Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Executive Summary and Key Recommendations
Health and Safety Systems and Procedures
Is there a health and safety policy in place? (Is it readily available to employees).
Has the Health and Safety Policy been signed by the manager and dated in the last two years? (Is there a signature and a date less than two years old).
Has the policy been discussed with employees? (Meeting Minutes or Induction Record).
Is health and safety included in the Business Plan? (e.g. Budget, planned training, purchase of new safety equipment).
Is there an up-to-date Hazard Register in place? (Hard copy or electronic, evidence of a review in the last six months).
Have any new hazards been listed? (E.g. Has the Hazard Register been customised for the property, have new and farm specific hazards been added).
Have any hazards been reviewed or added as a result of an Incident Investigation? (Review Hazard Register).
Has training been carried out to help manage Significant Hazards? (E.g. Quad Bike, Tractor, Chainsaw).
Is there a current and completed Hazardous Substance Register in place?
Are there any Safety Data Sheets (SDS) in place? (These should be in a folder in the dairy shed, or near the hazardous substances).
Have employees been inducted into health and safety requirements and is there a signed Induction Record?
Is there evidence of extra training? (E.g. Quad Bike, Tractor, Chainsaw, Approved Handler).
Is there a trained and current Approved Handler on the farm? (Check the training records).
Is employee competency reviewed? (E.g. have they demonstrated competency in key areas).
Is there evidence that casual employees have been inducted into health and safety? (This includes ensuring they are competent to carryout the duties they are engaged to do).
Are there formal Emergency Procedures in place? (E.g. Fire Action Notice, Assembly Point, Procedures available to employees, are they visible in the workplace).
Are there emergency contact details easily available?
Are there trained and currently certified First Aiders on the Farm? (There should be more than one).
Have any Near Miss or Injury incidents been reported? (Check Incident Register and there should be completed reports for each incident).
Have there been any Near Miss Incidents Reported? (Do employees know to do this?)
Have there been any Serious Harm Injuries? (If yes, how many, when and provide a quick summary).
Have any Serious Harm Injuries been reported to the Department of Labour.
Have incident root causes been reviewed in the hazard Register?
Have Contractors carrying out high risk work provided a Project Specific Safety Plan? (smaller Contractors may use the Farms Processes / Documentation).
Have all Contractors been inducted into the farm's hazards and emergency procedures?
Is there a sign-in book for visitors and Contractors?
Have there been any assessments / audits that include health and safety in the last 12 months? (Document by who and when).
Are there regular meetings with employees where health and safety is discussed? (There should be minutes of meetings, meetings should be held at least monthly).
Have meetings including health and safety been documented?
Electrical Safety
Are all power leads tested and do they have a current Test Tag?
Fire Prevention and First Aid
Are there Fire Extinguishers in high risk areas
Is the correct signage erected for the type of Fire Extinguisher in place?
Have the Fire Extinguishers been tested / checked in the last 12 months? (There should be a yellow test tag attached)
Are there First Aid Kits in high risk areas? (Milk Shed, Work Shop, Houses, Ute)
Are the First Aid Kits up-to-date and checked regularly? (Check contents)
Are the First Aid Kits clean and tidy? (No straw or bird feaces on them, no bloody material in them)
Is ther signage indicating the First Aid Kit's location? (Green sign with white cross)
Farmyards, Paddocks, Lanes and Underpasses
Are the paddocks free of old wire, posts, wind fall or other debrie?
Behaviours of Personnel
Does the manager demonstrate a good knowledge of health and safety in the workplace?
Does the manager display safe behaviours? (E.g. lead by example)
Do employees display safe behaviours? (E.g. wear Ag Helmets or other PPE)