Title Page

  • Conducted on

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Customer Service

  • Observe operators interacting with the customer. what good looks like - greeting, farewell, conversation and did they ensure customers took all their products.

  • Observe a team member answering the phone, did they answer with their name and the store name? were they confidently able to transfer the call?

  • Are there trollies and baskets available for the customers, are these clean and have the baby trollies been cleaned this week?

  • Watch the operator pack the customers groceries, are they not under or overfilling the bag and are they packing bags with like items, i.e fresh and cooked separate.

  • Observe a supervisor deal with a customers inquiry, Did they incorporate the Caps and ABC?

  • Is the left behind book been used so as team can easily identify customers goods that had been left behind?

  • Are the team letting the customers know about filling in the survey at the bottom of the docket, directing them to go to the web site? (Or do they have another way of letting customers know)?

Self Scanning Checkouts

  • Are white bags been used on SCO, as grey are too small and cause weight interventions.

  • How long does it take for the SCO host to attend an intervention? During the intervention does the SCO host educate the customer?

  • Is the SCO host completing the figure eight to interact with customers. (resetting the bags, clearing baskets and helping the customer putt their bags in the trolley).

  • Did the Sco host leave the area at any time, I.e to go and find a product or answer a bell?

Checkout Knowledge

  • Ask two operators to give you an overview of the onecard and how it works?

  • Ask two ops or sups as to what other benefits we have for the customer, i.e onecard visa, insurance, xmas club how do we direct the customer to these?


  • Ask the Supervisor what the maximum amount is that they are allowed to refund to keep the customer satisfied? ($100.00)

  • Ask a supervisor what they would do in this scenario. A disgruntle customer has returned a cake that has mold on it, they bought the cake today for their sons birthday tonight. How would you deal with this situation and what would you refund?<br>(Did they cover off ABC's, think outside the square, offer more than just a refund and replacement)

  • What would you do if a customer came back with a bottle of wine that had scanned at a higher price than on the shelf?

  • Name three items that can not be returned to the shelf if returned?<br>(Baby foods or formulas, chilled and frozen products, opened or damaged items, Any item from a fresh department.

Health and Safety

  • Ask a Supervisor to name the four critical risks?<br>( Hit by a moving vehicle, fall from height, exposure to electricity and armed robbery)

  • What safety equipment do you have at checkouts? How many trollies can be moved without a trolley strap? ( four without a strap and up to ten with one)

Loss Prevention

  • When the checkout is not in use, is the checkout chained off with a trolley and are the checkout carousals locked?

  • View the lost property folder, are they using the correct book and what action has been taken the belongings? (cash disc dumped, cards discarded after a week, have we tried to contact the customer if we have a onecard or some other ID)

  • How many people are needed to put in a float in checkouts before and after trade? does this include taking to the safe? ( one before and after trade, but two people are required to walk the floats etc backwards and forwards to the safe at all times)

  • What limit must a pick up not exceed? ($2000) is it ok to complete a pickup on your own it there is another operator serving in the same pod behind you? (No)

  • After a pick up has been completed what do you do with it? (send up lamson or walk to cash office) How many bags are allowed to be walked across the floor at one time? (4)

  • Check the incident book and has it been used regularly and when was it last used. (if the book hasn't been used make sure this is raised with the team)

Star Reports

  • How often should star reports been completed and who is responsible for this? ( seven days a week and it is the responsibility or the CSM and supervisors)

  • Ask how they action the star reports? ( They print the whole star report and should view on line what they need to investigate and print if necessary. One pos stores do print voids or void transactions, R8 still need to print any missing void transactions. The refund and RTC reports still need to printed daily)

  • View the three previous days reports to see if been completed correctly? Has the SAM CSM completed their weekly check and filed with week? one void, one refund and one disc dump?

  • Where are the reports been completed? it should be away from the front end.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.