Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel interviewed and accompanying auditor
Is there a written and approved site procedure for Rigging and Slinging?
Has it been communicated to the employees and contractors?
Employees and contractors involved in rigging and slinging
Has a person responsible for lifting and rigging been officially appointed by the General Manager?
Are only trained employees involved in rigging and slinging activities?
Is a job risk assessment conducted before every lift and does this include that the lift is not awkward in size or shape, under 5t or slewed over buildings with people or critical equipment?
Is a lifting study conducted before any lift of >5t or when the lift is deemed awkward in size or shape or loads slewed over critical equipment or buildings with people?
Are risk assessments and lifting studies signed off by the appointed responsible person?
Lifting Equipment
Is there a register of all lifting equipment?
Is the maximum weight indicated on the lifting equipment?
Has a legal entity (DRC or Zambia) checked the equipment as per legal requirements?