
  • CSA

  • Job ID

  • Job Source

  • Address

  • Audit date

  • Auditor

  • Auditee

Desktop checks

2.000 Handover & collateral delivered to Chorus

  • 2.008 TLRD/NetMAP updated, integrity checked and confirmed

  • 2.011 Inventory database updated

  • 2.020 Plant Damage Report (PDR) completed

  • 2.021 Cable Network Alteration (CNA) form Completed

  • 2.022 Cable Plant Alteration (CPA) form completed

4.000 Code

  • 4.001 Correct TFD code used

  • 4.002 Correct CSE code used

  • 4.003 Correct ACT code used

  • 4.004 Correct Statement of works codes used

5.000 Fault

  • 5.002 Records - customer information and network details correct, changes updated

  • 5.003 Any pair change meets current rules

  • 5.004 OUT ticket text field completed correctly

  • 5.007 Fault diagnosis fee charged if damage outside Chorus network or responsibility

  • 5.009 Escalation procedure followed (Defect referral)

  • 5.010 Spares levels maintained, faulty spares referred for repair, faulty card description accurate, local spares used replaced from national holdings

Exchange checks

11.000 OFDF & exchange fibre

  • 11.001 All optical cables 100% support on horizontal and managed on vertical, no more than 400mm fibre cable to be unsupported

  • 11.003 Network labelling correct at OFDF and log completed

  • 11.004 Optical cables and cords adequately managed within racks and shelves

  • 11.010 Protective caps on all unterminated connectors

  • 11.011 Connectors cleaned and verified with fibre inspection probe

  • 11.013 No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safety contained

Field checks

19.000 Fibre Jointing and Closure

  • 19.001 Joint closure secured on manufacturer's bracket

  • 19.002 NetMAP label on closure and each able tail

  • 19.003 Laser label (starburst),visible outside and inside closure

  • 19.004 Heat shrink fittings correct (thermal paint change, glue extruding)

  • 19.005 Mechanical closure fittings correct (fittings, seal)

  • 19.007 Non-metallic strength member anchored. Metallic strength member isolated

  • 19.008 Unused tubes controlled, managed, secured without stress

  • 19.009 Tubes secured onto organiser trays with metal tabbed cable ties, trays not overfilled

  • 19.010 30mm bend radius unconditionally observed at all locations

  • 19.014 No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained

25.000 Poles

  • 25.001 All mechanical aids in good working order, regular checks

  • 25.002 Vehicle transporting poles must have racks for pole security

  • 25.003 Pole in good condition, no splits or burs

  • 25.004 Pole manufacture label in place. Pole strength minimum 6kN

  • 25.005 Pole hole depth correct. Pole vertical and correct height

  • 25.006 Pole positioning and spacing correct, correct face position

  • 25.007 All new poles have Network pole tag installed 3m above ground

  • 25.008 Breast and heel block position correct for pull and loading on pole

  • 25.009 Pole hole compacted every 150 m

  • 25.010 Pole safe to climb (hammer, probe,dig)

  • 25.011 All metal poles hot dipped galvanised and CNSP approved

  • 25.012 Plant positioned correctly and safely, plant clearances correct

  • 25.013 Stub poles, staying lines or screw anchors installed correctly

  • 25.015 Unsafe poles noted in the Hazardous Pole register

  • 25.018 Traffic Management Plan for pole install/removal

  • 25.021 Network labelling in place to suit requirements

38.000 UFB fibre flexibility point (FFP)

  • 38.001 Outer door lock works smoothly and door closes without jamming

  • 38.002 Door stays are in place and work well

  • 38.003 Cabling run correctly

  • 38.004 Distribution frame: correct trays installed and labelled

  • 38.005 Distribution frame: Drawer labelling correct

  • 38.008 All micro ducts earth terminated

  • 38.009 All micro ducts earth labelled

  • 38.010 All duct seals in place for cable entry (100mm)

  • 38.011 Mortar around ducts in base of cabinet

  • 38.012 Locks and hinges ok

  • 38.013 Door seals in good condition

  • 38.016 Splitter installed and labelled

  • 38.017 All unused connectors capped

  • 38.018 Splitter legs installed in parking bay

  • 38.019 All micro ducts sealed

  • 38.020 All micro ducts labelled

  • 38.021 Fixed fibre strain relief installed

  • 38.028 Two fibres per customer connection rule observed within an individual tray

  • 38.029 No fibre or task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained

