Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Where ashtrays or sand buckets are provided, have these been emptied?
Have all log burners and fires been cleaned out?
Are all fire lighters and matches stored in the appropriate container?
Where barbecues and pizza ovens are provided - Have these been cleaned out?
Has all rubbish been removed from the property?
Has the tumble dryer filter been cleaned?
Have all cleaning products been returned to the appropriate place?
Have the smoke alarms been tested and witnessed to be functioning correctly?
Location of smoke alarm tested
Has the emergency lighting been tested and witnessed to be functioning correctly?
Did all linked smoke alarms sound when tested?
Have all carbon monoxide alarms been tested and witnessed to be functioning correctly?
Location of carbon monoxide alarm(s)
Escape Routes
Are all escape routes clear from obstruction?
Do all final exit doors open freely?
Fire Equipment
Where fire extinguishers are provided, are they in date and pressurised?
Is the fire blanket located within the holder and attached to the wall?