Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Management Responsibilities<br><br>
Is there a health and safety management plan for the project/site? (OHS Regs 5.1.16).
Do the contents of the plan specify who is responsible on behalf on management for health and safety; the arrangements for managing health and safety incidents on site and any site specific health and safety rules? ( OHS Regs 5.1.17)
Is there a full and comprehensive site specific OHS&E induction, that explains (in the appropriate language/s) all facilities of the site, the site emergency procedures, full contact details of management personal in case of emergencies and the appropriate responsibilities of management personal on the site? (OHS Regs 5.1.17)
Emergency Procedures and protocols?
Is the plan site specific?
Is there a map notifying where to muster in an emergency evacuation?
Is an Emergency Plan prepared and implemented at the workplace? (OHS Act Sect 21 & Workplace Amenities and Work Environment Compliance Code WorkCover 2008).
Are the correct emergency wardens listed on the plan?
Is the plan displayed in prominent locations around the site?
Has the plan been tested for its effectiveness and relevance to the site layout and conditions?
Have the emergency evacuation procedure's been tried and tested ?
Have emergency retrieval's from various positions around the site been tested and documented ?
Traffic Management
Is there a site specific Traffic Management Plan in place?<br><br>
Does the Traffic management plan comply with the task<br><br>
Have traffic controllers completed a traffic management course and hold the appropriate qualification's ?
Is the traffic management plan up to date
SWMS have been prepared and followed? (OHS Regs 5.1.9)
Worker fatigue is monitored and managed with regular breaks and rotation?
Site Requirements
Is signage displayed with relevant builder contact details clearly visible from outside the workplace?
Is the site secure to prevent unauthorised access?
Have all the necessary permits been obtained? (Council, EPA, WorkCover, VicRoads etc)
Do all workers on site hold general construction induction cards? (OHS Regs 5.1.20/21/22
Have workers been site inducted? (OHS Regs 5.1.17)
Are induction records kept on site available for viewing?
Are all visitors inducted into site-specific hazards and risks (e.g. Contaminated soils, contaminated waters, asbestos, lead...)
Personal Protective Equipment
Have workers been supplied with the appropriate PPE for the work they are performing?
Are workers in dusty environments wearing the appropriate Mask and have they been fit tested for that specific mask ?
Is the PPE maintained, repaired and replaced as needed?
Are workers wearing the required PPE as stated by the site requirements ?
Work Areas
Is there safe access and egress to and from work areas, both under normal conditions and an emergency? (OHS Act 2004 - Section 21(2) c & 23 (1) ).
Are there walkways to separate workers from moving plant?
Are access routes free of obstructions and stored materials?
Is access to and from work areas adequately lit? (40 lux)
Are work areas adequately lit? (160 lux)
Are there adequate amenities for all workers on site?
Are there covered walkways to access amenities in the event of inclement weather?
Are toilets and crib huts clean, hygienic and easily accessible?
Are there changerooms and showers onsite ?
First Aid
Is there adequate first aid facilities at the workplace? (Victorian OHS Act (2004) Section 21(2) d.
Are first aid locations clearly marked?
Are there enough trained first aiders, minimum 1 for every 25 workers?
Is the first aid kit regularly checked and restocked?
Are first aid records kept on site?
Electrical Provisions
Is electrical equipment tested and tagged before first use and thereafter once every three months as per Industry Standard (Victorian WorkCover Authority) Electrical installations on construction sites (2011).
Are records kept of all testing and tagging? (AS/NZS 3012-3.1 and Industry Standard)
Are leads no longer than 30m? (AS/NZS 3012)
Are electrical boards and rcds checked on a monthly basis?
Is there emergency lighting installed with access and egress points illuminated with the running man symbol ?
All electrical cabling has temp tape at 5 metre increments ?
Are all temp boards locked to ensure that no one can have access to the rcd ?
Falls from Heights
Has a SWMS been prepared where a worker is at risk of falling from one level to another (Vic OHS Regs (2007) 5.1.5).
