines (drill press, lathe, etc.)?
Drill press, Lathe, Band Saws, and other Machines
Please identify which machine
Is the machine kept clean?
Are the floors around the machine kept clean?
Are all the proper guards in place on machine and adjusted properly?
Are all vises secured to machine?
Is the starting and stopping device within easy reach?
Is the stopping device a red button?
Is that machine able to be LOTO?
Are there Storage Racks?
Storage racks
storage rack
Please identify location
Are all materials stored on racks and in bins when possible?
Is material stored so proper lifting techniques can be used?
Are floors around racks free of rubbish?
What is the general condition of racks and bins?
Are materials stored on pallets sucured when elevated?
Are there compressed cylinders storage?
Are tanks clearly labeled?
Do they have valve protection caps in place?
Are tanks secured to prevent tipping?
Are the empty isolated from filled and labeled (empty or full)?
Are Oxygen Cylinders segregated by 20' from any fuel gas, or flammable or combustible liquids, or other highly combustible materials?
Are there a torch in this area?
Please identify torch
When not is use have torches been shut off and lines bleed off?
Is there anything hanging on gauges or valve shut offs?
Are the lines in good shape with no cracks, burns, or bubbles?
Are the tanks secured from falling?
Are there flash-back arrestors in place?
Are all fitting in good shape and secure?
Are valve protecting caps in place?
Are the pressure gages free from damage
Is there any welding takes place in this area?
Welding area
Please identify location
Is all welding being done away from any heat or source of ignition?
Are safety glasses being worn under helmets?
Are PPE being used ( gloves, helmets, aprons, capes, etc.) as conditions require?
Is there proper ventelation where welding occurs?
Engineering lab
Is there a responsible person available?
Is there employee emergency contact information where employees have access to it?
Is there a copy of the MIOSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act accessable to employees?
Is there an evacuation plan displayed?
Is the MIOSHA workplace poster displayed where all employees are likely to see it?
I the OSHA annual summary of workplace injuries and illnesses posted between February 1 through April 30?
Is the new revised SDS sheet poster posted and filled out?
Are there SDS books available, organized, and up to date?
Is there self inspections / safety inspections performed and documented?
Emergency Preparedness Plan
Is there an Evacuation Plan displayed and understood by employees?
Are evacuation procedures discussed regularly ( 3 - 4 times a year)?
Are fire alarm functioning properly?
Is there a first aid kit?
Are First Aid Kits stocked properly?
First Aid Kit
Please identify location of first aid kit
6 - 4" x 4" Gauze pads
2 - 8" x 10" Gauze pads
16 Adhesive Bandages (Bandaids)
2 - Rolls of 2" cling or wider
2 Triangle bandages
6 Individual use packets containing 1/32oz of burn treatment
10 Packets of antiseptic wipes
2 Elastic wraps
1 Splint
1 Roll of adhesive tape
1 Pair of scissors
1 Blanket
1 pair of tweezers
Resuscitation mask
2 pair of medical grade gloves
Directions to emergency assistance
Are there fire extinguishers?
Fire Extinguishers
Please idnetify location of fire extinguisher
Are employees periodically instructed in the use of extinguishers?
Has extinguishers recently serviced ( every 6 months )?
Are extinguishers in place and clearly marked?
Are exits marked?
Please identify location of exit
Are fire exit and directional signs clearly marked?
Is all emergency lighting operable?
Do all exit doors all open from inside?
Are all exits clear of obstructions?
Is there any hazardous materials or fuel tanks within 50' of exit?
Is there a eyewash station?
Eye wash stations
Eye wash station
Please identify location
Is the eye wash station path accessible?
Is the eye wash station clean?
Has the eye wash station been tested regularly (turn on and the caps should come off)?
Building Safety
Are there electrical panels?
Electrical Panals and Junction box's
Electrical panal
Please identify location of electrical panals
Are electrical panels and junction box's secured properly?
Is there clear access to electrical panels?
Are all electrical panels marked and labeled?
Are all electrical panels free from debris being piled on them?
Are all electrical panels and junction box's have all punch-outs plugged?
Are all metallic cable and conduit systems properly grounded?
Are there stairways?
Please identify location
Is there any hazardous chemicals or fuel stored under stairways?
Are the stair treads and stringer in good shape and secure?
Are railing 42" high+/- 3" and have a mid rail 21" or half way in between the top rail and the working surface?
Are stairways kept clear?
Is there a need for fall prevention? ( hole deeper than 36" or height greater than 4')
Fall Prevetion measures
Fall Prevetion
Please identify location
prevention measures in place
Are all holes greater than 2" in their least dimendion protected by covers or railings?
