Title Page

  • Is this safety interaction being done Face to Face (FTF) or On the Phone?

  • Script: "Hi [Employee Name], I'm [Your Name], and I’m here to conduct a safety interaction. This involves having a quick chat about the work you are doing, then taking a few minutes to observe the task before providing feedback."

  • Conducted on

  • Worker Name

  • Client Name

  • Zenith Search Representative

  • Location


  • Can you tell me about the work you're doing here?

  • How could someone get hurt doing this job?

  • Are there any potential safety risks or unsafe conditions you’ve noticed?

  • Have you completed a pre-start, take 5, or risk assessment for this task (e.g. JSA, JSA, SWMS) or reviewed an SOP for the task?

  • Are the tools and equipment you’re using in good condition and appropriate for the task?

  • Are all necessary safety mechanisms in place and functioning properly?

  • Have you checked that your work environment safe and free from uncontrolled hazards?

  • Are there any environmental conditions (e.g., lighting, ventilation) that could affect safety?

  • Have you observed any unsafe behaviours or techniques that need to be addressed?


  • Watch the person perform the task and focus on what you can physically observe.

  • Task obsevations:

  • Are there any hazards present that weren't identified in the conversation?

  • Is work being performed with the controls described in during the conversation?

  • Are tools, equipment, and safety mechanisms being used in a safe manner and operating properly.

  • Is the work environment and conditions safe?


  • "Thank you for sharing this information. I observed that [specific safe behaviour] was well done."

    "I also noticed [specific unsafe behaviour]. Let’s discuss how we can correct this."

  • Do you have any safety concerns or suggestions?

  • Do you have any safety issues or concerns?

  • Do you have any hazards, near misses or incidents to report?

  • Do you know who you would see if you needed first aid treatment?

  • Can you tell me where the emergency assembly point is?

  • If you are injured at work, what do you need to do?

  • Did you have a proper induction when you started working here?

  • What would you do if something was too heavy to lift?

  • Are you included in toolbox meetings or safety meetings?

  • If you’re not sure how to do something, what do you do?

  • What would you do if you were asked to perform a job which differs from the job you were told about by Zenith Search?

  • If you were asked by the client to perform a task which you had not been trained to perform, what would you do?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.