  • 38.030 Data card complete in pencil. ABF - micro duct number, splitter ID and splitter leg. FF - Splitter ID and splitter leg

  • 38.034 Fibre secured in tube with strain bung

  • 38.035 Allocated splitter leg routed over mandrel into correct tray position

  • 38.036 FIP both LC connectors prior to connection

  • 38.042 Heat shrink splice protectors secured from movement

  • 38.043 30 mm bend radius unconditionally observed at all locations

  • 38.048 Splice trays in correct OFDF position

39.000 Aerial terminal/OFDC

  • 39.005 Terminal label on lid or plate on pole

  • 39.032 Gas block connector installed on 5mm tube in aerial box

41.000 BDD terminal

  • 41.002 Pit installed correctly

42.000 Pedestal

  • 42.001 Pedestal vertical, firm and at correct depth

65.000 FFP cabinet external

  • 65.001 Cabinet sited correctly according to RMA

  • 65.002 Cabinet colour correct

  • 65.003 Plinth installed correctly

  • 65.004 Cabinet parallel with boundary or edge of footpath or road

  • 65.006 Malthoid paper between concrete and base of cabinet

  • 65.007 Cabinet Identification label on front door top LHS

  • 65.008 Graffiti notice in place below cabinet ID

  • 65.010 Concrete/tarsal apron installed, including 500 mm to right of bullet end of cabinet

67.000 Customer OFDF

  • 67.001 OFDF in a CNSP approved enclosure

  • 67.002 Fibre managed within OFDF ok

  • 67.004 30mm bend radius unconditionally observed at all locations

  • 67.005 Protective caps on all unterminated connectors

  • 67.006 Connectors cleaned and verified with FIP

  • 67.007 Laser safety labels (1M safety) at OFDF (inside and front panel)

  • 67.008 Fibre cable entry to building sealed and managed to OFDF ok

  • 67.009 Flexi pipe protects fibre under the floor or in the ceiling spaces, and Is secured to the building

  • 67.010 LSZH fibre used

  • 67.011 No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained

  • 67.014 Optical power meter test at the ONT prior to plugging in the SC/A connector

  • 67.015 NetMAP label on OFDF lid

68.000 Fibre Access terminal

  • 68.002 Two fibres per tray only

  • 68.007 Silica gel pack installed/replaced

  • 68.009 All latches are closed

  • 68.010 O-ring installed

  • 68.011 Fibre correctly managed within FAT and trays

  • 68.013 Slack managed in fibre management coil (1.5 - 2m)

  • 68.014 Swing arm and bracket in working order/or mounted on manufacturers bracket

  • 68.015 Lid locked and lock bung installed

  • 68.016 30mm bend radius unconditionally observed at all locations

  • 68.018 Heat shrink splice protectors secured from movement

  • 68.019 No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained

  • 68.030 Fibre secured in tube with strain bung

69.000 Blown fibre boundary connection

  • 69.001 1-way connected correctly

  • 69.003 Cover board prior to reinstatement

74.000 Hand holes

  • 74.001 Bedding done correctly and compacted

  • 74.002 Hand hole locked, with lock facing the customer's boundary and openable

  • 74.006 Lateral labelled and sealed, end cap and heat shrink

75.000 Ground level closure

  • 75.002 Lid secure

  • 75.003 Lid labelled

  • 75.015 All micro ducts secured into management brackets

  • 75.019 30mm bending radius unconditionally observed at all locations

  • 75.022 Fibre routed and laid up correctly in trays

  • 75.023 Fibre splice secured in tray holder

77.000 UFB Channell flash 9 installation

  • 77.009 Locking collar secured with locking bolt. ID facing upwards

  • 77.014 All 52x5mm micro ducts capped with duct end caps

  • 77.017 Closure base 'O' ring clean, dry, undamaged and correctly seated. Spare 'O' ring in closure

  • 77.026 Fibre routed and laid up in correct trays

  • 77.028 SC trays labelled on underside of tray with micro duct number, splitter and splitter leg number, address and distance to customer's site

  • 77.059 No fibre task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained

78.000 Building distributor

  • 78.001 Correct reducers used and protection installed

  • 78.002 BUDI vertical

  • 78.003 BUDI lid secure

  • 78.004 Incoming fibre secured to anchor point with foam and zip tie

  • 78.005 Lid labelled

  • 78.006 Micro ducts labelled

  • 78.007 Micro ducts trimmed to the correct height 220mm from the base of the cabinet