Are all railing in good shape and hold 200 lb of foce 2" from the top?
Are all aisles defined and clear?
Are all walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Are all restrooms facilities clean and in working order?
How is the break room housekeeping?
Down stairs and upstairs
Down stairs and upstairs
Please identify which room
How is the housekeeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are benches set to adequat height for the work being done?
Are work area free from shap edges?
Are all tool are being used for thier intended purpose?
Are all hand tools are free of any damaged?
Are all container labeld with Product identifyer, Hazard statement, First Aid measures, and symbol?
Are all used shop rags contained properly in metal container with lid?
Are the battery shutoff's in the off position when not it use?<br>
Are floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are all Jacks and Jack Stands marked with capacity?
Are the air compressor relief valve inspection tag up to date (monthly)?
Do all compressed air wands have pressure release holes?
Are all extension cords free of damage, have the proper grounding, and stored properly (not hanging off nails and hooks)?
Is ther an overhead crane?
Has there been an overhead crane inspection in past 12 months and documented?
Is the overhead crane hoist main power accessible and marked?
Are hoist controls marked?
Is the overhead crane capacity marked on both sides of the beam support, headace ball, and motor?
Does the hook have a safety latch?
Are there Ladders?
Please identify which ladder
Are ladders Industrial Strength?
Are ladders being inspected monthly and documented?
Are all beams and rungs free of cracks, gouges, dents, splits, splinters, or missing rungs and ware?
Are ropes, pulley's, and ground cleats in good shape?
Are ladders being used properly?
Are ladders secured when being stored?
Are there slings, chains, ropes?
Sling, chains, ropes
Please identify which sling, rope, or chain
Have slings been inspected monthly and documented?
Are all unions and cleaveses in good shape and secured?
Are they free from fraying, stretching, kinks, or pinching?
Do slings have MIOSHA tag with capacity and are legible?
Are lifting hooks in good repair (less than 10 Degree twist or 15 Degree bend outward on hook)?
Are there Power tools?
Power tool inspection
Power tool
Please identify which power tool
Are all The proper guards in place?
Is the casing in good shape?
Are cords free of freys or nicks?
Does the tool have the proper grounding?
Are ther Machines (drill press, table saw, etc.)?
Drill press, table saw, Band Saws, and other Machines
Please identify which machine
Is the machine kept clean?
Are the floors around the machine kept clean?
Are all the proper guards in place on machine and adjusted properly?
Are all vises secured to machine?
Is the starting and stopping device within easy reach?
Is the stopping device a red button?
Is that machine able to be LOTO?
Is there Storage Racks?
Storage racks
storage rack
Please identify storage racks by location
Are all materials stored on racks and in bins when possible?
Is material stored so proper lifting techniques can be used?
Are floors around racks free of rubbish?
What is the general condition of racks and bins?
Are materials stored on pallets sucured when elevated?
Is there compressed cylinders storage?
Are tanks clearly labeled?
Do they have valve protection caps in place?
Are tanks secured to prevent tipping?
Are the empty isolated from filled and labeled (empty or full)?
Are Oxygen Cylinders segregated by 20' from any fuel gas, or flammable or combustible liquids, or other highly combustible materials?
It there a torch in this area?
Please identify torch by location or number
When not is use have torches been shut off and lines bleed off?
Is there anything hanging on gauges or valve shut offs?
Are the lines in good shape with no cracks, burns, or bubbles?
Are the tanks secured from falling?
Are there flash-back arrestors in place?
Are all fitting in good shape and secure?
Are valve protecting caps in place?
Are the pressure gages free from damage
Is there any welding takes place in this area?
Welding area
Please identify welding area by location
Is all welding being done away from any heat or source of ignition?
Are safety glasses being worn under helmets?
Are PPE being used ( gloves, helmets, aprons, capes, etc.) as conditions require?
Is there proper ventelation where welding occurs?
Are inspections being done on the following PPE?
Are hard hats being worn whenever there is an overhead hazard?
Are Safety Glasses available, being used and in good repair?
Are ther goggles available, being used and in good repair?
Are welders helmets available, being used, and in good repair?
Are face shields available, being used, and in good repair?
Are there 2 types of Hearing protection availble and being used?
Are all employees wearing safety toed shoes?
Are aprons available for welders, being used, and in good repair?
Gloves available, being used, and in good repair?
Individual Offices
Please note who's office space
Are office runners and rugs laying flat?
What is the furniture in sound condition?
Is there good house keeping?
Is there adequate lighting?
Are record storage racks secured and stable?
Are floors free of obstructions?
Are all drawers kept shut when not using?
How is the adjustable key board positions?
How is the adjustable computer screen height?