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Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
COSHH Assessments
Are there any procedures in place for the control of chemical substances on site?
Does the audited process follow these procedures?
Are COSHH assessments documented?
Have applicable staff received COSHH awareness training to understand the hazards and work with chemicals safely?
HSE Assessment of New Materials / Chemicals
Are there any procedures / processes in place for bringing new chemicals on site?
Does the audited process follow these procedures?
Are new material approval assessments documented and stored?
Storage, Handling and Identification of Chemicals
Are chemicals stored in and safe and secure place?
Are chemicals sufficiently segregated by type?
How are chemicals transported around site and into the departments where they are required?
Are all decanted chemicals sufficiently labelled and lidded where required?
Are chemicals properly identified and labelled with appropriate signs and symbols where required. If there are expiry dates are these in date?
Are are chemicals within the impreg department sufficiently bunded and earthed?
Is the Pyroban truck used to transport chemicals within the department?
Are the fire doors kept closed within the impreg department?
Untitled page
Are there any sources of ionising radiation on site?
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What are they?
Does the company have an up to date valid Certificate of Registration from the Environment Agency?
When was the last compliance assessment done?
Are there published Local Rules in the area so that the appropriate operators can refer to them?
Who is the Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS)? Are there certificates of training for this person?
Who is the Radiation Protection Advisor (RPA)? Is there a certificate of training?
Is there suitable secure storage for the radioactive source?
Equipment Containing Lasers
Does the company have an up to date register of equipment?
How often is the register kept up to date?
Has the laser containing equipment been serviced and are they in calibration?
Who did this work?
Is the equipment stored in a suitable secure place when not in use?
Do the employees who routinely use the pieces of equipment have training records?
Electromagnetic Fields
Has the company identified sources of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on site?
Has the company assessed the level of exposure of employees to EMFs and done risk assessments to control any risks from EMFs?
Has the company provided information and training to employees at particular risk by EMFs in the workplace?
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