Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Auditor

  • Process

  • Part number

Internal Audit- AS9100

  • Is the process documented

  • Has the site carried out internal audits as planned, is a schedule present?

  • Has the audit criteria and scope been defined?

  • Are auditor selected based upon their knowledge, and independence from the process to be audited?

  • Are auditors suitably qualified to carry out audits?

  • Have audit reports been completed and communicated?

  • Is there evidence that reports have been circulated?

Report should include;

  • Report

  • List of NCR's, signed by auditee as accepted as a true reflection of the finding,

  • Supporting evidence wheree required.

Have identified Non-conformances been responded to?

  • Has Root Cause been clearly identified?

  • Does Corrective Action clearly answer the finding?

  • Is time frame acceptable?"

Is documentary evidence of the audit program retained?

  • Audit schedule

  • NCR listing / log.

  • Audit reports.


  • Signature of Auditor

  • Name of Auditee

  • Signature of Auditee- Any NCRs have been accepted as a true reflection of the finding

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