Title Page
Conducted on
Client Name
Site Address
Client Representative
Does this Client Safety Assessment cover any other client site locations or workplaces?
Please specify the additional locations or workplaces included in this assessment.
Are there plans or details for visiting the other client site locations or workplaces covered by this assessment?
Kollab Representative
Complete the relevant sections of this form based on the specific tasks and conditions at the client site. If any questions are answered with "Yes," further details and documentation are required.
The Client
Is there a documented WHS management system in place?
Is the WHS management system certified to AS ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements with guidance for use?
Is management’s responsibility for WHS documented?
Have managers/supervisors received safety training?
Are there policies and procedures in place to minimize workplace behaviours?
Is there a position description for each job role Kollab employees will be performing?
Does the client agree to notify before changing job duties or location?
Are employees provided with information, training, and supervision to ensure safe work?
Who will supervise and monitor employees on site (provide names).
Is there a formal and documented induction process?
Will the client provide and maintain competency training records?
How are incidents reported, investigated, and actions followed up?
What are the typical incidents/injuries in the areas where Kollab employees will work?
What is the frequency of incidents/injuries in these areas? (How many per year?)
Is there a process to periodically monitor health and safety in the workplace? (e.g., workplace inspections)?
Are there emergency procedures reflecting potential emergency situations, and will Kollab employees be trained in how to respond to emergencies?
Do employees have access to adequate first aid facilities, fire fighting equipment and trained personnel (e.g. first aid officers and emergency wardens)?
Is the client willing to partner with Kollab on suitable duties for injury management where practical?
Is the client willing to have Kollab attend pre-start meetings or toolbox talks with employees (where possible)?
The Work
Does the work involve handling hazardous substances?
Specify the substances that will be handled or used by Kollab employees.
Specify where these substances are stored. (Is this a designated and segregated storage area?)
Is there a hazardous substances register?
Does the client hold current (within 5 years) Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all hazardous substances stored / used on site? Specify where these are located.
Are there Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) / Safe Work Instructions (SWIs) / Safe Work Procedure (SWPs) relating to the task that requires the handling / use of hazardous substances?
Does this document specify mandatory use of PPE?
Does the client have an emergency response plan relevant to the hazardous substances held / used on site?
Does the work involve working at heights?
Specify the type of work; e.g. scaffolding, man cage, cherry picker, mobile crane, roof access.
Is there a working at height policy and procedure?
Is there a Critical Control Management (CCM) or Life Saving Rules program in place?
Is a permit to work system in place for working at heights?
Is the work platform (e.g. scaffolding or portable work platform) stable and securely fenced?
Are perimeter screens, fencing, handrails or other forms of physical barriers used?
Is there safe means of movement between different levels at the place of work?
Is there a Job Safety Analysis, Job Hazard Analysis, Safe Work Method Statement or other form of risk assessment covering the task or activities that will be performed by Kollab employees?
Is fall restraint equipment used?
Is there a maintenance schedule or pre-check process in place to ensure that device is in good working order?
Is there a procedure in place for the assessment of suitable anchorage points?
Is there provision for the rescue of a person whose fall is arrested by a fall arrest device?
Does the work require specific licenses?
Specify the licence that is required to be held e.g. Forklift licence; Crane licence; Scaffolder etc.
Does this licence relate to the use of plant or equipment?
Is there an up-to-date maintenance schedule for the relevant plant or equipment?
Is there a plant or equipment risk assessment for the relevant plant or equipment?
Are there Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) / Safe Work Instructions (SWIs) / Safe Work Procedure (SWPs) relating to the use of plant and equipment or the task?
Will the client perform a verification of competency (VOC)?
Is the plant or equipment fitted with appropriate safety devices or features (e.g. flashing lights, seat belts, mirrors, reversing alarm)?
Are pre-start checks carried out on plant / equipment?
Are attachments used with the equipment (e.g. lifting boom, barrel clamp or man cage on a forklift)?
Are there specific instructions or training that will be provided to ensure safe operation within load limits?
