
  • Site conducted

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1. Access

  • 1.1. Are arrangements in place to deal with new visitors to site?

  • 1.2. Can all personnel reach their place of work safely - are all gangways clear?

  • 1.3. Are all walkways level and free from obstruction?

  • 1.4. Is edge protection in place on all scaffolds and leading edges?

  • 1.5. Are all holes clearly marked and protected?

  • 1.6. Is site tidy with all materials stored safely?

  • 1.7. Is all waste collected and disposed of properly?

  • 1.8. Are waste chutes provided to stop throw of materials from height?

  • 1.9. Are all timbers free from protruding fixings?

  • 1.10. Is sufficient background lighting provided?

2. Ladders

  • 2.1. Are all ladders Class 1 industrial?

  • 2.2. Are ladders the correct means of access?

  • 2.3. Are all ladders in good repair?

  • 2.4. Are all ladders on firm, level bases?

  • 2.5. Are all ladders correctly placed for access?

  • 2.6. Are all ladders correctly secured?

  • 2.7. Do all ladders extend sufficiently above stepping off point?

3. Scaffolds

  • 3.1. Is there safe and proper access to the scaffold platform?

  • 3.2. Are all uprights properly grounded or provided with base plates?

  • 3.3. Is the scaffold properly tied to the building

  • 3.4. Are all scaffold ties in place?

  • 3.5. Are all uprights, ledgers, transoms and braces in place?

  • 3.6. Are all load bearing fittings in place?

  • 3.7. Are all working platforms fully and safely boarded?

  • 3.8. Are all scaffold boards free from defects?

  • 3.9. Are all loads evenly distributed on scaffold?

  • 3.10. Are all signs in place on the scaffolds

  • 3.11. Are the scaff-tags correctly displayed?

4. Excavations

  • 4.1. Are all underground services located and marked?

  • 4.2. Are adequate supplies of shoring available for excavation protection?

  • 4.3. Are all trenches correctly dug with sloped or shuttered sides?

  • 4.4. Is safe access provided to all excavations?

  • 4.5. Are barriers in place around all excavations?

  • 4.6. Are warning signs in place around all excavations?

  • 4.7. Are all stacked materials a safe distance (min 1 metre) from edge of excavation?

  • 4.8. Are stop arrangements in place to prevent vehicles reaching excavations (min distance 1 metre).

  • 4.9. Are arrangements in place to remove water from excavations?

  • 4.10. Are excavation records being correctly maintained?

  • 4.11. Is excavation permit to work system in use?

  • 4.11. Are withdrawn permits retained in records?

5. Roof Working

  • 5.1. Are crawl ladders and crawl boards in place when pitch of roof is 10 degrees or over?

  • 5.2. Do roof battens provide safe hand and foot holds?

  • 5.3. Is edge protection in place around open edges?

  • 5.4. Are guard rails and covers in place over roof openings?

  • 5.5. Are roof openings all clearly signed to warn of danger?

  • 5.6. Are guard rails provided around all roof lights?

  • 5.7. Are all fragile sections of roof clearly marked and guarded with crawl boards in place?

  • 5.8. Is protection to prevent falling debris in place?

  • 5.9. Is a roof permit to work system operated?

  • 5.10. Are withdrawn permits retained in records?

6. Transport and mobile plant?

  • 6.1. Are maintenance records available for all plant?

  • 6.2. Is all plant in good repair and well maintained?

  • 6.3. Is all plant supplied with operating instructions and maintenance manuals?

  • 6.4. Is all plant operated by trained competent operators?

  • 6.5. Are operators licenses available for inspection?

  • 6.6. Is all plant properly and safely loaded?

  • 6.7. Are all guards firmly in place on plant?

7. Machinery

  • 7.1. Are all machine guards firmly in place?

  • 7.2. Are all drive arrangements (belts, gears, chains etc) securely guarded?

  • 7.3. Is all machinery operated by trained competent operators

  • 7.4. Are all operators certificates available for inspection?

8. Cranes and lifting gear

  • 8.1. Are there test certificates for all cranes and lifting gear?

  • 8.2. Are crane drivers trained and competent?

  • 8.3. Are crane controls clearly marked?

  • 8.4. Do cranes have automatic safe load indicators?

  • 8.5. Are crane drivers certificates available?

  • 8.6. Are cranes and lifting devices properly sited?

  • 8.7. Is the crane capacity sufficient?

  • 8.8. Is a banks man/slinger trained and competent?

  • 8.9. Are crane maintenance records available?

  • 8.10. Is lifting gear properly stored?

  • 8.11. Is all lifting gear visibly checked before each use?

9. Electricity

  • 9.1. Are all portable electrical tools operated at 110v?

  • 9.2. Are all portable electric tools PAT tested and marked?

  • 9.3. Are all portable electric tools in good condition?

  • 9.4. Are all connections and cables in good condition?

  • 9.5. Is an electrical permit to work system operated?

  • 9.6. Are all returned permits retained in records?

  • 9.7. Are all overhead cables which might interfere with operations been identified and clearly marked?

