Client / Site
Premise Service Lead undertaking day-to-day activities at the building
Key holder for the premise
Conducted on
Prepared by
Document No.
Responsible Persons Logbook
Is the latest version of the Responsible Persons Logbook (Version 2) available?
Have all relevant sections of the Responsible Persons Logbook been completed?
Has the Premise Service Lead and their deputy been identified and their details completed in the Responsible Persons Logbook?
Have the contact details of the Premise Service Lead been cascaded to hirers of the hall that may need to escalate H&S concerns?
Has the compliance checklist been completed bi-annually and returned to the Compliance Management Team where issues have been found?
Training and Briefing
Communication and Briefing
Are contact details for relevant persons available on site?
Are details of procedures to follow in an emergency displayed?
Has the Premise Service Lead (Responsible person) attended and or completed refresher training on British Safety Council Managing/Working Safely (refresher every 5 years)?
Has the Premise Service Lead (Responsible person/deputy) received both Corporate health and safety induction training and department/localised induction training?
Is there evidence that staff have completed and refreshed the compulsory health and safety computer based training modules on Risk Assessment (refresher every 3 years)?
Is there evidence that staff have completed and refreshed the compulsory health and safety computer based training modules on Display Screen Equipment (refresher annually)?
Is there evidence that staff have completed and refreshed the compulsory health and safety computer based training modules on Fire safety (refresher every 3 years)?
Has the Premise Service Lead (Responsible person) and their deputy attended and or completed refresher training on asbestos awareness?
Has the Premise Service Lead (Responsible person) and their deputy attended and or completed refresher training on legionella awareness training (refresher training every 3 years)?
Accident Reporting and Investigation
Are managers aware of Council accident reporting procedures (CLASSI) and how to log in?
Are managers broadly aware of the reporting requirements under RIDDOR, particularly reporting timescales and the need to get a CLASSI report completed asap to Corporate Health and Safety?
Are employees aware of the need to report accidents/incidents to their managers/supervisors asap?
Are the findings from the accident/incident investigations communicated to the employees where appropriate?
Communal Area Management
External Common Areas
Is there a car park associated with the premise?
Has the car park/transport hazards been risk assessed?
Is the car park surface maintained to minimise slip and trip risks?
Are vehicle and pedestrian routes/flows and car park site entrances/exits clearly marked?
Is the car park well lit?
Are paths/steps to and from the building maintained to mininise slips/trips?
Where there is a gate at the entrance to the car park has the risk of swing back been assessed and appropriate controls implemented?
Is there a garden area?
Has the garden area been risk assessed?
Is the garden maintained along with routeways?
Where there are established trees within the boundary of the property is there an up to date tree survey and risk assessment showing the location and condition of any hazardous trees (Arboricultural team)?
Is there a roof or balcony that could be accessed?
Has access to the roof/balcony been risk assessed?
Is the door to the roof/balcony secure to trespass?
Is a permit-to-access in place for legitimate roof access?
Is there a plant room/lift motor room
Has the plant/lift motor room been risk assessed?
Is the room secure to unauthorised access?
Is the room free from unauthorised storage?
Is the floor free from slip/trip hazards?
Is there a refuse area?
Has the refuse area been risk assessed?
Are lighting levels sufficient (consider over sensitive light sensors and timer switches)?
Is the floor free from slip/trip hazards?
Are there dedicated storage areas / containers / equipment etc. and is it being used suitably?
Is there adequate waste management?
Internal Common Areas
Are there corridors and stairs?
Have the corridors and stairs been risk assessed?
Are corridors and stairs sufficiently lit?
Are stairs free from any raised tiles or damaged flooring that could cause a trip hazard?
Are handrails on stairways secure and fitted to at least one side?
Are the stair treads in good condition, including any painted edges and where friction tape is applied?
Are the stairs nosing's in good condition?
Are stair wells kept clear of any storage?
Are windows in good condition, do not pose a risk of a fall from height and where appropriate window restrictors maintained in good order?
Is there an entrance lobby area?
Has the lobby area been risk assessed?
Is the lobby sufficiently lit?
