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Conducted on
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Is there a traffic management plan in-place ? section 99A (4)(a) road safety act
Does the traffic management plan reflect the task ?
Have traffic controllers completed a traffic management course and hold the relevant qualifications? section 99A(3)(c) road safety act
Is the traffic management plan available for inspection? section 77 act
Is the traffic management plan up to date ?
Have SWMS been prepared and followed ?
Is worker fatigue managed with regular breaks and rotation ?
Has a risk assessment methodology been developed that captures all the aspects of the works and risk factors? AS/NZS 4360-2004
Does the haul road ave people and plant separation?
Do all safety barriers on-site comply with the AS? NZS 3845-1999 (standards acceptable for use on worksites)
Are traffic barriers being used where there is potential hazards (deep excavations, pedestrian separation and workers and plant protection?) AS 1742.3-2002
Have no- go zones been established as per the manufacturer's specification for deflection clearance? AS/NZS 3845-1999
Have sight restriction screens been installed on heavily trafficked roads (gawk screens) Section 2.3.13:Attachments of AS/NZS 3845-1999 ?