Job number
Site address
Conducted on
Prepared by
All contractors performance must be evaluated and measured so that their activities are monitored and can be reviewed as part of the overall site management system. The review must be undertaken on a regular basis.
The site manager is responsible for ensuring this process is implemented
Note: all documents reviewed are to be listed at the completion of this audit report
Any NCR's that are issued must be listed on the site NCR register and must be corrected within the agreed timeframe -
Principle activity onsite
reporting intervals
Audit number
Contractor Performance Evaluation Details
1. Contractor Management System
1.1. Contractor has a documented system onsite that is available to all employees and Sub-contractors
1.2. The Contractors OHS Policy and all other company policies are communicated to all employees and Sub- contractors
1.3. All health and Safety related responsibilities and accountabilities are clearly communicated to all employees and Sub-contractors
1.4. Contractors has an onsite OHS committee and employee representation and a consultative process for communication
1.5. Contractor has a system developed for management of Sub-contractor health and safety
2. Risk Management
2.1 There are current and adequate SWMS available for all risk activities
2.2 There is a documented procedure for assessing, monitoring and review of all SWMS
2.3 All risks associated with site activities have been identified (Risk register or the like)
2.4 Controls from known and potential risks are documented (i.e. Risk register or similar for project)
2.5 All risk management practices are regularly monitored and reviewed
2.6 There is a permit system for activities such as Working at Heights, Hot Works, Confined Space
Safety Management Activities
3.1 There are regular pre-start and toolbox meetings held onsie
3.2 There are regular workplace inspections undertaken
3.3 There are regular safety observations of activities
3.4 Sub-contractor performance is regularly audited
3.5 There is aNon-conformance procedure for Sub-contractor performance
3.6 There is a system in place so that identified issues are followed up and action items closed out
3.7 There is a system in place to ensure that all employees are informed of monitoring and auditing results
3.8 OHS performance onsite is measured, recorded and monitored
3.9 Is there a system in place where the contractor compares their performance across industry trends and internally other sites/projects
4. Management of Plant, Equipment and Chemicals, including PPE and PPC
4.1 Registers are in place for all plant, equipment, tools, electrical items PPE and PPC and chemicals
4.2 All maintenance and servicing requirements for equipment is known, undertaken and documented
4.3 SWMS are in place for all high risk activities associated with operation of plant
4.4 There is a risk assessment conducted for all chemicals prior to their use onsite
4.5 There is a system in place to ensure that all chemicals have SDS and first aid, emergency procedures are in place as advised by the SDS and all employees are aware of the procedures
5. Incident and Injury Management and Emergency Management
5.1 Contractor has a system in place for notifications to regulators including clearly defined responsibilities and authorities
5.2 The system has processes for incident management including clearly defined responsibilities and authorities
5.3 All employees, including Sub-contractors are aware of procedures for incident reporting
5.4 There is a system in place for reporting incidents to the Host Employer
5.5 There is a rehabilitation and return to work procedure that includes co-operation with the Host Employer in injury management
5.6 Does the recruiting processes include pre medical checks where pre-existing medical conditions are detected
5.7 Is there a site specific emergency management plan that takes into account the other tasks and trades onsite, the activities of the various neighbours and has clearly defined responsibilities
6. Competencies, Licenses and Tickets
6.1 A training register is maintained onsite
6.2 A copy of all licenses and tickets is maintained onsite
6.3 There is system in place to ensure that all licenses and tickets are up to date
7. Performance, Indicators and Statistics
7.1 Hours worked onsite
Lagging Indicator Statisitcs
7.2 Near Miss: An incident which has the potential to cause harm to the environment, property, employees or others
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.3 First aid Injuries: A work related injury or Illness requiring a one-time treatment and subsequent observations by a first aider or medical practitioner. eg bandage on a cut, treatment of superficial burns, cold compress on a sprain, etc
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.4 Medical Treatment Injuries (MTI's): A work related injury or Illness requiring more than first aid treatment by a medical practitioner but resulting in no Lost time. eg stitches, strain requiring physiotheropy, fracture etc
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.5 Lost Time Injuries (LTI's): A work related injury or Illness that results in time lost from one full day/shift
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.6 Number of lost days incurred from Lost Time Injuries (LTI's): for severity rate
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.7 Number of workers compensation claims: count of work cover claims submitted and accepted
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
Leading Indicator Statistics
7.8 Workplace Inspections/walk through: A review or check of a work area or site facilities to identify hazards or non-conformances
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.9 Safety Interaction/observations: A behavioural assessment to identify or communicate hazards and recognizing good safety behaviour/culture
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.10 Toolbox/Pre-starts: A two-way safety conversation with the work group on a regular basis
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.11 Take 5 (5x5)/TRA (2x2) completed: A spot risk assessment of a low risk task or re-assessment of an ongoing task which has a JSEA/Risk assessment/SWMS in place
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.12 JSEA/Risk assessment reviewed: A review conducted to ensure the work conforms to the documented controls and it is relevant to the task
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
7.13 Hazards Identified (through hazard forms,walk throughs): Number of hazards identified on the job during the period
Total prior to this audit
Total for audit
Total so far
7.14 Hazards Closed out: Number of identified hazards closed out/controlled or completed during the period
Total prior to this audit
Total for this audit
Total so far
8. Documents Reviewed:
Contractor Repesentative