Where considered necessary, are there mats or alternative controls at entrances to prevent corridor floors becoming wet during wet and snowy weather?
Is the entrance / final exit routes (including external staircases where applicable) free from obstructions and other slip / trip hazards (such as leaves/moss/mud)?
Is there a hall and kitchen?
Has the hall and kitchen been risk assessed?
Is the hall and kitchen sufficiently lit?
Is the hall and kitchen floor free or slip and trip hazards?
Are tables and chairs in good condition / stable / no sharp edges protruding?
Is the use of adaptors and extension cables limited?
Are weekly communal area inspections of the premise being undertaken and recorded?
Is there evidence that any concerns raised in the weekly communal area inspections have been escalated to relevant Council Housing teams?
Fire Safety
Fire Logbook
Is a fire Log Book available on site?
Is there a copy of the most recent Fire Risk Assessment within the fire logbook?
Is staff training in fire safety being recorded in the fire logbook?
Premise considerations
Is the Premise Service Lead using the weekly communal area check sheet to record that exits, emergency routes, fire doors and AFD systems are checked weekly?
Is the evacuation policy clearly identified along with the fire assembly point on Fire Action Notices at building entry/exit points?
Is unnecessary storage of combustible materials/waste avoided?
Is the buildings no smoking policy in common areas being adhered to?
Are there designated areas for employees and visitors to smoke with facilities for the safe disposal of smoking materials?
Are fire doors capable of closing to the frame with adequate self-closing devices?
Are escape routes clear and unobstructed e.g. coat stands, chairs etc?
Are all exits openable without the use of a key or fob?
Has the 'Chemical Inventory Form' been used to prepare a list of any substances used on the premise?
Is there evidence that the inventory is regularly reviewed?
Are Safety Data Sheets available for any hazardous products?
Where hazardous substances are used, have attempts to eliminate or substitute with a safer alternative been recorded on the 'Chemical Inventory Form'?
Where hazardous chemicals are used within the scheme, are COSHH assessments available and up to date?
Are there suitable procedures in place to deal with spillage and disposal (spill kits, absorbent materials/granules)?
Are substances stored in their original containers with clear instruction and signage present to ensure that substances are not decanted into unmarked or inappropriate containers?
Of the observed PPE, is it in good order?
First Aid
Has the level of first aid provision required for the premise been assessed?
Hazards detailed with first aid section of Responsible Persons Logbook considered
First Aid needs provision form completed in Responsible Persons Logbook
Where First Aiders or Appointed Persons are provided are their training certificates available and in date?
Is there an up to date first aid notice displayed with names and contact details?
Is the first aid box adequately stocked and in date?
Sterile plasters
Sterile eye pads
Triangular bandages
Safety pins
Sterile saline wipes
Disposable gloves
Managing Contractors
Is there a contractors signing in book/sheet available?
Is there a suitable method of communicating site rules, emergency/fire/evacuation procedures to contractors?
Team Risk Assessments
Are risk assessments readily available and accessible for all staff either electronically or in hard copy?
Have risk assessments been reviewed within the last year, signed and dated by the manager?
Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments available for manual handling in general; and where tasks and activities dictate have specific assessments been completed?
Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments available for working with members of the public?
Are there suitable and sufficient risk assessments available for work at height?
Are findings of risk assessments communicated to the relevant persons and is there evidence to support this (such as team minutes, emails, training etc.?
Are the risk assessments evidenced suitable and sufficient e.g. do they cover the range of hazards reasonably faced, identifying those exposed and with appropriate control measures outlined?
Lone Working/Violence at Work
Has a lone working/violence at work risk assessment been carried out?
Does the lone worker risk assessment consider use of the Council’s recommended lone worker device (i.e. MicroGuard).
Does the lone working/violence at work risk assessment consider Conflict Management Training and has it been refreshed every 3 years?
Is there evidence that lone working controls are being implemented (e.g. team diaries / microguard non-usage/ mobile phones and emergency team numbers etc.)?
Have lone working procedures/risk assessments been communicated to the employees and is there evidence to demonstrate this communication?