Title Page

  • Site location
  • Job identification (For example - Job number, Route ID, LMJ Number, Spine Number, Work Order Number)

  • Has a stat pack been provided?

  • Work type

  • Environment

  • Weather

Team Details

  • PICH In House or Subcontractor

  • Name of subcontracting company

  • Lead engineer name

  • Engineers on site

Site Visitors

  • I agree I have been briefed on the site and all hazards, risks and control measures

  • Visitor Name

  • Visitor signature

Welfare On Site

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Personal Protective Equipment being used on site (ensure all working on site complete a pre-use visual check on all PPE)

  • Please provide details

Gas Detection Unit

  • GDU result

  • DO NOT COMMENCE WORKS. Contact a site supervisor for next steps.

CAT and Genny

  • Has a CAT and Genny been used?

Location of Welfare

  • Provide the location of the nearest welfare facilities (This includes - toilets, food, drink and handwashing)

Fire Assembly Point

  • Please detail a fire assembly point (this is the location the team can evacuate to in the event of a fire on site).

Tooling and Equipment

  • Has a pre-use visual check been completed on all tooling and equipment that will be used on site?

On Site Hazards

  • Persons at risk from on site hazards

Hazards & Risk Scoring

  • Answer yes or no to the occurrence of each of the hazards listed.
    Where the answer is yes, please review the relevant task based risk assessments. All task based risk assessments can be found using the dropbox QR code and web link at the end of this template. Please Detail any additional controls that you may require on site that ARE NOT included on the task based risk assessment (this includes any site specific controls that are not standard practice for the task). Using the table attached, score the level of risk considering the controls you have implemented (low, medium or high) for each hazard. Where 1 or more hazards that remain high risk, works should be stopped and a manager must be contacted.

    Risk Calculator.png
  • The Environment

  • Please detail any controls required that are ADDITIONAL to the task based risk assessment listed, or any site specific controls.

  • Level of risk (Likelihood x Severity)

  • Traffic and Vehicles

  • Please detail any controls required that are ADDITIONAL to the task based risk assessment listed, or any site specific controls.

  • Level of risk (Likelihood x Severity)

  • Handling and Lifting

  • Please detail any controls required that are ADDITIONAL to the task based risk assessment listed, or any site specific controls.

  • Level of risk (Likelihood x Severity)

  • Working Underground

  • Please detail any controls required that are ADDITIONAL to the task based risk assessment listed, or any site specific controls.

  • Level of risk (Likelihood x Severity)

  • Working Overhead

  • Please detail any controls required that are ADDITIONAL to the task based risk assessment listed, or any site specific controls.

  • Level of risk (Likelihood x Severity)

  • Work tools and equipment

  • Please detail any controls required that are ADDITIONAL to the task based risk assessment listed, or any site specific controls.

  • Level of risk (Likelihood x Severity)

  • Please detail any additional hazards, controls or safe systems of work that have NOT been included above


  • Are civils works being completed?

  • Do you have symptoms of exposure to vibration?

  • Hand Arm Vibration Exposure Calculation

    HAV Exposure Calculation.png
  • Hand Arm Vibration Table

    HAV Table.jpeg.jpg
  • Total Exposure Points

Working in Confined Spaces

  • Are you completing work in confined sapces?

  • Please complete the confined space entry permit on iAuditor before works begin. The confined space rescue plan can be located on dropbox using the QR code and web link at the end of this template.

Working at Height

  • Are you completing work at height?

  • Access method

  • Have you completed a pre-use check on this ladder that deemed it safe to use?

  • Has a pre-climb check been completed? (Use the pre-climb checklist in the document section of this template)

  • Which fall protection system has been selected? (ensure to complete a pre-use visual check on all fall protection items - harnesses, lanyards and work belts)

  • The work at height RAMS and rescue plans can be located on dropbox using the QR code and web link at the end of this template.

Document Sign Off

  • This site-specific risk assessment is an accurate reflection of the work site and I agree to update this form as and when conditions on site change. I will ensure all control measures listed are in place at all times. Where a hazard becomes high risk, I will stop works.

  • Lead Engineer Signature

  • Engineer Signature

  • Engineer Signature

  • Engineer Signature

  • Engineer Signature

  • Engineer Signature


  • For all PICH Group Ltd Health and Safety documents scan the QR code below or use this link https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/oitgs7ukwlt4mcyc0krsb/h?dl=0&rlkey=o79bk8k9p1783s0iqc5lvahvw

    QR Code.png
  • A1024 Phone Number (to report damage, defects or safety issues to BT infrastructure) - 0800 023 2023

  • Pole Pre Climb Checklist

  • NOTE- Pole steps must ONLY be removed/installed by qualified operatives!

  • Connect Welfare Risk Assessment

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.