Has the task been signed off by the Employer prior to commencement ?
Has a risk assessment been performed for all other work at heights?
Is the highest control measure in the hierarchy of control being implemented?
Are the control measures continually inspected and maintained?
Are the handrails securely fixed as per engineering requirements and the relevant manufacturers specifications?
Is hand rail (a minimum of) between 900mm and 1100mm high and contains a mid rail and toe-boards or mesh infill? <br>
Are all ladders rated for industrial use only of at least 120kg? (AS/NZS 1892)
Are ladders only used as a means of access and egress or light duty work of short duration?
Are three points of contact maintained at all times?
Are all ladders in good condition and fit for purpose ?
Are the ladders used as access points secured at the top and bottom to prevent movement ?
Scaffolding with a deck height of 4m or more, or any scaffold erected where there is a fall or drop of 4m or more, erected by a person with a high risk (scaffold) licence (AS 4546: 1995-Guidelines for Scaffolding & Victorian WorkCover Authority High Risk Licence requirements)?
Has scaffold been inspected and signed off prior to use and thereafter every 30 days (AS4576)?
Is scaffold erected on firm, level ground?
Have compatible and approved scaffold components been used?
Are regular maintenance and inspections carried out by a licensed scaffolder? If so, is there a plant maintenance register?
Are records are kept on site of all inspections and sign offs?
Is there a need for permitter screening and encapsulation ?
Is there safe access and egress to and from working platforms? (AS/NZS 1576 3.6)
Are ladders/stairs in good condition?
Are incomplete scaffolds appropriately closed and signage installed to prevent unauthorised access?
Is the base of the scaffold protected by a hard barricade?
Are there cranes in use on site?
Is the access to the crane clear and without any obstacle's
Are maintenance records kept with the item of plant ?
is the crane set up on stable ground and not over underground services
Has all the lifting gear been checked prior to use?
Are the chains and slings in good condition and have they been checked and have the approprite tags and are they in date?
Do all workers working with cranes and in the lifting of materials, hold the relivant high risk work licence to do so?
Have the prestart checks been done on the item of plant?
Are there any workers working under a suspended load?
Are all the lifting devices added into a rigging register If so are the ruddily accessible ?
Powered Mobile Plant
Is there a plant register kept on site?
Are maintenance and inspection records of the plant available (OHS Regs 3.5.20)
Is the Plant only being used for the purpose for which it is primarily designed for?
Does the operator/installer have appropriate license/competency to use/operate the plant (if required)?
Are log books kept and up to date? (OHS Reg 3.5.20)?
Are reverse alarm and warning devices fitted? (OHS Reg 3.5.35)
Have all mobile plant been fitted with fire extingushers and have first aid kits?
Is there a spotter present with each item of plant?
Is the spotter in positive communication with the machine operator?
Is the spotter standing in the safe zone? (safe distance of operating plant)
Is the piling rig set up on flat and stable ground and away from underground services?
Are the operators of the piling rig compitant and hold the required high risk work licence to operate this piece of plant?
Have the prestart checks been done for this item of plant before work commencement?
Are there exclusion zones set up around the piling rig with the approprite signage in place?
Has fall protection been installed around the pile hole or excavations?
If the piling rig is set up in close proximity to power lines, is it futher than 6 metres away?
Concrete Pump
Is the concrete pump set up on flat and stable ground and away from underground services?
Are the operators of the concrete pump compitant and hold the required high risk work licence to operate this piece of plant?
Have the prestart checks been done for this item of plant before work commencement?
If the concrete pump is set up in close proximity to power lines, is it further than 3 metres away?
Are their any workers, working under the extended boom?
Is there a spotter inplace to reverse the concrete trucks to the concrete pump?
Are all maintenance records including thickness tests for the pipeline redilily accessible?
Are the pipe clamps inspected prior to use?
Is there appropriate access and egress into excavations?
has it been battered in 1.5 metre intervals?
Is shoring being used correctly?
Is there a emergency response plan developed for the task?