Are there secure means to physically attach the attachment to the equipment (e.g. chains / pins)?
Does the work involve high-risk plant?
Specify the plant or equipment.
Is there an up-to-date maintenance schedule for the relevant plant or equipment?
Is the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Manual available for the plant or equipment?
Does the client have, or have access to, a copy of the Australian Standard on the Guarding of Plant & Equipment (AS 4024)?
Have you visually inspected this plant or equipment?
Are there documented systems in place to monitor and control the safety features of plant or equipment (e.g. pre-start checks, daily checklists)?
Did the plant or equipment appear to be adequately guarded at the time of this assessment (e.g. fitted with guarding, fencing and presence-sensing systems)?
Is the plant or equipment fitted with emergency stops that can be reached by the operator from all points of operation?
Does the work involve cleaning, maintenance or repair machinery?
Is there a documented isolation or lock-out tag-out policy and procedure?
Does the process ensure that machinery or plant must be locked out / isolated prior to cleaning, maintenance or repair?
Are there Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) / Safe Work Instructions (SWIs) / Safe Work Procedure (SWPs) relating to the cleaning, maintenance or repair tasks?
Does the work involve confined spaces?
Specify the confined space and what type of work will be conducted.
Are Kollab employees required to hold Confined Space Entry and Work national units of competency?
Is there a Working in Confined Spaces policy and procedure?
Is there a Critical Control Management (CCM) or Life Saving Rules program in place?
Is a permit to work system in place for confined space work?
Is there a Job Safety Analysis, Job Hazard Analysis, Safe Work Method Statement or other form of risk assessment covering the task or activities that will be performed by Kollab employees?
Does the client have the equipment for testing atmospheric conditions in a confined space that is calibrated in accordance with legal requirements and equipment specifications?
Does the work involve spray painting, abrasive blasting, welding, electroplating, working with lead or molten metal, or electricity?
Specify the tasks.
- Spray painting
- Abrasive blasting
- Welding
- Electroplating
- Working with lead or molten metal
- Electricity
Is there an adequate ventilation or fume extraction system in place?
Will Kollab employees be provided with and required to use appropriate task-specific PPE, such as respirators, gloves, and protective clothing?
Are there Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) / Safe Work Instructions (SWIs) / Safe Work Procedure (SWPs) relating to spray painting tasks?
Are SDS for all paints and chemicals used stored and segregated, and accessible to employees?
Are abrasive blasting operations conducted in a properly enclosed and contained area?
Are there dust control measures in place, such as wet blasting or dust collection systems?
Will Zenith Search employees be provided with and required to use appropriate task-specific PPE, such as respirators, blast helmets, and protective suits?
Is there a health surveillance program in place for workers exposed to hazardous dust?
Are fire prevention measures, such as fire blankets and extinguishers, readily available near welding areas?
Are welding screens or curtains used to protect other workers from welding arcs and sparks?
Will Zenith Search employees be provided with and required to use appropriate task-specific PPE, such as welding helmets, gloves, and flame protective clothing?
Is adequate ventilation provided to remove welding fumes and gases?
Are proper procedures in place for handling and storing chemicals used in electroplating?
Are fume extraction systems in place to remove harmful vapors and gases?
Will Zenith Search employees be provided with and required to use appropriate task-specific PPE, such as gloves, goggles, and protective aprons?
Is there a spill response plan in place for dealing with chemical spills?
Are measures in place to control worker exposure to lead or molten metal fumes?
Is there a health surveillance program for workers exposed to lead?
Will Zenith Search employees be provided with and required to use appropriate task-specific PPE, such as respirators, gloves, and protective clothing?
Are emergency procedures in place for dealing with lead or molten metal spills or exposures?
Are lockout/tagout procedures in place and strictly enforced for all electrical work?
Are workers required to test for dead (verify the absence of voltage) before beginning any electrical work?
Are regular inspections conducted on all electrical equipment and installations to ensure they are in safe working condition?
Are proper grounding and bonding practices followed for all electrical systems and equipment to prevent electrical shock and ensure safety?
