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  • This checklist is derived from https://www.tuolumnecounty.ca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/14186/COVID-19-Employee-Screening-Form

  • If a person is being sent home, they must inform their supervisor and/or Human Resources that they were sent home and is responsible for following-up with their primary care physician if needed.

  • 1. Have you washed your hands or used alcohol-based hand sanitizer on entry?

  • Please ask them to do so

  • 2. Do you have any of the following respiratory symptoms?

  • If YES to any, restrict them from entering the building and send person home.

  • If NO to all, proceed to remaining questions

  • 3. Employee’s temperature:
  • If you do not have a thermometer to take their temperature, go to step #3B.

  • 3A. Does the employee have a fever (temperature 100.4°F or greater)

  • If YES, restrict them from entering the building and send person home.

  • If NO, proceed to question #3C.

  • 3B. Ask the employee the following:

  • Are you feeling feverish?

  • If YES to any, restrict them from entering the building and send person home.

  • Are you having chills?

  • If YES to any, restrict them from entering the building and send person home.

  • If NO, proceed to question 3C.

  • 3C. Ask the employee the following:

  • 1. Have you worked in facilities with confirmed COVID-19 cases?

  • If YES, ask question #2 below.

  • 2. Have you worked with persons with confirmed COVID-19 by lab test?

  • If YES to any, restrict them from entering the building and send person home.

  • If NO, proceed to step #4.

  • If NO, proceed to step #4.

  • 4. Allow entry to building and remind individual to:

  • Wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer throughout their time in the building.

  • Not to shake hands with, touch, or hug others during their time in the building.


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The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.