Cofferdam Number
- B1
- B2
- B3
- B4
- B5
- B6
- B7
- B8
- B9
- B10
- B11
- B12
- B13
- B14
- B15
- B16
- B17
- B18
- B19
- B20
- B21
- B22
- B23
- B24
- B25
- B26
- B27
- B28
- B29
- B30
- B31
- B32
Prepared by
Foreman on site
Name of foreman
1.1 - Have the PPE column in SPA properly identified and ticked off?
1.2 - Have the Hazard in SPA properly identified and ticked off?
1.3 - Have the WAH properly identified and ticked off?
1.4 - Have the material equipment movement properly identified and ticked off?
1.5 - Have the control measure been properly identified and ticked off?
1.6 - Has the endorsement signature column been agreed upon and signed by the local supervisor?
1.7 - Has the endorsement signature column been agreed upon and signed by the workers?
1.8 Has the SPA been signed by the Exyte supervisor, contractor supervisor, and contractor EHS?
1.9 Has the foreman been clearly briefed about the work tasks for the workers?
2.0 Has the work conducted at the cofferdam, as indicated in the SPA and PTW tallied?
2.1 Is the writing easy to read and have potential hazards been clearly identified?
2.2 Is the title which indicates PTW and SPA and is based on MOS and Hirack?
2.0 - Material / Tool Storage
3.1 - Are materials and tools stored neat and orderly?
3.2 - Are materials stored on bakers scaffolds or off the ground
3.3 - Are materials stored out of the path of travel?
3.4 - Are tools stored in secured gang boxes?
3.5 - Is the access and egress for each cofferdam properly tagged for safe use?
4.1 - Is the KKSB job posting board on the job and accessible ?
4.2 - Is the first aid kit stocked and current?
4.4 - Is emergency location information posted? Hi
5.0 - Fall Protection
5.1 - Are fall hazards present on this job?
5.2 - Are employees exposed to falls trained in fall protection?
5.3 - Is fall protection equipment available and inspected?
6.0 - Ladders
6.1 - Are ladders inspected before use on this job?
6.2 - Are the proper sized ladders for tasks available?
6.3 - Are ladder capacities being followed?
6.4 - Is the belt buckle rule being followed?
6.5 - Are ladders placed on firm and level surfaces?
6.6 - Is working on ladders being done while facing the ladder?
6.7 - Are ladders being used only by KKSB employees?
7.0 - Lifts and Booms (AWP'S)
7.1 - Are operators authorized to use the equipment?
7.2 - Is proper fall protection equipment in place and used?
7.3 - Are Aerial Work Platforms free of unwanted debris?
8.0 - Scaffolding
8.1 - Are scaffolds being used and being inspected?
8.2 - Are employees trained in scaffold use?
8.3 - Are guard rails, mid rails, and toe boards in place?
8.4 - Is safe access provided to scaffold?
8.5 - Are platforms free of debris and tripping hazards?
9.0 - Electrical
9.3 - Are energized panels covered with approved covers?
9.4 - Are energized panels labeled with voltage rating ?
9.5 - Are electrical closets closed and locked?
9.6 - Are all extension cords in good condition?
9.8 - Is there an arc-flash kit on site?
10.0 - LOTO
10.1 - Is LOTO program in use?
10.2 - Are locks and tags being used properly identifying user of lock?
11.0 - Lighting/Temps
11.1 - Are areas sufficiently light?
11.2 - Are temp lights properly hung?
11.3 - Are temp light covers in place?
11.4 - Is cordage supported by non-conductive means?
11.5 - Are all splices properly enclosed in junction boxes?
12.0 - Live Work
12.1 - Is live work being conducted?
12.2 - Are employees qualified to perform work?
12.3 - Are limited live kits present?
13.0 - Excavation
13.1 - Are any trenches to be dug 4' or deeper?
13.2 - Is there a competent person on site?
13.3 - Is air monitoring being conducted in trenches 4' or deeper?
13.5 - Are any trenches to be dug 5' or deeper?
13.6 - Are proper shoring means in place?
14.0 - Confined Space?
14.1 - Is confined space work being conducted?
14.2 - Is a competent person present?
14.3 - Have employees been trained?
14.4 - Is confined space kit present and calibrated?
15.0 - Fire Protection
15.1 - Are fire extinguishers present?
15.2 - Are flammable liquids stored in proper containers?
16.0 - Cranes/Rigging
16.1 - Is operators certification current?
16.2 - Loads/Radius indicators as required?
16.3 - Are all safeties on or being used?
16.4 - Are wire rope, slings, and chains safe to use?
16.5 - Are all shackles safe to use?
16.6 - Is rigger/signalman qualified?
16.7 - Are outriggers/supports being used properly?
16.8 - Are tag lines being used properly?
16.9 - Was a daily inspection completed before work was started?
16.10 - Is counterweight swing radius barricaded?
16.11 - Is all work being done at a safe distance (minimum 10') from power lines?
16.12 - Is area below load clear of all unnecessary personnel?
17.0 - PPE
17.1 - Is all necessary PPE available to employees?
17.2 - Are all employees using required Hard Hat.
17.3 - Are all employees using required Safety Glasses?
17.4 - Are all employees using required Gloves?
17.5 - Are all employees wearing proper clothing as required?
17.6 - Are all employees using face shields when required?
17.7 - Are all employees using hearing protection when required?
17.8 - Are all employees using respiratory protection when required?
17.9 - Are all employees using proper fall protection when required?
19.0 - Hand tools/Power tools/Powder Actuated tools
19.1 - Are employees using the proper tools for the job?
19.2 - Are employees using tools with all guards in place?
19.3 - Are all power cords being used in good condition?
19.4 - Are all power cords being used plugged in to GFCI receptacles?
19.5 - Are both hands being used when required for power tools?
19.6 - Is vice being used to secure material being cut?
19.7 - Is employee using Powder Actuated tools certified?
19.8 - Are used cartridges being disposed of properly?
19.9 - Is proper PPE being used?
19.10 - Are tools being properly inspected, cleaned, maintained, and stored?
24.0 - Chemical Exposure
24.1 - Is SDS available for all chemicals being used?
24.2 - Are there engineering controls to limit/eliminate exposure to fumes/dust?
24.3 - Are employees using proper PPE during exposure to chemicals?
25.0 - Fuel Storing and Refilling
25.1 - Are gas/diesel cans metal?
25.2 - Are flammable liquids being stored in designated location away from stairways or exits?
25.3 - Refueling being done with equipment off and cool?
25.4 - Is proper PPE being used during refueling?
26.0 - Hole Protection
26.1 - Are all holes over 2" in diameter covered?
26.2 - Are all covers designed to support 2 times intended load?
26.3 - Are all covers secured?
27.0 -Signage’s and barricades
27.1 - Are all materials properly barricaded?
27.2- Are signage's properly displayed?
Sign Off