  • 9.8. Is a secure electrical lock-out system operated?

10. Cartridge operated tooling.

  • 10.1. Are tools and cartridges kept in safe secure storage when not in use?

  • 10.2. Is check made to ensure all cartridges going to scrap are used?

  • 10.3. Are tool operators trained and competent?

  • 10.4. Are all tool instruction manuals with tools?

  • 10.5. Are operators working in personnel exclusion zones?

  • 10.6. Are other personnel excluded from other side of any explosive operation?

11. Formwork & Falsework

  • 11.1 Is there a method statement for the construction of the formwork/Falsework.

  • 11.2 Have the design and supports for shuttering and framework been checked before use?

  • 11.3 Is the formwork/Falsework being constructed from proper platforms and scaffolds?

  • 11.4 Are bases and ground conditions suitable for the loads being applied?

  • 11.5 Are all props correctly set out on firm, level bases?

  • 11.6 Are all props fitted with correct pins?

  • 11.7 Are all timbers in good condition?

  • 11.8 Has/will the structure been/be inspected for compliance with design before use?

12. Public access

  • 12.1. Are all barriers in place to prevent public access to the worksite?

  • 12.2. Is all overhead protection in place to protect public from falling materials?

  • 12.3. Is the site perimeter fencing in good repair and secure?

  • 12.4. Is the site secure during non-working periods?

  • 12.5. Are all steps taken to prevent easy access to scaffolds or site areas during non-working periods?

13. Fire

  • 13.1. Are the correct numbers and types of fire extinguishers in place on site?

  • 13.2. Are all escape routes clearly marked and free of obstructions?

  • 13.3. Are all personnel aware of emergency procedures.

  • 13.4. Are there proper safe storage facilities for flammable liquids?

  • 13.5. Is there proper segregated storage for gas cylinders?

  • 13.6. Are safe storage facilities properly used?

  • 13.7. Is a hot work permit system being used?

  • 13.8. Are returned hot work permits retained in records?

  • 13.9. Are all gas cylinders properly closed and disconnected when not in use?

14. Noise

  • 14.1. Has a noise risk assessment been completed for site?

  • 14.2. Is all plant fitted with silencers and/or exhaust muffs?

  • 14.3. Are all noise control ares clearly marked with ear protection signs in place?

  • 14.4. Are all personnel wearing ear protection in designated areas?

  • 14.5. Are noise checks carried out if requested or if levels are felt to be excessive?

15. Health

  • 15.1. Have all hazardous substances (asbestos, solvents etc) been identified?

  • 15.2. Are COSHH assessments available on site?

  • 15.3. Are COSHH personal protective equipment requirements complied with by site personnel?

  • 15.4. Is a confined space permit to work system in operation,

  • 15.5. Are returned confined space permits retained in records?

16. Manual Handling

  • 16.1. Are manual handling assessments carried out for unusual loads?

  • 16.2. Are operators trained and competent in manual handling procedures and techniques?

  • 16.3. Is manual handling kept to a minimum by use of handling aids and plant?

17. Protective clothing and equipment

  • 17.1. Is wet weather clothing provided?

  • 17.2. Is suitable personal protective clothing and equipment made available to all site personnel and visitors?

  • 17.3. Is specific personal protective equipment located near equipment for which it is required?

  • 17.4. Is PPE maintained and in good condition?

  • 17.5. Do all personnel wear their required PPE?

18. Welfare

  • 18.1. Are suitable toilet facilities available on site?

  • 18.2. Are there adequate hot and cold water supplies available on site?

  • 18.3. Are there adequate clothes drying facilities available on site?

  • 18.4. Are there adequate facilities for the consumption of food available on site?

  • 18.5. Are facilities for the consumption of food maintained clean and tidy?

  • 18.6. Are all food wastes disposed of in sealed containers and not left to attract vermin?

  • 18.7. Is a warm rest area provided to allow seated relief from cold site conditions?

  • 18.8. Is a segregated external soaking area provided?

  • 18.9. Are first aid facilities available on site?

  • 18.10. Are first aid box contents checked at regular intervals and replenished as required?

19. Documentation

  • 19.1. Is a copy of the F10 displayed on site?

  • 19.2. Is a copy of the construction phase health and safety plan on site?

  • 19.3. Is a copy of the health and safety policy on site?

  • 19.4. Are copies of all risk assessments and method statements on site?

  • 19.5. Are scaffold log books/scafftags available on site?

  • 19.6. Are training records for legally recognised youngsters on site?

  • 19.7. Are there young persons risk assessments completed if required?

  • 19.8. Are test certificates for all hired plant available on site?

20. Unidentified Fibrous Material

  • 20.1 Has material been found which cannot be identified?

  • 20.2. Are materials being used to which additional precautions may be required? (MDF etc)?

  • 20.3. Are there any new working areas within the site?

  • 20.4. Has a survey been carried out in the area to ensure all fibrous materials have been identified?

  • Auditors signature

  • Site managers signature of acknowledgement

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