Title Page

  • NSN

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Cleanliness: Is the exterior of the restaurant clean?

  • Parking lot not clean

  • Landscape not clean

  • Drive-thru not free of litter

  • Drive-thru windows not clean

  • Sidewalks not clean

  • Trash receptacles overflowing/full

  • Menuboard not clean

  • Corral area not clean

  • Other

  • Cleanliness: Were crew and managers wearing uniforms that are clean and in good condition?

  • Employee uniforms dirty or stained

  • Employee uniforms were wrinkled

  • Employee uniforms were torn/ripped

  • Other

  • Messaging: Were Curbside spaces clearly signposted, easily identifiable and positioned near restaurant entrance doors?

  • Curbside spaces not signposted

  • Curbside spaces not easily identifiable

  • Signage damaged

  • Signage not positioned correctly

  • Numbers across Curbside, Drive-thru pull forward and Delivery parking were not sequential

  • No clear differentiation of signage design between Curbside, Drive-thru pull forward, and Delivery

  • Other

  • Present: Was Presenter friendly and did they greet you by name?

  • Presenter did not greet me by name

  • Employee(s) did not provide eye contact

  • Presenter did not thank me

  • Presenter did not provide a farewell

  • Other

  • Present: Did Presenter have condiments readily available (in apron, cart, tray, caddy, etc.), and asked if you have everything you need?

  • Presenter did not check that I have everything I need

  • Presenter did not have condiments readily available

  • Other

  • Was service time (R2P + Fulfillment) 135 seconds or less? Time starts once the bay number is entered and the button "Done" is clicked, stops when the last item is presented.

  • Speed: R2P + Fulfillment Time

  • Accuracy: Did you receive all the food and drink items as ordered and were they served as a full portion?

  • Missing sandwich/entrée

  • Missing fries/hash browns

  • Missing dessert item

  • Missing drink

  • Received wrong sandwich/entrée

  • Received wrong drink

  • Received wrong dessert item

  • Received wrong size sandwich/fries/beverage

  • Requested item not available

  • Other

  • Accuracy: Did you receive the condiments (whether required or requested), along with utensils, napkins, and straws?

  • Missing straw(s)

  • Missing utensils

  • Condiments/dressing incorrect or missing

  • Missing receipt

  • Other

  • Quality: Was your sandwich/entrée served neat, at proper temperature, fresh, and did it taste good?

  • Sandwich/entrée did not taste good

  • Sandwich/entrée not at proper temperature

  • Sandwich/entrée not neat

  • Bun not soft resilient and moist

  • Bun/muffin not properly toasted/steamed

  • Biscuit dry/hard/not flaky

  • Beef/chicken/fish/sausage not tender

  • Cheese not properly tempered

  • Lettuce/tomato/onions not fresh

  • Ingredients are not well distributed

  • Bacon not crisp

  • Eggs not fluffy and moist

  • Other

  • Quality: Were the french fries hot, salted, and crisp -OR- hash browns hot and crisp, and did they taste good?

  • Fries/hash browns not hot

  • Fries/hash browns did not taste good

  • Hash browns not crisp

  • Fries not properly salted

  • Other

  • Quality: Was your drink served neat, at the proper temperature, and did it taste good?

  • Drink not neat

  • Drink did not taste good

  • Drink not at proper temperature

  • Drink expired

  • Other

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.