Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Execution Shop
Are all POS keys correctly programmed? Are old products deactivated?
Do all crew know where the keys are on POS?
Can the service crew accurately describe the new Crispy Chicken sandwiches?
Are all elements being displayed DMB?
Gold Standard Quality Sandwich Assembly
Does the Foil pouch have a double fold ?
Is the sandwich Gold Standard Quality ?
Is the Crispy Chicken sandwich prepared properly with the correct amount of ingredients?
Is the Potato Roll properly toasted?
Is the Crispy Chicken Hot/fresh/Juicy?
Crispy-Is Butter on crown and heel of potato roll ?
Crispy-Are there 2 Crinkle Cut Pickles ?
Spicy-Is there Spicy Pepper Sauce on crown and Heal ?
Spicy-Is there 2 Crinkle Cut Pickles ?
Deluxe-Is there Mayonnaise on the crown only?
Deluxe-Is there enough lettuce and 3 Roma tomatoes slices?
Are Prep Charts posted and being followed?
Is the Crispy Chicken in the UHC within the 60 min hold time based on Gold Standard, Not dry or old?
Are all products marked with in secondary shelf life?
Is butter a creamy texture instead of oily and liquefied and marked with 4 hour hold time?
Crinkle Pickles/ Lettuce/Roma tomatoes/ marked with a 4 hour holding time in chilled rail?
Is the fryer programmed to correct cook time?
Is oil GOLD Standard Quality?
Are Vats being skimmed every 30 min?
Is auto filtering being skipped?
Are all UHC's slots for Crispy Chicken programmed for a 1 hour hold time