Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Part number
Non-Conformance AS9100
Is there a procedure/policy for Control of Non-Conforming Product?
Does the procedure detail how non-conforming product is identified?
Does the procedure detail the segregation of conforming with non-conforming product?
Are product designated as Scrap clearly identified and placed in secure area?
Does the procedure define who has the authority to manage/sanction defective product?
Does the procedure define a "Rework" process?
Does the procedure define a process to contain conforming and non-conforming product ?
Is there a process for product subjected to Concession and Records maintained ?
Is there a process preventing delivery of concessed batches prior to customer acceptance ?
Is there a process for capturing Non-Conforming data ?
Does the procedure define need for raising Internal NCR's ?
Does the procedure define the control of External Non-Conforming product ?
Does the procedure detail the requirement to analyse non-conforming data ?
Name of Auditee
Any NCRs have been accepted as a true reflection of any findings