
  • Site name:

  • Report Serial Number:

  • SSA Client:

  • Conducted On:

  • Report Prepared By:

  • Site Address:
  • SSA Client contractors on site:

  • THE LAW IS CONSTANT. There are no such things as grey areas. You either comply or you don’t.

  • The team at SSA will always use the key HSE health and safety law guidance as the benchmark for auditing. We audit in line with HSE requirements, using our experience of prosecutions and fees for interventions which have been issued by the HSE , combined with our expertise and knowledge, we aim to forewarn you to where breaches have been found. We are there to provide you with guidance and support but require your input and commitment to close these breaches out.
    An auditor is legally required to highlight breaches in legislation that are observed at the time of the attendance. An audit is a snapshot of the location at that precise time and we can only report on what is observed or residual evidence of a safety concern. It is not personal; it is simply a record of the observations and how to improve.


  • Date of previous site inspection & What was the score?

  • Have all actions been closed out?

  • List any outstanding actions:


  • The following works are being undertaken during the visit: Details of trades on site include company/names


  • Have the HSE attended the site?

  • If the HSE has attended, was a notice issued? Please give details


  • Has the Site Manager / Supervisor carried out a weekly site safety report? Dates of the last two?

  • Any concerns raised?

  • Does the Site Manager / Supervisor hold SMSTS / SSSTS or other site management qualification? Evidence?

  • Are toolbox talks being carried out, if so when and what was the last to be delivered?

  • Have senior management attended site? Have they raised safety issues?


  • Are all Operatives training requirements in date? ie Abrasive Wheel, Working at Height, Manual Handling, COSHH Awareness, Asbestos Awareness.....

  • Are copies of competency tickets/certificates available or a record of serial numbers retained?

  • How are the training requirements monitored by Site management? i.e. Training Matrix


  • Is the site secure from access of unauthorised persons?

  • Does the site have a signing in book for operatives and visitors? Is everyone signing out?


  • Is welfare compliant for the number/gender of operatives on site?

  • Has the canteen and toilet been cleaned?

  • Is there hot running water avilable?

  • Is there suitable showering facilities in case of a chemical spill?


  • Has a TBT or briefing been delivered on mental health?

  • Is there a designated mental health first aider either on site or within the company?

  • Is there evidence of mental health awareness and support in the communal areas?

  • Are their First Aider details on the first aid board? or on show?

  • Are the first aid boxes well stocked and clean? Are they in date?

  • Are there adequate first-aiders for the number of operatives? 1:10

  • Are all accidents, near misses and incidents recorded?

  • Is there an accident book or accident report sheets on site?


  • Is there adequate signage placed at the entrance to the site. And directions to the Site Offices?

  • Is the F10 displayed (where project is 'notifiable')?

  • Is there a current COMPLETED Health and Safety Law Poster ('what you should know') on display?

  • Is there a copy of the Company Health and Safety Policy on display, signed and dated?

  • Are Public liability/Employers insurance certificates on display?

  • Are the site rules displayed?

  • Is there a version of the Construction Phase Plan in place on site?

  • Has it been reviewed?

  • Is there an emergency first aid notice displayed identifying site first aiders and contact numbers?

  • Is there a copy of the Company Environmental Policy on display, signed and dated?

  • Is there a current Traffic Management / Logistics Plan in place?


  • Has the SSA consultant been inducted?

  • Are inductions carried out?

  • Does induction cater for non-English speakers? If yes, how?

  • Check 3 random inductions against the RAMS. Have they signed on?


  • Are they on site, current, suitable, and sufficient?

  • Do they need to be reviewed?

  • Are they communicated to operatives and signed as confirmation of being understood?

  • Is there any evidence of consulting with the workforce? (E.G 10 Minute briefing)


  • Is there a temporary works register, Supervisor & Coordinator in place?

  • What is detailed on this?

  • Are designs available for all items detailed above?


  • Is relevant PPE utilised in line with site rules and RAMS?

  • Are there any PPE breaches? (E.G Hoody under hard hat, tied up High Viz)

  • Are all contractors wearing correctly branded PPE? Is it in good condition?


  • Have noisy operations with a risk of exposure above 85dB been assessed?

  • Are all operatives wearing hearing protection correctly?


  • Is vibration exposure being recorded correctly?

  • Are operatives aware of which tools require recording?

  • Is there a suitable and accurate vibration exposure table & is it being used?


  • Have operatives been face fit tested?

  • Are operatives who are face fit tested clean shaven as required?

  • Are alternative RPE used for those with beards?

  • Are the masks clean and in good condition?

  • Are the correct filters in use? E.G vapour?

  • Is there evidence of dry sweeping?

  • Is there evidence of uncontrolled dust? E.G no on tool controls?

  • Are there vacuums on site. M/H Class with bags and have they been certified?


  • Is an asbestos survey report / register / clearance certificate available?

  • Is a Asbestos management plan / procedure in place?

  • Is this covered in the site induction?

  • Is there evidence of asbestos awareness training onsite?

  • Is there an Asbestos Response pack on site?


  • Has a site fire risk assessment been carried out?

  • Has the muster point been identified and in a safe location?

  • Are there appropriate and sufficient fire extinguishers available?

  • Have fire extinguishers been inspected in the last 12 months? Have they been commissioned? By who?

