Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel interviewed and accompanying auditor
Is there a written and approved site procedure for Light Vehicles and Traffic Management?
Has it been communicated to the employees and contractors?
Is there a site driving licensing system?
Are all drivers (including expatriate drivers) tested before given a site license?
Are only site licensed drivers allowed to drive company vehicles?
Do all drivers have a valid DRC or Zambian driver license?
Vehicle Control
Is authorisation required for vehicles before being allowed off site?
Is there a signature required for authorisation?
Are drivers aware of the requirements of auhorisation?
Are security staff aware of the authorisation requirements and do they apply the rules?
Roadsigns and driver/passenger rules
Do all drivers and passengers wear seatbelts?
Are people being transported in the open back of a pick up withou roll cage, sets and seatbelts?
Are roadsigns being obeyed?
Is there a prestart checklist?
Is this filled as a minimum of once a week by all drivers?
Are fault found followed up with repairs?
Are speed limits set for each of the work areas and roads and have these been clearly signposted?
Are regular speed tests being conducted?
Has a schedule of sanctions been set for vehicle and driver related infringements?
Are all drivers being sanctioned according to the schedule?