Has the area been barricaded off to stop unortherised entry into the area and atleast 2 meters away from the excavation ?
Has the emergency retrieval procedure been tested ?
Is the appropriate signage inplace
Is there any demolition of a structure or part of a structure that is load-bearing?
Have all demolition works been signed off by a engineer prior commencement of works?
Does the demolition contractor hold the appropriate competences ? (i.e. UNLIMITED. /. MEDIUM RISE - work restricted to a maximum of 5 storeys, excluding special buildings. /. LOW RISE - work restricted to buildings of not more than 2 storeys) as per legal requirements from the Victorian Building Authority.
Is a Demolition Work Plan in place (AS 2601 Clause 2.3)?
Are precast panels being used on site?
Are the panels delivered on site at least 72 hours old since casting (Precast Industry Standard: Clause 7.2)?
Are the lifting insert testing certificates available (Industry Standard Clause 4.8)?
Are rigging diagrams detailing required lifting/placement configurations supplied with the shop drawings on site (Industry Standard 4.3)?
Are all panels individually marked with a permanent identification number on the manufacturers certificate of compliance (Industry Standard 5.17)?
Is the rigging/ erection crew made up of the following (minimum requirements): Nominated rigger in charge being the holder of an advanced or intermediate high risk rigging licence; at least one additional certified high risk licence rigger (basic); at least one dogger (for slinging load/panel on the delivery truck), crane operator holding the appropriate high risk licence for the type of crane used during the panel erection; carpenter for any set-out issues (Industry Standard). <br><br>(The rigger in charge should be familiar with the Industry Standard Industry Standard - Clause 8.7).
Is all the required information mentioned in the TMP for the scope of works that are being preformed ?
Is the work area clearly defined in the TGS ?
Is the required deflection zone put in place behind all barriers ? If so is it clear of all workers and materials
Is the speed reduced to vic roads guidelines in specific areas where work is being performed ?
Is there plant driving on public roadways? If so are they been driven by a operator with the appropriate road license? Has the item of plant been maintained for roadworthy conditions? and it must be safe for road travel as per operators manual .
Is there public protection in place?
Are environmental controls in place ? Such as ( dust suppression/ water management)
Does the excavation have a safe means of access and egress to the work area ?
Is the required barricading and signage in place to ensure that work areas are segregated and exclusion zones have been set up appropriately ? (Unsupported ground, rotating equipment electrical cable)
Have the risks involved with mobile plant working in and around the tunnel been assessed and controlled ?
Is mechanical ventilation in place ?
Is the air quality being monitored and if so are there records of the air quality in all the work areas?
Are there two access and egress points maintained at all times ? and are the bases of those access points protected buy concrete barriers ?
Are the Installation of supports is in accordance with the engineering design ?
Are there Emergency evacuation provisions and procedures established and implemented on site ?
Are the personal working within the tunnel, been adequately trained and instructed, and are aware of the emergency procedures ?
Is there a procedure identifies a process for identifying and controlling potential risks of water flooding and/or engulfment with tunnels ?
Are there any combustible liquids kept or stored underground ?
Are there any fall from height issues (climbing up and down and working around plant) ?
Is the correct ppe being used whilst working in a underground environment ?
Are plant prestarts being conducted prior to use, and is the plant in good condition and regularly maintained ?
Are their controls in place to eliminate the exposure of persons at the workplace to airborne asbestos fibres ? (OHS Regulations r209(1)
Is their constant air monitoring in place to monitor the atmospheric concentration of asbestos fibres in access of the asbestos exposure standard (OHS Regulations r209(2)
Are the copies of the atmospheric monitoring readily accessible (OHS Regulations r212
Are all of the requirements being followed when asbestos is being removed from site that reflect the OHS Regulations r225(2)
Are records kept to record the results of the asbestos identification register/employees asbestos register OHS Regulations r227,r235
Are their controls in place for risk associated with the presence of asbestos OHS Regulations r231,r238
Is there a asbestos management plan in place ?