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A. Personnel Safe Work Practices
1. Personnel in areas where concrete is being poured are wearing PPE as required.
2. Protruding rebar is adequately guarded to control impalement hazards.
3. Personnel do not ride concrete buckets or position themselves in lifting areas.
4. Personnel maintain safe distance from formwork, shoring, precast, and lift-slab operations.
5. Personnel do not enter limited access zones during masonry wall construction
6. Personnel are not permitted under loads being lifted or walls being jacked.
7. Personnel access is limited in areas where post-tension operations are performed.
8. Scaffolding conforms to the requirements of SOP HS-73 prior to use.
9. Excavations conform to the requirements of SOP HS-32 prior to entry.
10. Lifting and rigging devices conform to the requirements of SOP HS-44.
B. General
11. All concrete structures where loads are to be placed have been inspected, as required.
12. All protruding rebar, onto which employees could fall, are guarded.
13. No employee is permitted to be behind the jack during tensioning operations except those employees essential to the post-tensioning operations. <br>
14. Signs and barriers are erected to limit employee access to the post-tensioning area during tensioning operations<br>
C. Tools, Materials & Equipment
15. Requirements for confined space entry and lockout/tagout are met, where required.
16. Concrete mixers have clearing devices and guardrails installed, as required.
17. Portable concrete mixers have an interlock switch on the hopper gates (required).
18. Powered/rotating concrete troweling machines have appropriate shutoff devices installed.
19. Concrete buggy handles do not extend beyond the wheels on either side of the buggy.
20. Concrete pumping systems using discharge pipes are provided with supports, as required.
21. Concrete buckets w/hydraulic or pneumatic gates have positive safety devices, as required.
22. Employees are not permitted to work under concrete buckets during lifting and lowering.
23. Elevated concrete buckets are routed so that no employees are exposed to overhead loads.
24. Employees are not permitted to ride concrete buckets.
25. Sections of tremies and similar concrete conveyances are secured with wire rope.
26. Bull float handles used where they might contact conductors are nonconductive or insulated.
27. Masonry saws are guarded with a semicircular enclosure over the blade.
28. Wet cutting methods or respiratory protection is used for masonry saw operation
29. Employees are not permitted to apply a cement, sand, and water mixture through a pneumatic hose unless the employee is wearing protective head and face equipment.<br>
D. Formwork & Shoring
30. Formwork is capable of supporting loads that may be reasonably anticipated to be applied.
31. Drawings and plans required to be at the jobsite are available.
32. All shoring equipment is inspected prior to erection.
33. Damaged shoring equipment is not used.
34. Erected shoring is inspected prior to, during, and immediately after concrete placement.
35. The sills for shoring are sound, rigid, and capable of carrying the maximum intended load.
36. All base plates, shore heads, extension devices, and adjustment screws are installed correctly.
37. Eccentric loads on shore heads and similar are prohibited unless designed for such loading.
38. Whenever single-post shores are tiered, shoring is designed and inspected, as required.
39. Tiered single-post shores are vertically aligned and adequately braced, as required.
40. Adjustment of single-post shores to raise formwork is not made after placement of concrete.
41. Re-shoring is erected when concrete is required to support loads in excess of its capacity.
42. Forms/shores are only removed when concrete has gained sufficient strength as needed.
43. Re-shoring is not removed until the concrete being supported has attained adequate strength to support its weight and all loads placed upon it.<br>
44. Precast concrete wall units, structural framing and tilt-up wall panels are adequately supported to prevent overturning and to prevent collapse until permanent connections are completed.<br>
45. All masonry walls over 8 feet in height are adequately braced.
46. Positioning devices/fall protection for workers on formwork 6’ or more above ground
E. Limited Access Zones (LAZ)
47. A LAZ is established whenever a masonry wall is being constructed
48. The LAZ is established prior to the start of the wall
49. The LAZ is equal to the height of the wall to be constructed plus 4' and runs the entire length of the wall
50. The LAZ is established on the unscaffolded side of the wall
51. The LAZ restricts entry to only authorized employees
52. the LAZ remains in place until the wall is adequately braced as required
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