  • 78.008 Micro ducts capped

  • 78.009 Gas blocker installed

  • 78.010 Continuity wires installed and labelled

  • 78.011 Tray retention strap in place

  • 78.012 ABF entry tubes sealed

  • 78.013 Two fibres per tray only

  • 78.014 Fibre routed

  • 78.015 Slack managed in fibre management coil

  • 78.016 30 mm bend radius unconditionally observed at all locations

  • 78.017 No fibre task waste,call optical (glass) ends safely contained

  • 78.018 Feeder/fibre cables labelled correctly

  • 78.019 Terminal lid secure

  • 78.020 Correct terminal used

  • 78.021 Network labelling in place to suit requirements

  • 78.022 Terminal label on lid

  • 78.023 Splitter installed and labelled

  • 78.024 Tray retention strap in place

  • 78.025 Appropriate external pipe and fixings used

  • 78.026 Reinstated in accordance to AS/NZS3000 standard

  • 78.027 In accordance with section 5.1.4 ND0574

  • 78.028 End terminated into correct BUDI 2S

  • 78.029 GPON feeder fibres to future PON splitters reserved in NetMAP

  • 78.030 MDU lead-in cables and IBDN recorded in NetMAP

  • 78.031 All unused connectors capped

  • 78.032 Locks and hinges ok

  • 78.056 Drop cable installed in the next available port in the wraparound seal

  • 78.034 Micro duct management bend back to prevent the EPFU creeping down the riser. Back bend and tie on away side

Customer Premise checks

43.000 Aerial Service Lead

  • 43.001 Correct service lead used

  • 43.004 Correct fittings used and installed correctly (screw eyes, clamps, poles and buildings)

  • 43.008 Roadway crossing at correct height

  • 43.018 Outer nano duct sheath not removed in aerial box

  • 43.019 At least 1m nanoduct left in aerial box, 500mm copper pairs

44.000 Service lead

  • 44.001 Service lead terminated correctly

  • 44.008 White pipe above ground level

  • 44.009 Depth correct

  • 44.010 Power/gas clearances correct

  • 44.011 Cable and pipe repair correct

  • 44.013 Pipe connected at ETP correctly (not glued)

45.000 ETP

  • 45.018 correct ETP installed, tidily and securely

  • 45.021 White pipe or flexi duct fitted to building secured and managed correctly

  • 45.027 Fibre splicing within design tolerance

  • 45.028 Heat shrink splice protectors secured from movement

  • 45.030 No fibre or task waste, all optical (glass) ends safely contained

  • 45.031 Gas block connector installed on the micro duct and locked

  • 45.032 Sufficient metallic location element left for locate purposes

  • 45.034 Micro duct held in position with zip tie or integrated saddle within ETP

  • 45.035 Laser label positioned externally on the lid, supplied screw installed in bottom or front of ETP

  • 45.036 Cable entry to building sealed

  • 45.037 Unused copper pairs are capped with clearing connectors

  • 45.039 Fibre managed correctly, length not excessive or causing unnecessary bends or stress

  • 45.040 Min 5mm hybrid cable sheath inside ETP

46.000 Customer premises

  • 46.001 Correct cable used, secured and tidy

  • 46.003 Correct clearances observed

  • 46.007 Jack point hardware installed correctly

  • 46.014 Contractor appearance/manner/service completion card left (customer view)

  • 46.016 Optical power meter test at the ONT prior to plugging in the SC/A connector, including FIP

  • 46.018 No fibre task waste on site, all optical(glass) ends safely contained

  • 46.020 ONT installed and secured correctly, at least 300mm above floor. Pigtail secure

  • 46.025 Min 10mm hybrid sable sheath inside ONT

  • 46.026 ITP installed on hybrid copper cable at ONT and labelled correctly

General workmanship checks

6.000 Work areas and safety

  • 6.016 Correct H&S practices observed

  • 6.017 Network elements secured

72.000 Reinstatement

  • 72.007 Excess vegetation removed

73.000 Site tidy

  • 73.003 Site tidy, no task waste - Aerial terminal

  • 73.004 Site tidy, no task waste - Pillar terminal

  • 73.010 Site tidy, no task waste - Customer premises

  • 73.017 Site tidy, no task waste - MDF

  • 77.021 Site tidy, no task waste - SSA

  • 73.024 Site tidy, no task waste - general

  • 73.026 Site tidy, no task waste - Exchange

  • 73.027 Site tidy, no task waste - Outside Plant

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.