Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Part number
Corrective & Preventative Actions- AS9100
Corrective Actions
Is there a procedure that details the control of Corrective Actions?
Does the procedure identify control of Internal, Supplied and External non-conformance?
Are parts that require Corrective Actions quarantined or segregated pending investigations?
Does the procedure clearly identify when Corrective Actions are required?
Are NCR's raised as part of the investigation
Do the above clearly define the "Corrective Actions" needed?
Have the NCR's been agreed/approved by the Quality Manager/Representative?
Are Corrective actions closed out within timescales determined?
Is there a Corrective Action Log available?
Does the procedure identify method of capturing Corrective Actions following Audits?
Are Corrective Actions periodically analys
Preventative Actions
Is there a procedure for Preventive Action?
Does the procedure define what constitutes as Preventive?
Does the procedure define the responsibility for this process?
Does the procedure provide details of methods of addressing Preventative Actions?
Does the procedure detail what format is used to capture such actions?
Are there records of Preventative Actions being performed?
Are Preventive Actions continually monitored?
Name of Auditee
Signature of Auditee. Any NCRs have been accepted as a true reflection of any findings