Will Zenith Search employees be provided with and required to use appropriate task-specific PPE, such as insulated gloves, boots and tools??
Is a permit to work system in place for hot works?
Does the work involve long-distance driving? (>=500km in one shift, heavy vehicle >=12 “GVM”)
Specify the type and configuration of vehicles used (as well as licence required).
Specify maximum route distances.
Do any of these routes involve interstate travel?
Is there a driver fatigue management policy and procedure?
Specify the means by which the client monitors and enforces this policy (e.g. logbook, GPS tracking, vehicle fatigue monitoring systems).
Is there a preventative maintenance program in place for the vehicles?
Does the work involve construction work?
Is the client the Principal Contractor or Sub Contractor?
Who is the Principal Contractor for this project?
Will Zenith Search employees be required to hold a Construction Industry White Card?
Is there a WHS, HSE or HSEQ management plan in place for the project (please provide a copy to Kollab).
Are Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) available for all high-risk construction work (please provide a copy for each task to Kollab)?
Does the work involve manual handling?
Is there a manual handling policy and procedure?
Are lifting devices available to minimize the amount of manual handling that workers are required to undertake? (Specify the type of lifting devices available for use)?
Does the work involve substances requiring health surveillance (e.g. Arsenic, Absestos, Benzene, Crystalline Silica, Lead)?
Specify the substances.
- Acrylonitrile
- Arsenic (inorganic)
- Asbestos
- Benzene
- Cadmium
- Chromium (inorganic)
- Creosote
- Isocyanates
- Lead (inorganic)
- Mercury (inorganic)
- 4,4’-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline)
- Organophosphate pesticides
- Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
- Silica, crystalline
- Thallium
- Vinyl chloride
Is there any other environmental / biological or health surveillance testing conducted on site. If yes, what is it and how is the monitoring documented?
Is the testing required covered in the pre-employment medical? Also indicate if a pre-employment medical is a requirement for working on this site.
Is there a Job Safety Analysis, Job Hazard Analysis, Safe Work Method Statement or other form of risk assessment covering the task or activities that will be performed by Kollab employees?
Will any task or site specific training be provided to Kollab employees with documented training records?
Does the work involve high-pressure water blasting?
Is the work area adequately isolated and secured to prevent unauthorized access during high-pressure water blasting operations?
Are pressure relief devices installed and functioning correctly on all high-pressure water blasting equipment?
Are thorough pre-operation checks in place to ensure all equipment is in safe working condition before use?
Will Kollab employees be trained specifically in high-pressure water blasting operations and safety procedures (including to use proper pressure regulation and control techniques to prevent over-pressurization and equipment failure)?
Are effective communication systems in place for workers to coordinate and communicate during high-pressure water blasting operations?
Does the work involve working interstate or overseas?
Specify the location of the actual workplace.
Are Kollab employees required to undergo immunizations prior to work location (Specify the type of immunizations required)?
Specify the supervisory / chaperone arrangements in place for the duration of the interstate/overseas assignment.
If in a country other than Australia, is the country where the work is being carried out named as a restricted travel destination on www.smartraveller.gov.au?<br><br>
Has the organization been issued any improvement notice(s) or charged with a breach of WHS legislation in the past 5 years?
Specify the details of the improvement notice(s) or breach of WHS legislation.
Did the improvement notice(s) or breach relate to a process, task, plant, equipment or machine that Kollab employees will be rewrite to perform or operate?
Specify the workplace improvements that were implemented (if any) as a result of the improvement notice(s) or breach of WHS legislation.
The Work Environment
Will the worker be exposed to extremes of temperature (Hot or Cold)?
Are appropriate controls in place to manage exposure risks?
Are work areas sufficiently lit for safe work?
Is there enough space and room to move about work areas in a safe manner?
Are work areas free of trip hazards?
Are safety signs and information displayed?
Do employees have access to clean amenities and drinking water?
How will employees be consulted on WHS issues on site?
Risk Assessment
Risk Rating