Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Customer Name


  • Workshop Area. What is state of the workshop area?

  • Are the rubbish bins overflowing?

  • Is there a brush and dustpan evident?

  • Office/Admin Area: Is the office area clean and tidy, all paper work filed,

  • Is the office funiture in reasonable condition.

  • Tools: Are all electric tools 110 volts or battery powered?

  • Do all electric tools have valid PAT label.

  • Is all lifting equipment fitted with the current coloured tag.

  • Are all lifting slings and shackles stored in one area.

  • Are ladder/ aircraft steps certificates in date and attached?

  • Are there any customer supplied equipment.

  • If so are they all with certification if required. Are all guards , where required, in good order and in place?

  • waste Disposal: Is the waste being disposed of in the correct manner?

  • Personal Presentation: Uniform, are the present set being worn, clean and in good condition. Are the engineer(s) wearing the latest version of uniform.

  • Company Car: Is the supplied company car in a clean and tidy condition.

Health and Safety.

  • COSHH: Is there a COSHH cabinet present?

  • Is the COSHH datasheet present, and accurate to the content of the cupboard?

  • Are the COSHH shelves labbled and location guide posted on inside of the door?

  • Is the COSHH cabinet clean and tidy

  • Are there any COSHH items stored outside the COSHH cabinet?

  • Check PPE is it all in good condition and appropriate for tasks being carried out?

  • Has the Workshop H&S audit been carried out and posted by the ASM.

Spare parts and Consumables

  • Are all parts positively identified

  • Are all replen stock items entered into the stock journal?

  • Non Stock items identified

  • Parts returns managed and in secure area

  • Small Material and consumables organised and tidy?

  • Check 10 items against the stock journal. Are they all booked out

  • LOLER: PM planner updated with last and next LOLER dates.

  • PM/ LOLER planner updatedwith completion stickers

  • LOLER Certificates filed in the correct location

  • Recomended repairs carried out as a result of Loler inspections- SR attached to certificate.

Stock Check Results

  • Total nett rating of errors >8

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.