
  • Document No:

  • Job No & Stage:

  • Estate Name:

  • Head Contractor:

  • Other: (Specify):

  • Water Authority:

  • Water Contractor:

  • Other: (Specify):

  • Sewer Contractor:

  • Other: (Specify):

  • Conducted on:

  • Weather Conditions:

  • Prepared By:

  • Form: Construction Audit

Project Site Report - Construction

Assess the Contractor

Safety Checklist: To be provided by Contractor prior to release of Progress Payment.

  • Copy of Contractors Safety Checklists provided or acknowledge that works adheres to OHS Act 2004:

  • Comments:

Occupational Health and Safety

  • What PPE is the Contractor using?

  • Other: (Specify):

  • Is there Live Entry Works?

  • What is the permit number?

  • Is there trenching and what is the Contractor doing to make safe?

  • Is Traffic Management required and/or in place? What is the Contractor doing to make safe?

  • Other Comments:

Are there Environmental risks on site that are under the Contractor's control?

  • Is there a risk of Pollution and what is the Contractor doing to mitigate or minimise?

  • Is there a risk of Significant Flora/Fauna/Cultural and what is the Contractor doing to mitigate or minimise?

  • Other: (Specify):

  • Comments:


Possible Hazards/Risks & Work Instructions

  • Risk Matrix

    FRM - 4.04-025 - Project Site Report Construction.jpg
  • Ultra Violet Rays - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Construction Vehicles, Equipment, Machinery - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Working in or near excavations - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Remote Work - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Working near Railway - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Objects falling from above - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Needles/Syringes - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Working with lasers - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Heights and falls - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Manual Handling - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Noise - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Snakes, Spiders, Insects - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • High/Long Grass - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Overhead Power Lines - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Lifting Pit Lids Falls Protection Grate (FPG) - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Confined Spaces - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Record Work Permit No:

  • Wet/Slippery Conditions - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Dogs/Dangerous Animals - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Fencinig - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Watercourses/Open Drains - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Over Hanging Trees - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Contaminated Soil - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Hazardous Chemicals - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • Hazard Atmosphere - Is this a risk to you?

  • Score the risk and consequence

  • What are you doing to protect yourself from this risk?

  • I/We confirm that prior to commencement of work on site I/We have conducted a hazard/risk assessment and will follow all procedures and will tale all appropriate action to ensure SAFE WORK PRACTICES.

  • Select date

  • Signature/s:


  • Type of Audit?

  • Tap to enter information
  • Are current plans onsite?

Road & Drainage

  • Tree Clearing

  • Tap to enter information
  • %Complete

  • Comments

  • Stripping

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Bulk Earthworks

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Boxing

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Drainage

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Pits

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Subgrade Improvement

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Subsoil Drains

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Sub Base FCR

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Upper Sub Base FCR

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Base FCR

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Asphalt

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Conduits (Road Crossings)

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • House Drains

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Electrical Works

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Telstra Works

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Kerb & Channel

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Footpath

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Crossings

  • Tap to enter information
  • % Complete

  • Comments

  • Upload R&D photos here:

  • Tap to enter information


1. Protection of People, Property & Environment

  • 1.01. Trenching Operations (Benching & Shields) - Cl13.5

  • 1.02. Site Plant & Equipment

  • 1.03. Helmets if appropriate

  • 1.04. steel capped Boots

  • 1.05. Safety Vests

  • 1.06. Parawebbing of Non Working Open Trenches

  • 1.07. Egress From Site - Traffic Control?

2. Materials Inspection

  • 2.01. Storage and Handling of Materials

  • 2.02. Materials and Products Meet Authorised Purchase Specification

  • 2.03. Delivery Inspection of Products and Materials

  • 2.04. Are current plans /specifications onsite

3. Excavations

  • 3.01. Visual Inspection of Survey Set Out

  • 3.02. Shoring, Benching, Battering

  • 3.03. Excavation Tolerances

  • 3.04. De-watering, Bulkheads & Trench Drainage

  • 3.05. Blasting Compliance

  • 3.06. Foundation Improvement Required

  • 3.07. Stockpiling of Excavated Material

4. Installation of Pipelines

  • 4.01. Accredited Main Layer on site

  • 4.02. Trench Floor Preparation & Bedding Placement

  • 4.03. Pipe Jointing - Cleaning, Inspection, and Preparation

  • 4.04. Pipe Laying to Required Line and level

  • 4.05. Property Connection Sewers & Marker Tape to standard

  • 4.06. Trenchfill: Approved Material Only & Layered

  • 4.07. Compaction to Standard

5. Structures

  • 5.01. Pre Cast Conforming - Dimensions, Cover, Frame, Collar/Taper

  • 5.02. In Situ Conforming - Dimensions, Cover & Frame

  • 5.03. Shaft Assembled with Steps and & Spacing Correct

  • 5.04. Sealant, Make Up Rings 7 Lids to Standard

  • 5.05. Concrete Type to Specification

6.0 Connection to Existing Manholes

  • 6.01. All Relevant QA Documentation Previously Provided

  • 6.02. Approved Personnel Conducting Works

  • 6.03. OH&S Requirements are being met - copy of Live Entry Permit on site - Entry No. and Expiry Date & Time

  • 6.04. Connection to Live Sewer - Existing Junction / Cut in Junction

7. Practical Completion Inspection

  • 7.01. Site Cleared and Restored

  • Upload Sewer photos here:

  • Tap to enter information


1. Protection of People, Property and Environment

  • 1.01. Trenching Operations (Benching & Shields)

  • 1.02. Helmets

  • 1.03. Steel Capped Boots

  • 1.04 Safety Vests

  • 1.05. Parawebbing of Non Working Open Trenches

  • 1.06. Egress From Site - Traffic Control?

2. Product and Materials

  • 2.01. Transportation, Handling and Storage of Products and Materials

  • 2.02. Materials and Products Meet Authorised Purchase Specification and Plan Requirements

  • 2.03. Delivery Inspection of Products and Materials

  • 2.04. Current Plan on Site / Specification on Site

3. Excavations

  • 3.01. Visual Inspection of Survey Set Out

  • 3.02. Shoring, Benching

  • 3.03. Excavation Tolerances / Excessive Excavation Treatment

  • 3.03(ii). Trenchless Excavation

  • 3.04. De-Watering Drainage

  • 3.05. Blasting Compliance

  • 3.06. Foundation Improvement

  • 3.07. Stockpiling of Excavated Material

4. Installation of Pipelines

  • 4.01. Accredited Main Layer on Site

  • 4.02. Trench Floor Preparation & Bedding Placement

  • 4.03. Pipe Jointing - Cleaning, Inspection, and Preparation

  • 4.04. Pipe Laying to Required Line and Level

  • 4.05. Thrust Restraints and Anchor Blocks

  • 4.06. Valves, hydrants & Surface Fittings Installed

  • 4.07. Marking Tapes

  • 4.08. Water Tapping Bands Aligned Correctly

  • 4.09. Trench fill Approved Material Only & Layered

  • 4.09(ii). Trenchless Excavations fill

  • 4.10. Compaction to Standard

5. Acceptance Testing

  • 5.01. Chlorination/Swabbing – As Marked Up on Attached Plan

  • 5.02. Pressure Testing – As marked Up on Attached Plan

  • 5.03. Visual Inspection

6. Connection to Existing Watermain

  • 6.01. All Relevant QA Documentation Previously Provided

  • 6.02. Accredited Personnel Conducting Works

  • 6.03. Under Pressure Connections

7. Practical Completion Inspection

  • 7.01. Site Cleared and Restored

  • Upload Water photos here:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.