  • Do contractors have fire extinguishers to hand when undertaking hot works?

  • Are there fire extinguishers in or around where mobile plant is operating? E.G within 25 metres

  • Is there an Emergency Evacuation Plan in place and on display, does it reflect reality?


  • Are hazardous substances properly stored?

  • Are Material Safety Data Sheets and COSHH Assessments on site to accompany substances being used?<br>(It is not acceptable for a safety data sheet to be provided on its own to highlight COSHH risks, it must be supported by a COSHH assessment.

  • Do any of the COSHH items contain Isocyanate/Diisocyanates?

  • If so, does the user have certified training in the use of that COSHH item?


  • Have activities requiring PTW been identified? Excavations, Confined Spaces, Electrical, Hot works etc

  • Are they retained on site?

  • Does a nominated person control hot works permits and are controls adequate? Check most recent permit conditions were adeqaute.


  • Are operators / banksmen / slingers competent?<br>Is there an underslung lift plan (if required) <br>A17 E qualifications (Telehandler suspended loads)

  • Is there an up to date LOLER register held on site?

  • Does the lifting equipment have current inspection / test certificates?

  • Are lifting accessories stored correctly?


  • Have manual handling assessments been carried out and being adhered to?

  • Has manual handling training been undertaken?

  • Are operatives wearing the correct PPE in line with the Manual Handling assessment?. E.G gloves?


  • Is scaffold inspected / tagged every 7 days, with reports held on site?

  • Any issues with the scaffold?

  • Has a design or compliance sheet been completed? (When initially installed)

  • Is access to the scaffolding suitable for the site?

  • Are all protective measures in place? E.G Brickguards, internal protection, clipped boards, etc

  • Are operatives working at height trained? Show Evidence.


  • Are towers erected and inspected by trained personnel?

  • Do podiums have any issues- E.G gates tied open?

  • Are towers complete? E.G Double rail, outriggers, brakes on.


  • Are equipment operators trained and competent?

  • Is equipment being used in a safe manner?

  • Does the access equipment have a current inspection / test certificate?

  • Is the correct protective equipment being used?


  • Has the access equipment been inspected and tagged?

  • Any damaged or altered equipment in use?

  • Is the equipment being used right for the task?

  • Have hop-ups got their locking catches engaged?

  • Is the equipment being used suitable for the task/operative?

  • Are there any step ladders in use whilst not fully opened or facing the wrong direction?


  • Are excavations inspected and records kept?

  • Is there a suitable secure access?

  • Is the work area suitably protected? E.G barriers.

  • Is there a rescue plan and kit?

  • Is there a trained topman?

  • Is air monitoring being undertaken?


  • Denote the plant on site

  • Regular daily plant checks undertaken?

  • Any defects? Note defects.

  • Operators in possession of CPCS or NPORS tickets?

  • Are seat belts being worn?

  • Are plant nappies in use for parked up plant?

  • Test certificate available for hired / owned plant?

  • Are spill kits available in the working area? Are they dry and free from contaminants?


  • Are tools being used safely?

  • Have power tools got there handles attached?

  • Are all guards in place (Disc cutters)

  • Is appropriate PPE being worn?

  • Is a PUWER register held on site?

  • Is there the appropriate test certification for hired and fixed plant and equipment held on site? (PAT Certification)


  • Are there separate vehicle / pedestrian routes which are suitable and sufficient?

  • Is there sufficient clear signage on traffic routes? E.G speed limit, parking

  • Is there adequate wheel washing facilities / street cleaning?

  • Is parking safe on site?

  • Are speed limits displayed?


  • Is live work / inspection prohibited?

  • Are trip devices / RCDs used where mains voltage is used?

  • Are trailing cables protected / routed to prevent damage?

  • Have overhead power lines been considered?

  • Has the area been CAT scanned, prior to digging?

  • Are scan results being sketched onto the permit?

  • Is the CAT scanner calibrated


  • Has the environmental site plan been reviewed?

  • Has the plan taken into account controls for the environmental impact on trees and vegetation etc?

  • Has an environmental tool box talk been carried out, date and evidence

  • Is there evidence of posters supporting recycling aims for the company?

  • Does the site have a waste carrier license in place? copy of site and skip company

  • Are waste transfer notes retained on site? please evidence

  • Is waste from welfare being controlled satisfactory? eg food waste

  • Is there a spill response plan in place?

  • Is re fueling addressed safely?

  • Is fuel suitably stored and secure?

  • Are there any other environmental concerns? E.G Silt control, mud on road, perimeter litter, nuisance noise vibration and dust, and concrete wash out

  • Is the Company's Environmental Policy being adhered to?


  • Have previous actions from the previous audit been repeated? If so, which ones?

Report Summary

Report Summary

  • Site Inspector

  • Site Inspectors Comments

  • Site Manager / Representative

  • Site Manager / Representative Comments

Compliance Scoring

  • What Risk Level from the Report is the Company currently sitting within? Below 60% = High ; 61% to 85% = Medium ; Above 85% - Low


  • The Site Manager is to confirm that the non-compliances raised have been appropriately dealt within the time frame specified by: 1. Signing and writing the date next to the non-compliance item. THE COMPLETED AUDIT IS TO BE RETURNED TO THE OFFICE FOR REVIEW AND ARCHIVE WITH PROJECT FILES

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.