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this recipe makes 6-7 brulees
700g milk
700g cream
8 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
150g sugar
1 tsp cornflour
1 tsp flavouring - vanilla, cinnamon etc.
Mix every thin together.
Pour through a hair sieve to remove the chalaza from the eggs.
Fill in little ceramic forms.
If you want to produce Creme Caramel, use timbal forms and fill in a litte caramel before.
cook on baked egg custard mode in rational, alternatively cook between 25min and 35min in a Bain Marie / water bath tray
please ensure the oven is rinsed out to avoid black carbon bits entering the custards
store in the fridge until needed with correct label and allergen label.
allergen advice :- dairy & eggs
to serve top with demerara sugar and use blow torch to caramelise