Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Mandatory First Aid Requirements
Are they're adequate certified first aid personal available for each shift ?
Are there Adequate first aid facilities at the workplace? (Victorian OHS act 2004 section 21 (2) d?
Are the emergency procedures and contacts displayed in a prominent location ?
Are the nearest emergency facility locations and contact details clearly identified and displayed in a prominent location ?
Are the contents of the first aid kit within the use by dates ?
Are the first aid kits in vehicles and mobile plant easily accessible for emergency response ?
Are the safety data sheets readily available for First Aiders ?
Are the ratio's being adhered to in relation to the number of certified first aiders to workers ?
Is the first aid register readily accessible?
Are the reporting of first aid incidents being recorded in the register for the requirements of the health records act 2001?
Is there a chemical shower onsite?
Have the first aiders onsite been immunized for hepatitis B?
Is there a current and up to date first aid risk assessment inplace for the project?
- Compliant
- Non-Compliant
- N/A
First Aid Room
Are there resuscitation masks ?
Is there a sink and wash basin with hot and cold running water ?
Workbench or dressing trolley ?
Cupboards for storing medicaments, dressings and linen ?
a container for soiled dressing ?
A sharps disposal system ?
Electric power points?
An upright chair?
Blankets and pillows?
A stretcher?
A privacy screen?
a first aid kit appropriate for the workplace?
Disposable sheets?