Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Use this checklist to carry out an inspection of the site area.
2. All actions must define what is to be done, by when and be allocated to a person.
3. Hand the completed list to the Site Manager or Area/Divisional Manager and forward a copy to the organiser of the site safety committee or consultative group.
Is signage appropriate, visible and clean?
Are exits from the site clear of obstructions?
Are there adequate spill kits and are they fully stocked?
Are PPE signs visible from all access points?
Are depot speed limits being observed?
Are all roadways clear and level without severe potholes?
Is there any building damage?
Are all bunds and sumps clear of standing water and clean?
Is waste stored safely (are drums and IBC's maximum two pallets high)?
Are all pallet stacks/combustibles away from buildings and DG stores? Are they stacked neatly?
Are all work areas clear of rubbish?
Are bins located at suitable points?
Do the bins require emptying?
Are all emergency doorways clear and signs clean and visible?
Is there any sign of rodent activity?
Are baits adequately serviced?
Are chemicals/samples stored in container(s), and labelled?
Are all DG gas bottles properly stored vertically and chained securely and mixed gases seperated?
Are all dangerous goods/hazardous materials properly lablled, stored and or seperated?
Are all storages placarded correctly for the class of goods stored?
Are MSDS sheets present for all chemicals on site?
Are there any broken plugs, switches, frayed/damaged leads?
Are all electrical leads etc tagged and currently dated?
Is an earth leakage (ELCB/RCD) device fitted to the switch board or is a portable device available for use with electrical leads and power tools?
Are leads properly coiled and stowed when not in use?
Is all fire equipment accessible, are extinguishers in charge and operational?
Is fire equipment maintained, tagged and tested as required by AS1851?
Is there fire water available at all hydrants and hose reels? (VERIFY)
Are extinguishers/hoses clearly marked for type of fire and serviced?
Are non smoking zones being strictly observed and are there designated smoking zones with signage?
Are combustibles such as rags and paper disposed of safely?
Are muster points clear of parked cars, overgrown bushes and obstructions?
Are there trained wardens, 1st aiders in each work area?
Has there been an evacuation exercise in the last 12 months?
Do employees know where their muster point is?
Do all employees understand who reports incidents? (To who, time frame and why)
Is all oil/grease build-up and spills removed from floors?
Are doors and access walkways etc kept clear and unobstructed?
Are walkways adequately lit and clearly lined marked?
Are first aid cabinets clearly labeled, adequately stocked and contents clean and orderly?
Is the trained first aid officers name and emergency numbers clearly displayed?
Are Work instructions for all machinery accessible and identifiable?
Are areas clean, machines adequately guarded and in safe condition?
Are instructions and lables visible and clean?
Are there any trip hazards such as leads, cables, hoses in the area?
Is all equipment and machinery stored and maintained correctly?
Are filling cabinets closed, store rooms orderly etc?
Is all office lighting working and adequate?
Are office chairs two way adjustable?
Are all floor coverings stable and non trip or slip?
Is safety and personal protective equipment provided and worn, including Masks, Helmets, Safety Glasses, Ear Muffs/Plugs, Shoes, Gloves?
Are safety harnesses etc available and properly stored?
Are protective equipment safety signs posted?
Are all chains/slings etc correctly tagged and currently dated?
Are eye washes/showers within 10 metres/10 seconds of work areas?
Are all eye washes/showers functional (TEST) and clean with caps in place and water valve secured in the ON position? Is access clear and unobstructed?
Are pits, walkways, floors, stairs and steps clear of rubbish? Oil/grease spills cleaned up?
Are all exits clear and unobstructed?
Is there an alternative and effective way of lifting other than manual handling?
Are cars/trucks parked safely allowing for emergency access?
Is correct PPE for all tasks provided and being used? Is there a PPE cabinet?
Are all tools and machines properly guarded?
Are all containers clearly labeled?
Are all storage areas (fencing, wire, hoses etc) stacked in a safe manner?
Start and stop switches clearly identified and within easy reach of the operator?
All electrical equipment is tagged and tested?
Are lock out/tag out procedures implemented before any maintenance or cleaning of equipment occurs?
Do cranes, slings and chains have correct load notices?
Is appropriate heating and air conditioning available and maintained to work efficiently?
Are meal rooms clen, tidy and regularly cleaned?
Are adequate indoor washing/toilet facilities, showers etc provided with supplies and regularly cleaned?
Are lockers/locker rooms clean and tidy?
Is there an adequate clean water drinking utensil or fountain provided?
Have any unsafe conditions or practices been observed during this Inspection?
Is any Hot Work or Confined Space entries being conducted? If so, note permit numbers and verify controls are provided as required.
Tap to enter information
SIGN OFF ON COMPLETION OF ACTIONS: (NB: Only required if using the checklist as an action list)