Is there a detailed process for training new employees? Reference (CMRUK-OP03)
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Are records documented and controlled?
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Are training records held for each employee?
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Do training records reflect the needs of the employees?
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Is a training plan formulated based upon the needs of the organisation?
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
How is training delivered both internally and externally?
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Is training measured for effectiveness?
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Is feedback gained and used for continual improvement?
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Is there clear responsibility for updating and reviewing training records?
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Further Evidence
Additional findings<br>
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Additional findings<br>
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
Additional findings<br>
Major Non-conformance
Minor Non-conformance
Opportunity for Improvement
Meets Requirement
Good Practice
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Patrick O'Donnell
CMR US Internal Audit - Training
Training process, records, needs and monitoring
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